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  1. Stark

    Official Pokémon X and Y Discussion (All Spoilers Welcome!)

    Re: The Official Pokémon X and Y/Gen VI Discussion I loooooooooooove the Fox <333333
  2. Stark

    Mafia VII: Conclusion: Thunderstruck

    Re: Mafia VI: Conclusion: Thunderstruck You guys are awfully fancy with all this. I'm sure most of your plans are totally made up on the spot, whenever I played this I just did that :D
  3. Stark

    What HASN'T been Pokemon-ized?!

    The Holy Goat is, indeed, a goat. You can quote me on that if you like. I'd like a Kraken-mon, but I guess maybe Tentacruel kinda takes that place... in a way. Octillery evolution maybe?
  4. Stark

    The Person Below Me

    False. The next person is either Zekrom, Riley or Josh. BECAUSE NO ONE ELSE IS IN HERE EVER OH MY GOD.
  5. Stark

    The Person Below Me

    False! The person below me is not Riley. (Stop stealing my ideas Josh)
  6. Stark

    The Person Below Me

    Never. The person below is Riley.
  7. Stark

    The Person Below Me

    False. The person below me is Riley (It worked last time)
  8. Stark

    The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread

    I am an idiot
  9. Stark

    The Birthday Thread

    Enjoy your day, Tailon! :)
  10. Stark

    Your favourite Pokemon region

    This makes as much logical sense to me as a chocolate oven in Dubai. Care to elaborate? You like Hoenn... because Unova is a kite... If that's all there is to understand then never mind XDDD
  11. Stark

    The Chatlog Topic!

    15:55:35 ~ <@StellarWind> who in the name of zark needs a mass of chocolate heavy enough to kill a person if dropped carelessly from a building?
  12. Stark

    The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread

    Happy new year, all.
  13. Stark

    What are you playing?

    You're welcome for the idea ^^
  14. Stark

    What are you listening to - Right Now

    Skyrim - Lindsey Stirling ^^ She's awesome. He's awesome too.
  15. Stark

    What are you playing?

    Welp. Now the Christmas Holidays are all done and dusted, its back to StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm Beta for me. Ask me for my stream link if you want to see me in action!
  16. Stark

    Big Pokémon News To Be Revealed January 8th?

    *facepalm* Lets just make EVERYTHING an eeveelution and be done with it already.
  17. Stark

    How do you celebrate the December holidays?

    I thought it was already agreed in chat around two weeks ago that Petey and I would rule under Stel in our attempt to free the world of dumb people.
  18. Stark

    Pokécharms Holiday Photo Contest - Closed!

    Re: Pokécharms Holiday Photo Contest That moment where you own no Poke plushy stuff :c Hope you all had a good day!
  19. Stark

    The Birthday Thread

    Enjoy, Dinova :)
  20. Stark

    New Years Resolution

    So once your writing becomes top notch, we have a perfect human being on our hands? :o I think I am missing something! This is an awfully good idea.