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The Sinnoh Region is massive- the marshy grounds of Pastoria to the civilized cities of Hearthome, to the frosty lakes of Snowpoint. However, even if all those cities were mushed together they couldn't dream of amounting to even half the size of Mount Coronet. The massive mountain has been rumored to hold fantastic treasures, not to mention being home to Spear Pillar- a place stuck between time, space, and dimensions. Legends that form Sinnoh's history all originate from that very mountain- the place were time began to flow, where space expanded, and where unearthly and mysterious realms began to come into being. It had been so very long ago when Pearl and Platinum encountered the beasts and halted Team Galactic in their disasterous deeds, and even longer since the legends occurred. However, those events lie forgotten in the minds of hundreds today as families of competitors gather in Hearthome city for an amazing display of partnership between human and Pokemon. The Coronet Climb is a region wide event where many competitors climb Mount Cornet in search of a treasure specified by the Coronet Climb producers and Elite Four. Each contestant is allowed to bring every Pokemon they own, -keeping in mind the Standard Sinnoh Leauge rules, six Pokemon- 15 super potions, 5 escape ropes, 2 Max repels, and one approved personal item of choice, all of which are provided by the Pokemon Leauge and Cornet Climb producers. (With the exception of the Pokemon and personal item of course.) The whole game is documented on camera via Flying Pokemon, Helicopter, or Trained Zubats all of which will silently follow competitors within the cave or outside as they race to see who will find the treasure first. Of course, finders keepers, so whomever finds the treasure is more than welcome to keep it and is awarded 1,000 Pokedollars as an extra bonus. If the winners formed a group, every member would receive the rare item, but the money would be slept between them. All the other competitors will be awarded 100 Pokedollars for their attempts, and are welcomed back next year. But this year is different. Not only are the 20 competitors of the Coroney Climb scrambling to find an item, but so is a newly revived Team Galactic who's plan is much more sinister this time around.

So yeah! New RP idea. Well probably have a few posts where we introduce our charcters to one another, possibly form groups or alliances before the characters go into Mount Coronet. I haven't quite thought of a plan for Team Galactic, just that they new one. So once we get the members and characters established we can go into that. Fill out a form if you're interested! ♥

Identifying Marks:
Pokemon Team: (just list them)

Name: Bailey Lynn

Gender: Female

Hometown: Aspertia Town, Unova

Age: 18.

Height: 5"7

Weight: 130lbs

Hair color: a rich caramel color with blonde highlights

Eye color: bright blue

Appearance: This is truly debatable. I don't think I have a standard look for her. Right now I've had her in Formal, casual and traveling (have not roleplayed with this one yet- it's a work in progress) attire, and these are the three I've had her in. However one thing is always constant- she wears a black diamond locket with an engraving of a Serperior and stones of Geosenge.

Bailey loves dresses and more of a casual look at the same time. She wears a knee length sleeveless dress for formal occasions that displays many tiny flower patterns on it. The dress is white and has a brown, thin belt that connects at her waist. Over the dress Bailey tends to wear a jean jacket that rolls the sleeves up to midway up her lower arm. For the formal occasions she usually has her waist length hair tied into a loose braid. Finally, while Bailey has never liked heels, she finds that a particular pair of brown boots pair nicely with the dress and she can tolerate them for the events she wears them at.

For more casual occasions Bailey wears her long hair loose. Her flowery dress is replaced with a white camisole and jean shorts paired with a navy blue cartigan that reaches down to the hems of her shorts. With this she usually has a brown necklace on- two circles overlapping one another- and blue tennis shoes.

Traveling (?) it's what I'm calling it for now. I haven't found a way to describe it so here's a photo. I didn't draw it, but it's literally 80% of how I envisioned Bailey. (The hair the wrong color and she's a bit thin, but still. Close enough.)

Identifying Marks: Bailey has a flower shaped (roughly) birthmark on the back of her neck. Most times its covered up by her hair.

Musculature: Bailey is very lean, but moderately strong. Only in her legs though, her arm strength is that of a Spewpa.

