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Open MHA: New Horizons

Discussion Thread: Click Me!

“Bayani Academy. The school that put the Philippines on the map in terms of heroics and academics, is now starting another year of classes. Coming from humble roots, it has blossomed into an international hotspot, especially with its unique student body and innovative style of learning, not to mention the advanced technology on campus. Someday, it might even rival U.A High, the top school in the world in this category!”

The television blared in the warehouse, but nobody was actually paying attention to the feature story. Except for the figure in the armchair, cloaked in shadow. They stared with immense curiosity, reaching for the remote on the table in front of them. The warehouse was pretty empty, aside from the crates nearby, and a pick-up truck that had seen many gunfights.

“How… interesting.” The mysterious figure muttered, before turning the TV off. Now the only thing that glowed in the dark warehouse were their pupils, jagged spirals that changed colors at random.

It was something to keep in mind indeed.

Ezra Ortega P. Valdez

“Hey sir, do you know where mom and dad are? Diba dapat nandito sila sa first day ko?” Ezra muttered at the back of the private car that was hired for him, the vehicle being driven by their personal chauffeur. He let out a soft yawn, his joints cracking as he stretched. He expected one of them to be too busy, but both?

That was a new low he didn’t think was possible.

“Pasensya na boss, your dad had to go attend some sort of political meeting, and your mom needs to watch your little brother.” The driver, whose facial hair looked like iron filings, said in a calm and soothing tone. While the explanation would suffice, it still rubbed them the wrong way. He was lucky that he was too lethargic to be in a bad mood right now.

He looked out the window, watching as the world passed him by. He could see the sunrise, rays of morning light shining upon the sidewalks and buildings that he’d seen many times before. Several sari-sari stores were opening prematurely, hoping to catch the early morning rush before work and school. Some people were already out and about, using their quirks on the street, since the Philippines had less strict regulations about it compared to Japan.

Cebu City, the city he was raised in, was waking up from its deep slumber, ready to face the new day.

But Ezra felt quite the opposite, his eyes flickering with an eerie teal glow. They were more of a night owl, and despised sleeping early with a fiery passion. As a result, his circadian rhythm was usually a mess, the eyebags on his face only adding to their skeletal appearance.

“I'm gonna take a quick nap, kuya. Gisingin mo na lang ako pagdating natin.” Ezra murmured cutely, his eyelids struggling to stay open. He propped his tail up on the empty space next to him, his joints clicking softly with every movement he made. He slowly drifted off to sleep, hoping to take a cat nap to revitalize their spirit.

He wasn’t getting that.

Ezra suddenly awoke in a cemetery, lying against a withered old fig tree whose leaves were brown and about to fall off. It was the dead of night, fog rolling in from all sides and limiting his field of view. They looked up and squinted at the moon, high in the starless sky.

This gloomy cemetery was familiar, since their parents had a mausoleum here, dedicated to his grandparents on his dad’s side. When they were younger, his older sisters would often drag him along to explore the whole graveyard, and see the derelict graves and ominous statues that were customary for the dead.

“Aw man, nagkakaroon na naman ako ng isa sa mga pangarap na iyon…” He sighed as he got to his feet, rubbing some of the dead leaves off his body. That’s when he looked into a puddle, revealing that they were wearing a marching band uniform, with the gold plume and buckles. It was the exact same one he had in middle school, back when he played trumpet.

“Okay, this is getting weird. Like, diretso sa isang horror movie.” He muttered as he walked forward, the only sounds being that of his skeletal joints clicking together. The glow in Ezra’s eyes dimmed a little before crackling back to life, as the fog parted around him, revealing more of the cemetery around him.

There were plenty of graves around him, but they were all unmarked. No names, no dates, no inspirational last messages, just cold unyielding headstones and ceramic plates. It was creeping him out, even if he looked like a Halloween decoration.

Ezra looked back at the fig tree, checking if there was anything he missed, before he heard a loud caw from above. He looked up to reveal a crow, snickering at him from its perch up in the branches.

