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Mar 3, 2000 (Age: 25)
in the Tower of Frozen Waves
Favourite Pokémon
Noibat, every eeveelution ever, Fennekin, LITTEN
Favourite Pokémon Move
Twinkle Tackle
Likes to run


Main fandoms are in bold. Subject to change. NOT in order of favorites.
Pokemon (why would I be here if it wasn't a main fandom of mine)

Rain World
Just Shapes and Beats
Trauma Team
- I usually do one liners off-site, but on here and rarely on FR I can manage multiple paragraphs.
- GLORY BE TO DISCORD. My main servers are World Between Worlds and the CJI, feel free to say hi! (Bluebirdie#8607)
- No NSFW. Please.
uh. none yet, really

Name: Avie
Age: 12 in human years.
Gender: Female
Species: Umbreon
Sexuality: straight as a board
a bent one
Personality: Avie is a very independant person, whose temperament can change at the drop of a hat. One second she's aggressive and violent, and the next she's calm and collected. She's a very talented singer, and can run really fast. She tires out quickly, however, and is prone to lashing out at people who annoy her. Putting that aside, she's a very good listener, and the type of Pokemon that can read beyond the script. She's prone to breaking the 4th wall, detecting the presence of centralworlders, or "muses", and makes multiple references to pop culture.
Identifiers: Her bandana, which has the logo of the team "Bleh" imprinted on it.
Likes: watching BFB, her bandana, Oran berries, her friends
Dislikes: rain, being locked inside of buildings (extra points if it's cramped)
Extra Notes:
- She has access to BFB via a trainer who watches at least one episode almost daily.
- She's claustrophobic.
- The Pokemon who made her bandana was a kindly Leavanny. Avie stole the bandana from a Trainer marketplace and gave it to the Leavanny along with a picture of the "Bleh" logo. The process of applying the logo took several weeks and a payment of at least 45 Oran berries.
- For some reason, she has a habit of running from awkward conversations.
Name: Mir is her nickname, but her real name is Fern.
Gender: Female.
Home: Flounder Heights.
Age: 15, as she has full control over her abilities as an Octoling.
Species: Octoling. You know, those kids from Splatoon and Splatoon 2 that are only available as DLC? Those guys.
Height: Somewhere around 5 feet tall.
Weight: Slightly lighter than the average Inkling or Octoling.
Hair: Usually in a ponytail, her preferred tentacle/hair color is green. It can change, but it's not likely.
Eyes: She has blue eyes.
Clothing: She usually wears either Fake Contacts or a Bobble Hat (the contacts being more likely), a Zekko Hoodie, and Moto Boots.
Identifying Marks: As with all Octolings, she has tentacle hair. She also has black markings around her eyes that don't connect in the middle, unlike Inklings.
Musculature: What muscles? She barely has any.
Personality: Mir is a silent observer, opting to watch her enemies and strike when the time is right. She has a tendency to hum the Calamari Inkantation, because she absolutely adores the music. For some reason, she loves looking at her reflection in a mirror. Not because she's vain, it's because she's interested about the other side of the mirror. She loves soda and drinks it near constantly.
Skills: Seeing as she's an Octoling, she can turn into an octopus at will. Her three main weapons, in order, are the Undercover Brella, the Bamboozler Mk II, and the Goo Tuber. She's a good shot with chargers, but her favorite weapon class is the brella.
Family: She treats her friends in Inkopolis, including her former squad, as her family.
Love Relationships?: She still hasn't found a crush, and probably won't for a long time.

Bug-types are easygoing, flexible and friendly. They tend to value quality over quantity in their interpersonal relationships, but can befriend a very diverse set of people.




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