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The probopass leaped in the air and used a stone edge. The grunts Graveller smashed into a wall and immediately fainted. Slice was used to fighting rock types however and jumped off the wall to strike the probopass with a magical leaf then a leaf storm. A surge of water hit the Probopass at the...
(OOC even though it isnt canon the gym leaders, elite four members and Champion all have 6 pokemon as they are meant to be stupidly strong) Diantha's smile flickered before turning into a stare of malice after hearing Azalea. "Very well, Ill give you what you want. But not before a battle mind...
Alder pushed past Caller and walked to the edge of the balcony where the champion and wikstrom were. " I want to let you know this isnt because I want to. Someone did me a deed of goodwill once and I am paying him back" He looked over at where caller and the goons were standing. Caller composed...
Caller arrived at the Tower of mastery with Alder, Azalea and about 10 more goons with pokeballs in hand. He entered the Tower and started to walk up the steps when the gym leader of the town Korrina rushed down the stairs. Her eyes widened as she saw the amount of people coming up the stairs...
"Yeah I managed to get one, a luxio. I do have a soft spot for electric types so its only fitting to have it on my team." Caller stated. The helicopter was landing and Caller stood up. "Ive got to go meet with someone Ill see you outside the Tower of Mastery in a little bit" Caller left the...
He called his contact in Shalour town who was waiting for him to arrive. " I trust you are en route to the location Caller" The mans voice dripped with boredom. Caller was taken aback by his carefree attitude. "Yes we are about to land actually. I hope you are as good as you say you are." Caller...
Caller saw a Helicopter landing overhead. He turned and saw the girl waiting behind him. He smiled and waited for the helicopter to land. The grunts conversed with her and turned to him. "Boss says if you stuff up again we gotta take your pokemon " Caller frowned. "You could try but it wouldnt...
He was running walking along the road. Taking elegant and meaningful strides as he searched for more people to battle. His pokemon were undoubtedly getting more powerful. Although nowhere near the strength of even the most skilled gym leaders. He thought it almost time to meet at the edge of...
Caller arrived at the pokecenter that had seemingly just been robbed. He frowned. And approached the nurse. "Hey My pokemon are injured" The nurse put on a feeble smile and took his pokemon and put them into the battered machine. He retrieved his pokemon and slid some money over the counter "I...
(OOC @TheDaRKness131 the gyms are most likely too strong for you to beat. In the games they are a blowover but in the anime and other universes of pokemon they are significantly harder and take alot of time to beat. The elite four is next to impossible to defeat and the Champion is the strongest...
Callers head snapped around at the sound of the disturbance. He saw a boy with an armful of fruits. He glanced at the girl and marched over grabbing him by the scruff of his collar. "You saw nothing, Leave now before you get hurt". Caller began to panic. He was told to leave the Lab in pristine...
Sceptile leapt into the air and crashed down onto blastoise after hitting it with magical leaf. It hopped off its slumped body as the pokemon professor returned it to its ball. The girl seemed to have taken care of the othed two pokemon by herself. Caller was impressed. He raised an eyebrow and...
Caller spat salt water out. This was not how this trip was supposed to happen. He heard the voices talking above him on the boat and didnt want any part of it. Besides he was sent here to document the region not to stand around in idle conversation with a bunch of inexperienced trainers who...
(OOC id like to just add that the region is still there with all the people somewhat doing their jobs. Its basically just an enemy pokemon team fighting the essential government of the region (the gyms) and trying to rule it for their own evil gain)
Caller saw the girls pokemon and breathed a...
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