“Ah… Valdez… Glad that you’re still kicking, you fragile mess.” It chuckled in an arrogant yet intellectual tone, its pitch black eyes devoid of empathy as it looked down at him. The crow’s voice sounded liek a chain smoker, and Ezra swore he heard the bird cough. The skeletal boy sighed, his teal eyes flickering in annoyance.

It took them a minute to figure out how to deal with the bothersome corvid. Ezra had never climbed a tree before, so that wasn’t an option. Instead, they quickly slammed their tail into the trunk, the tree letting out a sickening crack. It was pretty clever, he had to admit.

His thagomizer was wedged in the bark, so he grabbed his own tail and pulled hard. The sheer force caused the entire tree to lean forward, before it toppled over. The crow panicked and fled, landing on a nearby grave. The impact caused the trunk to split in half, freeing his tail and causing leaves to fall off in droves. Ezra turned to the crow, who now looked at him with curiosity, like it was just teasing him earlier.

“What do you want? This is a dream, so there has to be some meaning to what’s going on.” Ezra calmly stated, though his joints begged to differ. His tail swung from side to side with unease, each segment clicking together like plastic.

“I am here because your family doesn’t want to be. What a pity, no matter what you do, they just don’t care.” The crow lamented, its words hitting way too close to home. It flew solemnly into the fog, as Ezra gave chase.

“Jeez, ano ang may problema mo? I don’t get the moral of this story, and your back talking isn’t helping.” He replied as he trailed behind it, but the fog grew thicker and surrounded him. They didn’t want to open up old wounds, which was probably what this crow was trying to accomplish. Ezra couldn’t see the fig tree or the graves anymore, but the crow continued to caw, taunting him.

Ezra stumbled around in the haze, eventually tripping over a ceramic plaque and falling flat on his chest. The pain stung a little, but he quickly got back up. The fog parted, revealing six graves, all in a row, the tombstones bearing no inscriptions, just like the others.

The crow had landed on the one in the middle, which had a large rectangular hole in front of it, like someone was going to be buried here soon.


“The problem? You’re just putting on a show that nobody ever gets to see. Nobody wants to see.” The crow raised its wings, and flapped them ominously, almost as if giving a eulogy. Ezra would have said something, but he suddenly lost his footing and fell into the empty hole, onto his back. They whimpered in pain, leaning against the walls of the grave.

“Soon it’ll be your final curtain call, and there won’t be any noise at all. You’ll die the way you lived, alone and forgotten, buried in silence.” The crow finally stated, as Ezra looked up at the sky that was devoid of any stars. The dirt around him suddenly shifted, washing over him like waves, slowly burying him alive.

He cried for help, but they struggled to breathe under the rubble that was covering him. The crow flew down and gazed at him, no longer smug, but now appearing remorseful. Ezra continued to struggle, ghostly teal fire bursting from his eye sockets, but to no avail.

“So break a leg out there Valdez. You’re going to need it.” The crow cawed one last time, as it raised it’s wings. Dirt fell all around them, burying both Ezra and the crow alive. His struggle died down, as they succumbed to their fate.

“AH! Ang uwak ay masama at gusto akong patayin!” Ezra screamed as he woke up with a start, accidentally hitting his head on the ceiling of the car. He let out a soft whine, as the driver looked back to make sure Ezra was okay.

“Boss, are you and your… multo ng manok? Okay lang ba kayong dalawa?” He asked sternly, to which the boy responded with a weak thumbs up. He could feel the sweat on his face, clearly from the shock of being buried alive in his dreams. His tail was still shaking slightly, like a rattlesnake ready to pounce, a sign of his anxiety.

A ghostly Microraptor was by his side, with a visible skull, teal patterns on the skin, and translucent feathers, shrieked in concern before biting him on the cheek. It seems the nightmare was severe enough to activate his quirk, something he didn’t know could happen.

“I’m okay, gising na ako!” He reassured the chauffeur with a smile, which led to the apparition that his quirk summoned to let go of his cheek. The prehistoric ghost let out a soft squawk before climbing onto his shoulder, urging him to get up.

