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  • Imagine the next gen Pokemon game developed by Genius Sonority and Bandai Namco.
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    Reactions: Jayblade
    Yes, and Pokemon Stadium 1 and 2. Also my two favorite Pokemon games, Colosseum and XD: Gale of Darkness.
    Yeah then I agree with that, they were great at battle animations. Gamefreak should just stick to designing the Pokemon and creating the lore.
    Bandai and Genius would make an amazing duo
    ♪..But you still gotta catch em all, and be the best that you can be! Do do do do. Do do do dodo. ♪
    Thanks for the follow.
    Red Gallade
    Red Gallade
    On the bright side, it means you've improved.

    I also took a big liking in using Brian as well :p
    My Pokemon I'm using for the RP are my actual Pokemon. My character is supposed to be very close to me in personality and stuff. I wanted to have someone a lot more relatable and actually use my Pokemon, so the RP showed up and I took the chance.
    Red Gallade
    Red Gallade
    I wouldn't really say I've used many (or any) chars based off of any of my Pokemon playthroughs.
    Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Orre, Fiore, Sinnoh, Almia, Oblivia, Unova, Ransei, Kalos, Ferrum, Alola, Galar
    Red Gallade
    Red Gallade
    Wonder how many people will try and use the Spinoff regions for RPs other than fanmade ones. (Like i did)
    Dunno. I treat each region like an equal.
    Red Gallade
    Red Gallade
    I think that's the more respectable thing to do :)
    Is there any Pokemon games besides the Mystery Dungeon and Ranger series that I'm missing? My trainer cards show all my beaten games.
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    Reactions: TheJustinMann
    They are there. Yeah, US/UM are just enhanced versions of SM.
    I feel like if I would commission an artist to draw me and my Pokemon, I would have to pay them a lot. I just counted all of my veterans plus my main four. That is 67 Pokemon total.
    My Favorite and Least Favorite Pokemon Games. I put them in order and even gave them a score of 0 being the worst to 100 being the best
    1. HGSS (98 )
    2. USUM (97)
    3. Colosseum (96)
    4. XD: Gale of Darkness (95)
    5. Gold, Silver, Crystal (89)
    6. Black 2 and White 2 (88 )
    7. ORAS (86)
    8. Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald (85)
    9. Let's Go (78 )
    10. Fire Red and Leaf Green (78 )
    11. Red Blue Green Yellow (76)
    12. Diamond Pearl Platinum (72)
    13. Black and White (42)
    14. Sword and Shield (31)
    15. X and Y (12)
    I just realized my name, "Gallaer" actually kinda sounds normal among the other names in the Orre Region.
    Another problem with the RP besides irl things is just I more or less want to start with my main oc which just uses my actual Pokemon.
    Also just the lack of open RPs
    Finally got Shield despite me saying otherwise..
    I find it hilarious how both a Tyrouge and a Purrloin ran up to me when I first went into the wild area as I made a possible team for Galar with the Trainer Cards. It's fate I guess.
    I have been gone for a while as I have lost interest in Pokemon and dealing with my own self issues as well as school.
    Sorry for being gone for like 4 months. I have just been doing other things and other things I needed to take care of
    I am the most unhealthy person out there, all summer break so far I have been sitting in the house doing nothing.
    So in the RP Asteria and her aunt are already in the building, so I mean if you can but you don't have to, can you edit your post because your making it a bit confusing sense my character has been in the building the whole time her aunt was breaking her spine
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