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Killerbunny the god
Killerbunny the god
I give everyone likes!
Retro Master
Retro Master
You’re trying too hard to like farm Koop. Just have fun and they will come to you.
Grand Master Koop
Grand Master Koop
I need likes from everyone
Grand Master Koop
Grand Master Koop
Increase my like count
Killerbunny the god
Killerbunny the god
Me too. I want to be on that list too
Retro's like a month and 2 days older than me...

think you're the youngest here bunbun.
Grand Master Koop
Grand Master Koop
You already have more likes them me
Grand Master Koop
Grand Master Koop
Everyone go like my shitty fusions
Retro Master
Retro Master
Koop is asking for likes but he’s barely handing any of them out lmao
Killerbunny the god
Killerbunny the god
Grand Master Koop
Grand Master Koop
I need more likes so why should I give them out?
Shen: King of Digimon
Shen: King of Digimon
Because it’s a two way street
Worship Shen, gain more likes!
Bow to the King, tis only right.
Grand Master Koop
Grand Master Koop
You people already have tons of likes
Killerbunny the god
Killerbunny the god
Kyuu get's it!
Grand Master Koop
Grand Master Koop
People who gains money don't give them back