Personality: Bailey is an extremely optimistic and polite person. She was raised as a respectful, obedient child and that reflects on how she acts as an adult. Most times if someone tells her to do something she'll go without question- unless they're Summer. In which case she usually begins the teasing. Bailey's curiosity about the world sometimes interferes with her usual respectful and obedient persoa, it sometimes gives her answers to a begging question she's had or inspires her even more to explore. Bailey tends to stick to her bright and happy side, but when in battle or when she's grading something- be it battles or literally homework assignments- she shows more of a serious analytic side. And while she doesn't stay in this phase for long, it reveals her darker side and more judge mental thoughts of others. Those thoughts are usually kept to herself in normal conversation but when it comes to assessing others Bailey finds that she begins to create enemies. Due to that fact she doesn't watch battles very often unless her friends are participating and she doesn't like to go to competitions where Bailey finds herself superior to the competitors or whomever is participating. She loves to write and to draw which usually brings out her more self-concious side. (Quick 'side' check, Bailey has an Optomistic, Analytic and a Self-conscious/timid side. No worries that's all. XD) Bailey, though many times finds herself superior to many others, doesn't like to be recognized or related to as such. This happens to be part of her Self-Conscious side as she does not want to appear as the person she is constantly conflicting with- herself in other words. While her Self-conciousness and analytic sides take a toll on Bailey, she strives to one day be a world famous traveler and a novelist to inspire young trainers to travel around and make good relationships with other people.

Skills: Bailey is very good at writing, mapping and telling the time without a watch. Despite that she still gets very lost at times due to her absentminded wandering. Her balance is extraordinary- and it has saved her multiple times in the past.

Ok... Here comes history people.

(Normally Bailey's traveling story) Bailey is a first child of a family of four. Bailey and her sister Summer were born two years apart, but were inseparable for the years they were together. They lived in Sootopolis when the torrential/ desolate weather tragedies occurred and, while tensions were high, Mrs and Mr Lynn had a fight over the safety of their children. Mr. Lynn wanted to take the family to Johto to live in safety there, but Mrs. Lynn thought that they would encounter too much civilization in the Johto region. Mrs. Lynn instead thought Unova was a good idea due to its luscious scenery and plentiful land to explore. For that reason, at a very early age Bailey's parents divorced. At the time Bailey's father had ambitious goals to become a region famous marketer in Johto with his new business of selling Mega Stone accessories, Key Stones, and personalized accessories for the Pokemon to wear with their Mega stone. While Mr. Lynn doesn't give out Mega Stones he does recommend places to find specific mega stones at a small price of 10 Pokedollars. Mr. Lynn took Summer with him to the Johto Region to begin his dream as a marketer, and Mrs. Lynn took Bailey to Aspertia town of Unova in order to raise her daughter surrounded by nature in a serene area.

Bailey loved the quiet town of Aspertia and was homeschooled by her mom. While it seemed a good idea at first, Bailey found that she would much rather sit at a desk all day rather than have polite attitudes, proper manner of speech, and etiquette in different situations drilled into her head.

She discovered that she loved to travel when her mom took her to visit Nimbasa City where they enjoyed watching video recordings of the Battle Subway, watched many sports in the stadiums, and, Bailey's favorite, the Pokemon Musical. The bright lights and all the chatter was very new to a girl raised in isolation aside from her mother and elderly neighbors. Though new, Bailey enjoyed the difference in lifestyle there in Nimbasa compared to the quiet streets of Aspertia. That was when she was 13 years old- and she continued to visit many locations in Unova as she grew older. Some for projects for her teacher (mom) and others for vacations and a good time outside of the normal. Bailey found her motivation while on a trip to Opelucid city. She wanted to get all 8 gym badges and become champion. She at age 15 when she left to get all the badges, but when she failed in the Iccirus City gym, she quit all together.

Bailey went home with her three Pokemon- Cosmo the Servine, Yarrow the Zoroark, and Sunny the Helioptile (a gift from Summer and named after Summer's nickname). Bailey spent the next two years at home studying as much as she can about the history of her and other regions and began to find an intrest in writing and art. At age 18 Bailey left her hometown of Aspertia to explore all the regions and record her adventures- starting with Kalos.

(Some other occasions where she doesn't start in Aspertia.)Bailey's family fights, they divorce, and separate. Instead of moving to Aspertia Mrs. Lynn moved to a small, unknown town in Johto. Bailey grew up homeschooled once more, but wishes she could go to school normally at times. She missed being able to make many friends- and that reflects on her personality. Bailey

Family: Lily Lynn, Summer Lynn, and Cin Lynn.

