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  1. TheCopperHare

    Open Pokémon Training Center

    Just wait till Galactic gets back (and approves)
  2. TheCopperHare

    Open Pokémon Training Center

    "It's nearly time. Chandelure, Take your place in the centre, " Their chandelure flew into the middle of the dorm hall unoticed
  3. TheCopperHare

    Open Pokémon Training Center

    Myandera would look at the timetable on her Desk, "Looks like i'm getting the Management over the boys dorm.. Typical.." She'd get up out of her class, Walking towards the boys dormatory, She was looked at several times by Student's who though she looked to old to be a student and dressed...
  4. TheCopperHare

    Screw It full immersion time

    Screw It full immersion time
  5. TheCopperHare

    Open Pokemon:Eternal Island

    "There's Alot of rain," they'd gaze down at the flood in her area."There's never been this much before?"
  6. TheCopperHare


  7. TheCopperHare

    Open Pokémon Training Center

    Name:Myandera Silvers Pokémon Type Specialty:Fire Current Pokémon (limit is 6):Typhlosion (Blitz) Chandelure (Flare) Braixen (Flame) Rotom [Heat] (Ember) Flareon(Ala) Personality:Firey, Usually helpful. Skilled with her pokemon, Looks:5'6, Short Messy Maroon dye'd hair. Jade green eyes...
  8. TheCopperHare

    Open Pokemon Academy

    She'd have slipped and grabbed her case, aswell as her berry presser and hand blender, grabbed her case and espeon, And then left out the door. Because she was finished with these lunatics
  9. TheCopperHare

    Open Pokemon Academy

    "WOAHMYGOD She would of ben't over to advoid the bishaps, Falling and landing against Arpi. With clumsyness
  10. TheCopperHare

    Open Pokemon Academy

    "What the actual hell, you could of just hit me. Thats what other people did when they triggered me"
  11. TheCopperHare

    Open Pokemon Academy

    "YES. YES YOU O SNAP CRACKLE POP RICE KRISPIES. YOUR STARTING TO TRIGGER ME ARPI." They walked to their case, taking a handblender and berry press out, Before walking back, Jucing both oran berries and then putting both the skin and juice from the blk and oran berry into the handblender before...
  12. TheCopperHare

    Open Pokemon Academy

    "Looks like i'm doing it by hand since Eric's being silent..." She'd look in a couple of draws for a chopping board, knife and juicer. Taking some out, She chopped up the 2 of 3 blk oran berries into 1/18'ths then cutting the other in half before jucing it. "Hey, Arpi, Can you get me my Hand...
  13. TheCopperHare

    Open Pokemon Academy

    "What the ever loving Razz berry...." They just gazed at Arpi. a "What The Hell" look on their face
  14. TheCopperHare

    Open Pokemon Academy

    "Nah I'm making drinks, Oran and Blk apricorns smoothies are good for the body and mind"
  15. TheCopperHare

    Open Pokemon Academy

    "Nice.. But seriously do we have a blender or do I have to do it by hand. " They looked at Eric
  16. TheCopperHare

    Open Pokemon Academy

    "Is the Dye done yet." She Asked, Waltzing into the kitchen. "You got a blender Eric?"
  17. TheCopperHare

    I'm on the pc, are you asking for me to rant a lecture

    I'm on the pc, are you asking for me to rant a lecture
  18. TheCopperHare

    At least its not erisol, L4tula would be on your case

    At least its not erisol, L4tula would be on your case
  19. TheCopperHare

    Open Pokemon Academy

    "I need to get my trainer card updated at the Pokemon centre...Or do they not do that here
  20. TheCopperHare

    Open Pokemon Academy

    "I'm glad you respect my language boundaries"