( Picture by @Atsuko-chan )
Hello and welcome to my profile!
I am a massive geek and will happily babble on about Dungeons and Dragons, video games, anime, Doctor Who, MLP, and any other various things I tend to obsess over.
Some of the games (besides pokemon) I play, to prove that i'M a rEaL gAmEr GiRl, are Zelda Breath of the Wild, Monster Hunter World, Legends of Equestria, Oblivian, Outward, RWBY: Grimm Eclipse, and Toram Online.
I am an introvert at heart, so I'm not that great at socializing..... but online I guess I am not so bad at it. I have made most of my close friends by them just like adopting an introvert as myself as their friend.
I really do enjoy doing written roleplays although I tend to shy away from the public forums but don't be afraid to say hi! I promise I won't bite.
(picture made by @ScribbleSplash )