Love Relationships: Most likely Zephious- assuming how the relationship continues in the Grand Kalos Festival RP. She currently has a crush on him.

Motivation: to find her Sister, reconnect, and inspire young trainers to explore the world and take time to enjoy nature and their friends- not only focus on becoming the best trainer they can be.

Pokémon: Serperior, Porygon-Z, Meinshao, Zoroark, Helioisk, Froslass

Rules- Thanks to @Curtkid ! These are some amazing baseline rules and they'll be taking effect in this roleplay. Thanks again!

Note: This is just a touch-up/ reminder of the standard Pokecharms role playing rules. Seeing as we’ve recently been getting a large influx of eager, new RP’ers who may have missed said rules, I will be posting this to serve as your reference sheet. If I see someone constantly breaking these rules over and over again, they WILL be asked to leave.

>Please write two paragraphs MINIMUM when making a post. Half the fun of an RP is interacting with other people and writing a story, the more detail you put in the better. Don’t JUST write about yourself or your Pokemon, describe the scenery, have you character make note of an observation between two other characters. It’s an RP, be creative!

>Please use proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation. A mistake here and there is fine, but no one wants to decipher a jumbled mess of words just to figure out what you said.

>Please pay attention to other RP’ers posts and be aware of the continuity. If someone attacked you in a previous post and you suddenly have a snack and act like the attack was just non-existent, you’re going to confuse and upset people.

> Legendary Pokémon are (usually) not allowed. Legendries are considered to be unbelievably rare and unfathomably powerful Pokemon, both in the games and in the Pokemon Lore. As such, usage of such Pokemon are forbidden from use in this RP (Please check the RP rules if you want a detailed list).

>Mega Evolutions are limited. Due to in most cases a Mega Evolved Pokemon is around the same power as a Legendary Pokemon, you must have earned a Stone and Bracelet from a previous, moderator approved RP (as per Pokecharms, rules). If you have, please message me with a link to the RP in which you earned your Mega Evolution so I can confirm it.

> This one is important! If you are battling another RP’er, it is up to the person being attacked to determine whether or not they got hit. I don’t care if you used Swift, it is still up to the person being attacked to determine if they got hit. I don’t want to see anything like “Then Squirtle hit Charmander with Water Gun and then he fainted”, this is godmoding, and most people (me included) have VERY LITTLE patience for that.

>That being said, please be reasonable people, don’t have your Pokemon make it through every single attack unscathed. We’re not working strictly on game logic here, a Pokémon can take a few hits before going down. If I see your Aggron avoid every attack like an Arceus damn ninja, it will be counted as godmoding and you will be dealt with accordingly.

> As a follow up to the previous rule, if you get continually hit and your Pokemon never faints, you're godmoding. Even a Snorlax can't take a Focus Punch, two Flare Blitzes, and a Close Combat.

>Also, be aware of who and what you’re up against. If you’re a new trainer sending out a recently caught Pidgey against an experienced trainer with a Garchomp, you’re going to lose, very quickly.

>Lastly, though not strictly a “rule”, it’s generally seen as common courtesy to let the better Role-Player win the battle. If you’re fighting someone who is posting detailed, well-written paragraphs that illustrate the battle perfectly while you’re barely putting together two paragraphs per post with several spelling and grammar mistakes, then please swallow your pride and take the loss. Everyone here will respect you more for it. If you and your opponent(s) can’t decide who the winner should be, I as the “RP Master” will choose a winner based on the Role Player’s Skill, how comparable the characters are in terms of strength, and a few other outlining factor’s.

>As far as Pokemon move set’s go, you are not restricted to just 4 moves. Instead a Pokemon 4 “Primary” moves serve as the ones they use most often and have the most skill using. Your Pokemon can use most moves that they’d learn normally by leveling up or TM (albeit a bit less powerful), but please be fair. Don’t have your recently hatched Eevee be capable of using Extremespeed, Shadow Ball, and Double-Edged.