“Well okay boss, we are here na. Enjoy your first day at school.” The driver said with a gruff yet kind smile, as Ezra and his new companion shuffled out of the vehicle. This was a new frontier for him to explore, and he didn’t want to just sit around and wait for it.

Unlike its academic contemporaries, especially U.A, Bayani Academy wasn’t exactly close to the city. Sure, there was still the internet and other luxuries associated with urban areas, but its actual location was deep in the mountains at the heart of Cebu. So how were the students going to get to the campus?

“Bye kuya! Salamat sa pagdala sa akin dito!” Ezra called with a wave as the private car rolled off into the distance, leaving him standing outside a modern-looking building with a futuristic aesthetic. The design was clearly inspired by art deco architecture, with some classic Filipino elements thrown in to help the area remain somewhat cohesive. There were some trees and flowers on the edge of the sidewalk, and some cool graffiti on the older and more traditional buildings beside it, but what caught the attention of the skeletal boy was the sign above the entrance.

“Bayani Academy: Trainport”

This building was the answer to how students would reach the technologically advanced campus, but it also served to allow them to interact before they were roped into the orientation for the school. Basically, this station served as a place for the youth to chat and mingle, forming friendships before they even entered the school.

“Sige, gawin natin ang lahat para magtagumpay, okay? Let’s break a leg out there.” With a deep breath, Ezra stepped through the automatic sliding door with his teal suitcase in tow. The Microraptor on his shoulder chirped in agreement, as they inhaled the cold yet fresh air. There were already a couple students inside, doing all sorts of things to pass the time.

This was going to be an adventure, no matter what.
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Ueda Atsuko, Heading: Bayani Academy.

Atsuko woke up on the morning of the Start of her time at Bayani Academy. As she got ready for the day, she was nervous, and it showed. Her shower was quick yet covered everything she needed to do. After she finished a small breakfast. Her quirk accidentally activated and As she walked out the door, she took the door with her. As such, she put the door back on its doorframe, making sure everything was stable before actually leaving. As she walked to the train station, she got a text from her mother, who had to go to work earlier than she woke up.

Today's your first day at Bayani Academy, I had to go to work, but have a good day at school. -Mom

I will, Mom. -Atsuko

As Atsuko walked down the street, she put her phone in her pocket, walking towards where the train station was supposed to be. It was helpful that she could see over most of the people. As she traveled on foot, she saw a Sign that led to where the trainport for the academy was. She followed the signage, weaving her way through the city, hopefully not bumping into anyone.

As she arrived, she saw so many various people of varying quirks, all converging towards a train station. As she walked, the convergence point was a massive surprise to the tall girl. The quirks seen were between not noticeable and mutants of varying kinds. As she looked around she saw someone somewhat Skeletal, with bright eyes. This person seemed interesting to her. She wandered if they were a student for Bayani Academy. As she approached, people were staring at her. To be fair, Atsuko is very tall for her age, and especially in her current place. As she looked over to see the young person, she walked up to him, Hopefully not scaring him. People turning around to find a girl her size behind them is certainly a major surprise. There have been multiple times people have physically jumped into the air because she approached them from behind. She then called out.

"Hi, are you a student at Bayani Academy, and I'm making sure I'm in the right place. Atsuko Ueda is my name."

Leigh Jones

Leigh had finally managed to get to the train station. Her first day at a new school and she was already nervous. To be fair, this was a nerve-wracking experience. She made extra sure not to hurt anyone on her way here, even if she did accidentally send a gun flying into the side of someone's head and firing at a crowd of gangsters on her way to the train station, but that's not the point. Point is, she wanted to talk to someone. And she'd finally be able to get that chance.

"Hi! Excuse me, but do you know when the train's coming here? I'm not exactly good with waiting."

She had just randomly walked up to a tall Japanese girl and a slightly taller skeleton-like boy without introducing herself, much to her embarrassment. "Oh, sorry, I should introduce myself first," she said, her voice slightly shaking and her hand outstretched, "My name's Leigh."

