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Midnight Heart
Midnight Heart
Thanks, Blue! :) (Fun fact, I went as a witch this year, making it three or four years in a row that I've went as a witch AND used the same costume XD)
Oreo and Moon: *both steal a piece of candy and a cute little kitty cat that looks somewhat similar to a sugar cookie or muffin steals a piece of candy as well*
Awesome! :) So did you go trick or treating?
Midnight Heart
Midnight Heart
Yep! :D We went to three or four churches and got candy, and at one of them, someone was walking to their car and was dressed up as an elderly person and started dancing!
Midnight Heart
Midnight Heart
And the church had a monster car with a spider in its mouth and someone was in the car that put candy on the car's tongue, and to get the candy you had to stick your hand between the spider and the car's tongue! Kinda scared me a little 'cause I'm scared of spiders. XD
Oh sweet. XD
I just watched a old "scary" movies with my sister and ate a bunch of candy that my mom bought us.
Oh yeah that is understanable. Spiders can be really creepy.
Midnight Heart
Midnight Heart
Cool! :) My mom wanted to just go buy candy and pizza and then come back and just watch scary movies, but I wanted to go trick or treating because trick or treating is much more fun than just buying candy. XD Someone at one of the churches also thought my mom was a kid and gave her a piece of candy. :p
That is sweet. :D
And I do kinda miss trick or treating, but I am too old sadly to go anymore, but that hasn't stopped me from enjoying halloween. ^^
Midnight Heart
Midnight Heart
I absolutely love trick or treating, especially since Halloween is my favorite holiday, but I'm probably gonna be too old to go trick or treating next year since I'll be thirteen... ;-; ...Pretty sure I saw an adult or two trick or treating though, and a couple teenagers.
Ssshh, they shall never know if you don't tell them. <.>