Thanks! I'm excited!
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Really excited about this RP! Without further ado, my character:
Name: Zephious Everard
Hometown: Lumiose City, Kalos
Height: 6'3"
Weight:145 pounds
Eyes:Ocean Blue
Clothing: I'd fail at writing this so I'm attaching the files that he now looks like. First image is his formal attire and the second is his casual (no I didn't draw them) He changed his attire since the festival FYI.
Identifying Marks: Has a birthmark on the shoulder, vaguely looks like a hawk
Musculature: Lean, decently decent strength and endurance
Personality: Zephious is a rich teenage noble from Kalos. He is a gentleman and likes to do things a little old fashioned but is open to new things. He is open, friendly, and patient, but if you tick him off constantly or hurt people he cares about then he won't cease in his hatred.
Skills: Flirting/Gentlemen- A definite ladies man, he has a 'gentleman mode' where he immediately comes to the service of a young woman
Wit- Since he is rather rich he had a fine education at a young age, giving him a stunning intellect
Telepathy- Can communicate telepathically with his Gallade
Past: Zephious is a single child born into nobility. He was raised in style, not having anything worth mentioning till he turned ten and got his Ralts and Froakie. For eight years he traveled around Kalos training and battling gyms with little interference from Team Flare while going on family business and working. He eventually won his final badge and decided to enter the League that year.
Family: Zepharious Everard, Xavier Regium, Charlotte Everard
Love Relationships: Probably as in the Grand Kalos Festival RP, has a huge crush on Bailey ( Probably developed more in the future of this RP and the Festival RP)
Pokemon Team: (just list them)
Gallade, Sharpedo, Greninja, Kabutops, Bisharp, Dragonair


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!!!Pictures Do Not Belong To Me; All Credit Goes To The Artists That Drew These!!!

Name: Darren "Dusk" Everdale
Gender: Male
Hometown: Snow Veil City
Age: 18
Height: 5'10"
Weight:154 LBS
Hair: (Style is my profile Picture) Dark Brown
Eyes: Blue/Silver
Clothing: Trenchcoat/Modified Sweatshirt. A T-Shirt, Jeans, and Cross Trainers.
Identifying Marks: He Has a Small scar on his chest where he cut himself on a fence while playing tag as a child. He has a tattoo of a Crow on his collar bone. His shoes have been drawn on, by Dusk himself, labeling every major city he has come across. It's a very colorful graffiti like style.
Personality: Dusk isn't afriad to say what's on his mind. He is thoughtful, and takes careful notes of his actions.
Skills: Dusk knows basic survival skills, And rock climbs. And I guess since Zeph put this in his thing I should as well. Dusk hasn't ever been in a relationship, but is generally easy to talk to and charming.
Past: Dusks Parents died in a car crash when he was 9. His older sister took custody of him and has raised him ever since.
Family: Sister (Evelyn) Mother (Deceased) Father (Deceased)
Pokemon Team: Umbreon (Nocturne/M) Lucario (Lysander/M) Bisharp (Othello/M) Eevee (Amber/F)
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Haha, guys I just realized I misspelled 'Coronet' every single time I typed it. XD I'm going to fix that.

Oh, and you're accepted into the RP unless I tell you otherwise. So both of you so far are totally welcome into the RP!
Oh? I thought I had it posted in the original Bio under a spoiler. I'll just post it here anyways for extra clarification.

Name: Bailey Lynn

Gender: Female

Hometown: Aspertia Town, Unova

Age: 18.

Height: 5"7

Weight: 130lbs

Hair color: a rich caramel color with blonde highlights

Eye color: bright blue

Appearance: This is truly debatable. I don't think I have a standard look for her. Right now I've had her in Formal, casual and traveling (have not roleplayed with this one yet- it's a work in progress) attire, and these are the three I've had her in. However one thing is always constant- she wears a black diamond locket with an engraving of a Serperior and stones of Geosenge.

Bailey loves dresses and more of a casual look at the same time. She wears a knee length sleeveless dress for formal occasions that displays many tiny flower patterns on it. The dress is white and has a brown, thin belt that connects at her waist. Over the dress Bailey tends to wear a jean jacket that rolls the sleeves up to midway up her lower arm. For the formal occasions she usually has her waist length hair tied into a loose braid. Finally, while Bailey has never liked heels, she finds that a particular pair of brown boots pair nicely with the dress and she can tolerate them for the events she wears them at.

