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Memin' Universe SU
Memin' Universe SU
*lot of Revives, but I did it. And I have to thank my team for the win. I couldn't have done it alone. So thanks to Typhlosion, Gyarados, Aya (Espeon), Quagsire, Raikou, and Ho-Oh. Another huge thanks to past team members as well such as Togetic, Sudowoodo, Kenya (Fearow), Tyrogue, and a lot of other ones
your team needs some fixing ngl
Memin' Universe SU
Memin' Universe SU
I'm well aware lol. I swapped out Quagsire for Larvitar and plan on evolving it into a Tyranitar soon
get a grumpig/weavile/Wahlrein

especially Walrein
raikou isn't worth it ngl
gyarados could be switched for a more reliable water type
ho-oh is ok
get a garchomp... somehow....
oh yeah and
god damn camerupt
Memin' Universe SU
Memin' Universe SU
Where do I get a Garchomp in Heartgold? And where do I get a Walrein?
Memin' Universe SU
Memin' Universe SU
Most of these Pokemon I have an emotional connection to, but I'd be willing to get a Garchomp
fuck if i know
you need a spheal to get walrein

but you should really consider a grumpig-
its a defensive tank with a sp. atk cannon on its back -
ancient power/stone edge/psychic/psywave is deadly

espeon is ok for psychic typing but lacks ALL defense
grumpig has less speed but way higher survivability
for raikou
literally replace it with a high enough level pikachu and it will melt ALL GYMS
thunder/iron tail/ thunder wave i think/agility
just spam agility and then thunder to win

god damn i cant say gyarados normally anymore-
Memin' Universe SU
Memin' Universe SU
How am I supposed to get them if I don't know where to?
Memin' Universe SU
Memin' Universe SU
I really want a Garchomp though. Garchomp's a cool Pokemon
Memin' Universe SU
Memin' Universe SU
Oh no. The one thing I'm bad at in HeartGold lol. I actually caught my Larvitar in the Safari Zone. Let's hope Gible doesn't take as much time as Larvitar took XD