It was clear Leigh was slightly uncomfortable, either because of the situation, the jacket she was wearing or the fact that she had knocked someone out by sending a gun flying into the side of their head and inadvertently caused it to fire at a gangster, but she was still trying her best to make a good first impression.

@GEN1E @Cmeriwether (don't hurt me)
Ezra Ortega P. Valdez

Ezra had always been on the tall side, ever since he was young. He usually towered over his peers, with a few exceptions here and there. His quirk was a factor in his substantial growth, since his body’s composition was similar to bone. But now that he was faced with students from all over the world, it put his height into perspective.

“Wow, I am way taller than I thought… Hopefully the doors at the academy accommodate larger students, or my head is gonna have a huge dent in it by the end of the year.” He chuckled, as he looked around the station. There were indigenous and abstract paintings, one of them being a bunch of geometric shapes that overlapped with one another to make a simple illustration of a dog. It was cute, but dogs seemed a little bland compared to all the stuff he could summon.

If only I had any energy… Or food…

Man, I am hungry right now.

On the bright side, the ghostly Microraptor had a comfortable spot on his shoulder, reminding it of the trees and greenery that it once knew. That was eons ago, long before quirks or humans came to be. But for now, Ezra’s lanky figure and rigid skin would suffice as a perch, a vantage point to observe everyone around him. It treated his shoulder like it’s nest, only with no eggs.

As far at it was concerned, Ezra was it’s offspring.

Suddenly, a feminine voice was heard by the phantom dinosaur, and it turned around to see someone there. It was speaking to Ezra, but the small dinosaur was suspicious of her, responding with a low growl. Its spectral body crackled with energy, emanating like smoke from a fire. It may have been small, but it’s ghastly appearance would usually scare off anyone that was bothering him.

“Hey, what’s with the noise?” Ezra turned around, curious as to why the spirit was so agitated, and why his gold necklace was tingling. He was just basking in the air-conditioned atmosphere of the train port, which seemed peaceful to him. The prehistoric apparition scrambled to his other shoulder, trying not to lose its footing.

He turned around to see an athletic Japanese girl with black hair and grey eyes, with scars all over her body. She was almost his height, like only an inch shorter than him, which was a rarity for anyone his age. Her name was Atsuko, and her sudden presence caused him to gasp, before he suddenly lost his balance. He fell backwards, landing on his bottom, his tail rattling in pain. Even if it was made of bone, there were nerves in there, since his quirk didn’t affect his sense of touch.

“Ow! Guess I’m already falling for you, or something like that…” Ezra muttered, checking if his tail was okay by feeling each segment. He wasn’t trying to flirt with her, but their voice was full of charm, like being suave was in their blood. Besides, he wasn’t interested in any sort of romance yet, since it had only been a few minutes since he’d arrived at the station.

That’s when a lightbulb fell from the ceiling, landing in front of him. The wire was still attached to the bulb as it fell, so it was an electrical hazard. It broke on impact, causing a mild burst of light and electricity, shattering the bulb. Ezra shielded his eyes, but thankfully none of the broken shards landed on him. The spectral Microraptor let out a shriek, frightened by the sudden flash, and leaped into the air, before landing on a nearby bench.

Well, that was oddly convenient. I definitely dodged a bullet with that one.

The loose lightbulb had landed right where he was standing a few seconds ago. If he hadn’t tripped, he could have been hit in the head, and possibly electrocuted. That whole situation actually interrupted his train of thought, and he finally remembered that she was asking them for something. Ezra scrambled back on his feet to give a proper introduction.

“That was weird. Anyways, yeah, you’re in the right place. I’m Ezra, a fellow student at Bayani Academy. It’s nice to finally meet someone around my height, you can feel a bit overconfident when you tower over everyone else.” He said as he gave a short bow. He had a certain flair when speaking that was eloquent and full of grandeur, like a ringmaster starting a show.