For more casual occasions Bailey wears her long hair loose. Her flowery dress is replaced with a white camisole and jean shorts paired with a navy blue cartigan that reaches down to the hems of her shorts. With this she usually has a brown necklace on- two circles overlapping one another- and blue tennis shoes.

Traveling (?) it's what I'm calling it for now. I haven't found a way to describe it so here's a photo. I didn't draw it, but it's literally 80% of how I envisioned Bailey. (The hair the wrong color and she's a bit thin, but still. Close enough.)

Identifying Marks: Bailey has a flower shaped (roughly) birthmark on the back of her neck. Most times its covered up by her hair.

Musculature: Bailey is very lean, but moderately strong. Only in her legs though, her arm strength is that of a Spewpa.

Personality: Bailey is an extremely optimistic and polite person. She was raised as a respectful, obedient child and that reflects on how she acts as an adult. Most times if someone tells her to do something she'll go without question- unless they're Summer. In which case she usually begins the teasing. Bailey's curiosity about the world sometimes interferes with her usual respectful and obedient persoa, it sometimes gives her answers to a begging question she's had or inspires her even more to explore. Bailey tends to stick to her bright and happy side, but when in battle or when she's grading something- be it battles or literally homework assignments- she shows more of a serious analytic side. And while she doesn't stay in this phase for long, it reveals her darker side and more judge mental thoughts of others. Those thoughts are usually kept to herself in normal conversation but when it comes to assessing others Bailey finds that she begins to create enemies. Due to that fact she doesn't watch battles very often unless her friends are participating and she doesn't like to go to competitions where Bailey finds herself superior to the competitors or whomever is participating. She loves to write and to draw which usually brings out her more self-concious side. (Quick 'side' check, Bailey has an Optomistic, Analytic and a Self-conscious/timid side. No worries that's all. XD) Bailey, though many times finds herself superior to many others, doesn't like to be recognized or related to as such. This happens to be part of her Self-Conscious side as she does not want to appear as the person she is constantly conflicting with- herself in other words. While her Self-conciousness and analytic sides take a toll on Bailey, she strives to one day be a world famous traveler and a novelist to inspire young trainers to travel around and make good relationships with other people.

Skills: Bailey is very good at writing, mapping and telling the time without a watch. Despite that she still gets very lost at times due to her absentminded wandering. Her balance is extraordinary- and it has saved her multiple times in the past.

Ok... Here comes history people.

(Normally Bailey's traveling story) Bailey is a first child of a family of four. Bailey and her sister Summer were born two years apart, but were inseparable for the years they were together. They lived in Sootopolis when the torrential/ desolate weather tragedies occurred and, while tensions were high, Mrs and Mr Lynn had a fight over the safety of their children. Mr. Lynn wanted to take the family to Johto to live in safety there, but Mrs. Lynn thought that they would encounter too much civilization in the Johto region. Mrs. Lynn instead thought Unova was a good idea due to its luscious scenery and plentiful land to explore. For that reason, at a very early age Bailey's parents divorced. At the time Bailey's father had ambitious goals to become a region famous marketer in Johto with his new business of selling Mega Stone accessories, Key Stones, and personalized accessories for the Pokemon to wear with their Mega stone. While Mr. Lynn doesn't give out Mega Stones he does recommend places to find specific mega stones at a small price of 10 Pokedollars. Mr. Lynn took Summer with him to the Johto Region to begin his dream as a marketer, and Mrs. Lynn took Bailey to Aspertia town of Unova in order to raise her daughter surrounded by nature in a serene area.

Bailey loved the quiet town of Aspertia and was homeschooled by her mom. While it seemed a good idea at first, Bailey found that she would much rather sit at a desk all day rather than have polite attitudes, proper manner of speech, and etiquette in different situations drilled into her head.

She discovered that she loved to travel when her mom took her to visit Nimbasa City where they enjoyed watching video recordings of the Battle Subway, watched many sports in the stadiums, and, Bailey's favorite, the Pokemon Musical. The bright lights and all the chatter was very new to a girl raised in isolation aside from her mother and elderly neighbors. Though new, Bailey enjoyed the difference in lifestyle there in Nimbasa compared to the quiet streets of Aspertia. That was when she was 13 years old- and she continued to visit many locations in Unova as she grew older. Some for projects for her teacher (mom) and others for vacations and a good time outside of the normal. Bailey found her motivation while on a trip to Opelucid city. She wanted to get all 8 gym badges and become champion. She at age 15 when she left to get all the badges, but when she failed in the Iccirus City gym, she quit all together.

