
I am WindRyder! You can also call me either Wind, Ryder, or any other nickname that is appropriate

I am a geeky tom-boy who loves reading, all thing Japanese, and Nintendo (but I guess that still fit in the Japanese category XD). I am often REALLY busy with school, but I try to check 'Charms when I can. I love making new friends, so I promised I won't bite! If you ever need someone to talk to just message me and I can chat or give advice.

I am still growing as an artist, so only constructive criticism please. I am always looking for new comics, video games, books, or anime so feel free to recommend your favorites to me

I am currently watching "The Devil is a Part-Timer" and manga wise I'm reading Skip-Beat (I know it is Shoujo and girly, but a friend got me into it, it is more like a guilty pleasure read XD). As for books, I am re-reading the "Warrior Cats: Dawn of the Clan Series" in preparation for the upcoming book release

(and also because standardized test are coming up and teacher aren't strictly enforcing us to read higher Lexile level books). I am currently working my way through Fire Emblem Fates Birthrights, and I love it so far! If you have any questions or a drawing request you really want me to do, just ask

(And please excuse my occasional grammar and spelling mistakes... nobody is perfect