The ghostly Microraptor shrugged, indifferent to this newcomer. Unless Ezra found it important, the small dinosaur had no reason to care. It spotted another person, this time being a brown-haired girl with glasses and golden earrings who was asking about the train. It took flight, and landed on the girl’s head and squawked, which caught the skeletal boy’s attention.

“Get off her, you don’t know where she’s been!” Ezra scolded, gesturing for the spirit to return to his shoulder. It was a little rude, but he didn’t want to lose any of his spirits, especially this early in the morning. The newcomer had introduced herself as Leigh, and she sounded British.

Please don’t tell me she’s one of those pure “tea” enjoyers. I might be fancy, but not enough to casually drink hot leaf water out of a kettle. Iced tea is superior in almost every way, from flavor to convenience, except maybe health-wise.

The Microraptor sighed before it pointed a wing at the tracks, clearly trying to help answer Leigh’s question. He made need to do some damage control, since most people were creeped out by the spirits he summoned. I mean who could blame them, ghost dinosaurs sound terrifying on a paper, if not a little campy.

“Oh, the train.” Ezra looked at his silver watch, and it too was starting to tingle. He didn’t know either Atsuko or Leigh’s quirks, but he knew that they probably had powers he’d never seen here in the Philippines. It was a wide world out there, and with all these powers, the possibilities were endless.

“We’ve got about… 30 to 40 minutes before it gets here. That’s plenty of time to have a conversation, especially since I’m curious at the variety of students here. Both of you seems so interesting, and I wanna know more.” He responded in a casual tone, which had a hint of courtesy in it. While he didn’t sound excited, his tail was wagging like an gleeful dog who wanted to play in the sun, a sign of what he felt under the surface.

The best way to start a good relationship with someone is to break the ice. That was one of the few lessons his dad ever taught him, and now he was putting it to good use. He just hoped he wouldn’t choke.

@Cmeriwether (Atsuko)
@D34N.U5R (Leigh)
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Ueda Atsuko, Bayani Academy Trainport

As Atsuko was thinking, another girl had walked up to her and the boy. The girl asked if this was the right place for Bayani Academy. She then told them her name was Leigh. Atsuko nodded, looking at the two of them now when some sort of spirit, looking like a dinosaur, gave a low growl. Her eyes suddenly turned red as she looked at the Dinosaur, however that would all change when the boy spoke to her after being startled. Apparently her presence was enough for her to startle him. However, the color of her eyes would transfer to her face when she heard what the boy said.

"Ow! Guess I'm already falling for you, or something like that..."

Atsuko's face turned red as her eyes shifted back to their usual grey. She had a shocked look on her face, floored at that. She hadn't been expecting that, and people usually walked away after they turned around to see her. Suddenly, a light bulb just fell out of nowhere, Atsuko had seen it move and backed up as it barely missed her. She was still a bit in shock from the boy's Words. He had introduced himself as Ezra. He then explained that there were thirty to forty minutes until the train.

"Okay, Ezra and Leigh, other than That light bulb coming out of the blue, how do you think our time at Bayani Academy is going to go?"




Previously Shadow_Pup
Anastasia Vasiliev
A sleek black suv pulled up to Bayani Academy, inside sat a small white haired girl next to a taller white haired adult woman. The woman turned to the girl, "Now Anastasia, your sure this is where you want to go to school, I'm sure it's not to late to enroll you elsewhere", Anastasia groaned "Чёрт, for the last time mother, I'm not going to some stuffy russian prep school" she stated as the car came to a stop and the driver got out and opened the door for her, as she stepped out her mother called after her "Alright dear, люблю тебя", Anastasia turned "I know, тоже тебя люблю", the driver then closed the door, got back in the car and drove off "Слава Богу, I thought she was gonna stick around for a moment there" she muttered to herself before her mood improved a fraction as she shivered in her uniform, she had been provided with an extra thick uniform and her mother had given her some silk gloves and a nice scarf but she still got a shiver of cold every so often. She glanced around and spotted a gathering of students, she considered walking past them but stopped herself and decided she may as well say high, even if they were all bloody giants, she walked over with purpose in her step and stopped once she reached them "are you guys new students, I am Anastasia Vasiliev, it is a pleasure to meet you all" she stated her face giving away no emotion as she analysed the group before her.
@GEN1E @D34N.U5R @Cmeriwether
Ezra Ortega P. Valdez

"It's probably going to be a challenging, yet grand adventure. Especially now that you guys have been in my presence!" Ezra said, ending with a confident smirk that he hoped didn't come off as too rude. He had hoped to spark a friendly rivalry here, by trying to be a little more cocky than usual. It was his way of testing the waters, of figuring out more about Leigh and Atsuko without asking them any questions.