Bailey went home with her three Pokemon- Cosmo the Servine, Yarrow the Zoroark, and Sunny the Helioptile (a gift from Summer and named after Summer's nickname). Bailey spent the next two years at home studying as much as she can about the history of her and other regions and began to find an intrest in writing and art. At age 18 Bailey left her hometown of Aspertia to explore all the regions and record her adventures- starting with Kalos.

Family: Lily Lynn, Summer Lynn, and Cin Lynn.

Love Relationships: Most likely Zephious- assuming how the relationship continues in the Grand Kalos Festival RP. She currently has a crush on him.

Motivation: to find her Sister, reconnect, and inspire young trainers to explore the world and take time to enjoy nature and their friends- not only focus on becoming the best trainer they can be.

Pokémon: Serperior, Porygon-Z, Meinshao, Zoroark, Helioisk, Froslass

Not that I really care. Sorta adds more depth to his character since is sorta the lone wanderer type. Although it would be funny to watch a love triangle unfold... X(
Sounds fun. Don't mind if I do!
Name: Phog Lilac
Gender: Male
Hometown: Lilycove city, Hoenn
Age: 24
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 181 lbs
Hair: Short, Bleached blond
Eyes: Pale blue
Clothing: Black t-shirt, Backpack strap usually strung along chest, displaying his six pokeballs. Grey jeans.
Identifying Marks: A small scar on his lip, his hair makes him stand out in a
Musculature: Good, but not really "Ripped" per se. Could climb a good distance, but probably not much of Coronet.
Personality: Phog is kind of a trouble maker. Has been all of his life, but drew the line when he stole an Aggron from his father a while back. Hasn't seen his dad since. He's always thought of himself as a researcher, or rather a self-proclaimed one. Judges on look, which makes him underestimate some of his opponents.
Skills: Can cook, decent trainer
Past: Phog's life got interesting when he was 15. Not that already wasn't interesting: His mother and father were divorced, and while his mother was a artist, his father was a bounty hunter, removing trouble-some Pokemon from towns. He let Phog examine the live-catches, as a self appointed researcher. But one day, Phog stole Aggron to help him explore the rough caves under mt. Chimney. Hint: it didn't work. The Aggron is disobdient and always has been. In fear of his Father's reaction, he stayed with his Mom for a couple year, then set out to collect badges in Hoenn. Eventually collected them all but at the league he managed to get past two rounds, no more. He wants to attempt again, but never found the time. Eventually went to school and got a good paying job. Recently discovered Coronet climb, and decided to try it out. After all, he had money to burn, as he had been saving for a trip to Sinnoh in the first place. Plus, if he won, it could pay for his trip and more...probably.
Family: Alice Lilac, mother, Ferris Blunth, father
Pokemon Team:
-Ninjask, Twitchy
-Aggron, not named
-Linoone, Straights
-Flareon, Burns
-Drifblim, Kamikaze
-Talonflame, Afterburn

I hope that's good. If anything is not up to par, point it out. I'll do my best to fix it.
Ya it would be funny and very benificial for character development. I'm laughing just thinking about my character's reaction.

Other than that, glad you want to join us Burble! Nice character bio.
Sorry for the disappearance.

Looks great Burble! I'm so glad you're interested. Blue Moon mentioned that she wanted to join, so I'm going to let her do so, but how many more people do you think should be in this RP- in your opinion?
And I told you to be gentle

And I told you to be kind

Told you to be caring

Told you to open up your eyes

And spare you from my blindness

Becuase on the inside

I'm truly sorry

I know I say this all the time

And I tell you to be perfect

Or else you wind up like me

I'm sorry
And I'm sorry that I hurt you

I didn't mean a thing I said

And I know a song can't fix bullet holes

But I'll try to batch them up my best

I know your still angry

so I'll just give it a rest

It's clear that I'm not wanted

It's implied by the rest
I know how you feel

That's not something you want to hear

Trust me

Others hide there feelings

So that others can't see

What lies within me

Sending them mixed messages

Like a type writer that's broken

And I'm still holding on

Too a single token

and it doesn't mean nothing

If I'm not breathing

So I'm leaving
It's not you

It's me

And I'm sorry

That I killed "we"

This is a song I wrote, that dusk will be singing in the RP a lot. Little snippets. Just wanted to share.
Sorry! Just a little busy trying to figure out a plan for Galactic (I really need your help guys- XD probably should have thought this one out more.)

