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  1. H47E

    Open Pokémon: Interstellar - Discussion Thread

    Interactions with professors, gym leaders, etc are entirely in your control. That goes for everyone. The only solid rule is if a character is established, for example Sycamore being the currently named Kalos professor, don't change them out for another. This is to avoid plotholes and confusion...
  2. H47E

    Private/Closed MHA: Discussion of a New Age

    @Jayblade planning on getting a post out soon for Ryoma? I don't want to come off as rushy, that isn't my intent, I totally understand being busy and stuff! Just asking out of anxious curiosity because I'd love to continue writing Kai but I don't want to abandon or sidebar our interaction :)
  3. H47E

    Open Pokémon: Interstellar - Discussion Thread

    As long as it makes sense within the world, I'm for it. @Merciless Medic came up with a good set of logic to explain the connection and how it would work, so as long as things adhere to that and the changes I mentioned before are made, she's approved.
  4. H47E

    Private/Closed MHA: Discussion of a New Age

    I'll be sure to join! All those resources readily available will make writing so much easier
  5. H47E

    Open Pokémon: Interstellar - Discussion Thread

    I was planning on them appearing pretty early, likely during the first match between a random challenger and the first Unovan E4 member. Makes sense that there should be matches before that, a bracket of trainers who completed 8 gyms competing for the right to battle the E4 and Champ to see who...
  6. H47E

    Private/Closed Total Pokémon Island [REBOOTED 2.0] - Discussion Thread

    They can be any age at any evolution level. I'm not equating age to level, in fact moreso going on the anime's take on evolution being a personal growth thing for each Pokémon. For example, one could play a 15yo Blastoise with their parents being a Squirtles or Wartortles who simply didn't...
  7. H47E

    Open Pokémon: Interstellar - Discussion Thread

    Approved as well, good way of making a powerful character that has room to grow. Can't wait to see someone doin stuff in Unova!
  8. H47E

    Open Pokémon: Interstellar - Discussion Thread

    I thought I responded to this a while ago but I now remember I lost my reply when I originally tried to and gave up posting for the night. First character, the brother, is approved. The former champion however I have some gripes with. Too many shinies in her backstory for one, from the way I...
  9. H47E

    Private/Closed MHA: Discussion of a New Age

    Another thing for the supports, I took it upon myself to make the pairings for the assignment using a wheel spin lotto to keep it truly random. I thought that might give some unlikely pairings a chance to bond! Plus I thought it would be easier than having a whole discussion here about who...
  10. H47E

    Private/Closed MHA: Discussion of a New Age

    He just happened to be a step ahead. Better hope that bench is where he wants to be seated! Also, for reference, there are three on each side of the room totaling six. One is taken by Senjiro leaving three on one side, two on the other. I'm guessing Senjiro took one on the end since he's shy...
  11. H47E

    Ask to Join My hero academia: Dawn of a New Age

    Hachō, Nami - Support Course Workshop, First Day of Term 1 Posing proudly with her hands on her hips as the triad of students in the classroom paraded into the hallway and disappeared into the workshop per her instruction, the Pro-Hero trailed behind them slowly. Pulling a paper from the...
  12. H47E

    Private/Closed MHA: Discussion of a New Age

    Making a post today for support course, gonna sorta NPC your support character (@Martin Pine) into the room so class can get underway if that's alright, unless you get a post out before me. Either way it shouldn't make much of a difference as Hachō is just going to be doing introductions...
  13. H47E

    Open Pokémon: Interstellar - Discussion Thread

    I'm all for it, by all means they can have their badges already and be strong enough to compete in the league. I love your characters and trust you to write something awesome. I definitely don't plan on success being impossible against the bad guys either. Just want to stress the fact that at...
  14. H47E

    Private/Closed MHA: Discussion of a New Age

    Good post, just waiting on the last two support students to make their posts so everyone is officially together in the workshop and then the first day of class will officially begin with introductions and such! Also on a side note, in one of Satoshi's posts while in the classroom they mention a...
  15. H47E

    Open Pokémon: Interstellar - Discussion Thread

    New characters are always welcome, though I will warn you the toughest interactions in this first story arc are the ones that are about to come. It is highly unlikely that even experienced trainers are to be prepared for or successful in stopping Interstellars first moves, but they might gain...
  16. H47E

    Private/Closed MHA: Discussion of a New Age

    I like this. Perhaps mesh our ideas? Intelligence exam, practical test that you came up with, and the ethics test and that was the criteria for being admitted to the course. That is, if everyone else agrees.
  17. H47E

    Private/Closed MHA: Discussion of a New Age

    I can have Hachō mention some details? I'm thinking it would be something along the lines of a series of academics tests, providing a small hero item or gadget they built (all parts and blueprints supplied by the entrance examiners), and maybe a practical ethics exam? Yknow, a test to see if...
  18. H47E

    Private/Closed Total Pokémon Island [REBOOTED 2.0] - Discussion Thread

    Hello reader, coming back at ya with another Pokémon Roleplay. This one is a reboot of an old series of roleplays based on the 'Total Drama' series. I was originally introduced to the concept on a different forum that no longer exists (RIP Marriland RP forums), where there were multiple...
  19. H47E

    Private/Closed MHA: Discussion of a New Age

    Went ahead and made my own list of all the characters in this thread so far and some nicknames to help me keep track of everyone. Here it is! Let me know if I missed anyone or have anything wrong in terms of who's teaching what, names, etc. Hopefully this is helpful to others too! Definitely...
  20. H47E

    Open Pokémon: Interstellar - Discussion Thread

    Alright everybody, once a feeew more posts roll out I'm going to continue the plot a bit further! Of course for that to happen the dates must move forwards, so if you find yourself still on the events of the 17th for example when others are posting about events on the 18th or 20th, include the...