Still, he didn't want to oversell the act, play all his cards at once.

Just in case he made a bad call.

The ghostly Microraptor, which was currently perched on Leigh's head, let out a soft chirp. This girl's head felt like more of a nest, somewhere where the spirit could finally rest in peace. That's when it felt a chill run down it's spine, causing it to shriek in surprise. It wasn't one of the spirits from the Pleistocene Epoch, better known as the Ice Age, so it wasn't used to the cold.

"Uh, you okay buddy? Somebody there?" Ezra asked his feathered friend, who was shivering for some reason. Clearly all the noises the Microraptor made were to alert him of any newcomers. He had to look down to see her, but there she was.

A white-haired girl, with freckles and pale skin. Her cold blue eyes stared into his soul, and frankly all the other spirits he could summon. Despite the fact he towered over her, she scared him to his core. Yet... there was something familiar about her, from her demeanor to her luxurious scarf. If girls were supposed to warm hearts, she looked like she did the opposite.

He knew a fellow rich kid when he saw one. This could be problematic, and yet could work out in his favor.

"Well... hello there! I almost missed you from up here, but we're new students too. I'm Ezra, pleased to make your acquaintance." He said in a much more formal and fancier tone, one he usually reserved for talking to his dad's associates at banquets. They were usually fellow politicians and socialites, so Ezra couldn't exactly be casual.

Hopefully he wasn't on thin ice.

@Cmeriwether (Atsuko)
@D34N.U5R (Leigh)
@Void_Nugget (Anastasia)
Damien Restine

Damien gazed out the window as Cocoa kicked his legs back and forth in his lap, his mother's words still echoing in his mind. "Remember, if you ever feel like you change your mind, just send us a message honey." It was a perfectly reasonable message, Damien never really ventured out of his comfort zone much and it was going to be a wildly new experience for him. The last thing Damien or his parents wanted was that he felt trapped in a circumstance he didn't want, but the assurance had the opposite effect. Damien's finger tapping on the car's window controls got faster and faster before he got interrupted by the bear on his lap turning around.

"Would you cut that out!?" Said Cocoa. Damien immediately recoiled his hand back with an apologetic look. "Kiddo, now's not the time to get cold feet. What're you so afraid of? You get bullied? Give me a sign and I'll rip out the sorry kid's throat out!" Said Cocoa punctuating the last line with his claws extending. Damien broke out into a chuckle. "Ok, ok, no throat ripping" Cocoa said before turning around and sitting back, satisfied that he got Damien to quit worrying about school for 5 seconds.

Not long after the driver pulled to a top in front of the trainport. Damien, pulled on his backpack and stepped out of the car with Cocoa climbing on top, hanging onto Damien's shoulders. "Was the drive ok?" Said driver before Damien gave a thumbs up and a tip. "Thanks for the ride!" Said Cocoa with a mock salute.

Damien walked inside of the trainport, a bit taken aback at the shocking number of kids there, some of which much taller than him. After about 10 seconds of working up the courage to attempt and talk to someone, Damien quickly decided to preoccupy himself looking at the paintings on the walls, which were actually rather interesting. Cocoa on the other hand wad a bit bored with it so pre occupied his time by digging Damien's phone out of his backpack and messing with it.
The orange haired boy ran towards the train station, sliding inside as he bumped into the doors as they closed. His own bag flying in the air as it slapped against his face, groaning as he moved it to the side, he rubbed his nose and huffed. Kaito looked at the glass as he got up, fixing his hair as he then checked his outfit as well.