I also anticipated Fronteir to join us, and Umbreon just invited Zythefox, and Blue Moon mentioned joining, so that'll make 7 with room for 1 more if someone so chooses to join beyond that. Great! Sounds wonderful. I bet that this Thread will be up at least by tomorrow night!

Surprisingly my Bio is Actaully a direct representation of me. And the Pictures do look like me. Just les photoshopped. Goddamnit random acne. Litterally comes out of nowhere and leaves the next day XP
Name: Alba Sun
Gender: Female
Hometown: Petalburg city, Hoenn
Age: 16
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 125 pounds
Hair: Black and curly
Eyes: Brown
I am so excited about joining XD I feel sorry because my bio isn't much exciting but... well here's my character.

Usually usually wearing boots, even though she has some converse saved in her bag. Wears shorts and a big and comfy black sweater.
Identifying marks: none
Musculature: Jelly like, except maybe in the legs because of her pokemon journey.
Personality: Moody and sentimental. Tents to fall in love easily even though she doesn't like it. Likes pokemon and kids. Dislikes exercising and blood. She's really sociable and loves hugging people, but she can get really jealous without any reasons (hates it when other trainers bond with her pokemon).
Skills: Cooking, singing, drawing. Good at giving advices. Really creative.
Bad at running, healing (she can't even see blood) and flirting (potato alert).
Past: Used to live a pacific life in Petalburg city, but left t begin her pokemon journey when she got to catch , her Ralts. Got to Sinnoh in search of a Togekiss, but ended up fascinated with the idea of participating in the traveling of Mount Cornet.
Family: Two little brothers (Blake and Daniel), the both of them insisting her in bringing a Chimchar to Hoenn when she gets back there.
Kirlia (Dia), Mawile (Umbra), Spinda (Ginny), Mareep (Kira), Swablu (Ciel), Vaporeon (Mar)
Ack! Sorry Umbreon.

(What am I commenting about? XD)

The love triangle thing would be hilarious! (#SuperLateEspeonResponse) I think it'd be funny to play Bailey's reaction to that situation.

Oh, and theme songs, sure. If you want.
Potato alert means my character is a potato, she can't flirt because she will end up like a potato: paralyzed, probably falling to the floor because of her potato flirting condition.

Potato training. Potato life.
Ack! Sorry Umbreon.

(What am I commenting about? XD)

The love triangle thing would be hilarious! (#SuperLateEspeonResponse) I think it'd be funny to play Bailey's reaction to that situation.


*Rest In Pepperoni _Umbreon_ died whilst awaiting a post* XD

I do agree. Imagine if it went Alba>Dusk>Bailey>Zeph

XD priceless
Ah no Blue, your bio is perfect! I love Alba's attitude and personality- it's just so flavorful and fun! I'm so glad you're joining us.

I'm sorry, I forgot answering this XD Thanks! It's just everyone was making a huge plot out of their bios and I didn't have that huge plot. I just basically tried describing myself.
Actually, mine has a plot in a bigger plot, I'm planning on making that a little rp in the upcoming future.
Espeon said we could have theme songs if we liked.
I'm perfectly fine with that. Though I'm pretty sure Bailey wouldn't voice her love for another character outright, so figuring out her emotions in a situation like that would be hard.

Or it's just my fault because I stink at romance. XD that's probably it.

I'm not sure of what a fitting theme for Bailey would be. I'll go research that.
Just putting this out there so as to let someone know they can still join;
While I really like this idea, I'm not all too sure what I can add to it. I'm currently working on six character types, and none of them seem to work well here. So, while I'd love to join, I think I'm going to leave it to everyone else, unless no one comes soon. Just letting y'all know, although I will probably regret it later :p
(Oh, and hope you don't mind I'm posting this here.)