“Yep, I’m looking good. Got to act cool when I get there, either that or fun. What do most people like about a person… I’ll figure it out when I get there!”

The boy snickered to himself, finding an empty seat as he plopped down on it, kicking his feet as he looked around the train. Even though he was rather happy about making it into this school, he couldn’t help but feel a bit nervous or bad, originally U.A. was his goal, but as he failed the entrance exam this was the next best thing. He clutched his bag as he held it close to him, moving his head down onto it as he closed his eyes, exhaling softly as he tried to calm his nerves.

“Just… get yourself together. You need to chill out and get ya head in the game…”


Previously Shadow_Pup
Anastasia Vasiliev
The small girl glanced up at the boy who spoke, getting a good look at him she was momentarily taken aback by his appearance, but with practiced ease, she slipped back into her cold demeanor only allowing a small twitch of annoyance at the boy's height based comment, resisting the urge to lash out she simply smiled and upon clocking his formal tone she pieced together the fact he was also likely from a well off family. With a small effort, she slipped into her own formal tone and with one of her best false smiles returned the boy's greeting "Nice to meet you Ezra, and who might the rest of you be" she stated dropping the formal tone and false smile almost as quick as she'd adopted it, she did so very much hate formalities, as her formal façade dropped and her cold expression returned her voice became twinged with hints of her Russian accent.
@GEN1E @D34N.U5R @Cmeriwether
Leigh Jones
And of course someone showed up out of nowhere. As always happens. Damn. Lucky she was adorable. "I'm Leigh," she immediately said, "Nice to meet you, Anastasia-"

And then a car flew above them out of nowhere.

Leigh laughed sheepishly, staring at the sky, then looked at Ezra for absolutely no reason. "That... shouldn't have happened," she said, "I just hope the alarm doesn't go off." Then she focused back on Anastasia.

"Is that what you always wear?" she asked, "Are you... cold?"

@GEN1E @Void_Nugget
Ezra Ortega P. Valdez

Ezra must have struck a nerve, since he felt a chill run up his spine, and he shuddered in his dress shoes. The smile on her face was a ruse, and he saw right through her facade, and into her frigid and unwelcome center. She was not one to be trifled with, and the skeletal boy wasn’t going to tempt fate in this encounter.

Anastasia was one of the few humans who actually scared them.

His spectral companion, on the other hand, seemed unfazed by Anastasia’s statement, enjoying its perch upon Leigh’s head. With its small stature, it felt content to rest among the auburn curls that covered her scalp, like the underbrush of the forests of old. Nothing could bother the undead Microraptor in this state.

Suddenly, a loud roar erupted from above the group of teens, causing the Microraptor to shriek in fear before leaping off its makeshift roost. Ezra looked up to the sky, to see a car soaring away from the school as it streaked through the air with great speed and control. The sight left his jaw on the floor.

“Man, why don’t I have one of those? Must be a Japanese thing, I’m sure.” He grumbled, crossing his arms in mock annoyance, trying not to show his envy. From snippets of a conversation he overheard once, between his father and some engineer who had scheduled a meeting with the esteemed senator, airborne vehicles were still in early development here in the Philippines.

Clearly he wasn’t the only apex predator around here…

The ghostly dinosaur fled from the group, hopping and flapping its wings like a scared chicken running from a fox. The noise from above sounded like an angry pterosaur, lying in wait for its next snack, and it startled the prehistoric apparition.

With a final kick, the Microraptor scarpered onto a seat, and it let out a disgruntled hiss towards the air behind the apparition. Yet, it was startled by the boy next to him, who had vibrant orange locks of hair, along with white fingerless gloves. The phantasmal fossil gave a low growl as it took a whiff of the boy, who smelt sweet and floral, though that didn't mean it trusted him.

His fingers would make a great snack if he tried anything...

@Cmeriwether (Atsuko)
@D34N.U5R (Leigh)
@Void_Nugget (Anastasia)

@DemonicHoneyBun (Kaido)