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  1. BlobbyPlatapi

    Ok! :)

    Ok! :)
  2. BlobbyPlatapi

    @TheAssasinRiolu would u like to join???

    @TheAssasinRiolu would u like to join???
  3. BlobbyPlatapi

    Omg! I HATE AUTO CORRECT!!! I meant sooooooooooooo

    Omg! I HATE AUTO CORRECT!!! I meant sooooooooooooo
  4. BlobbyPlatapi

    But anyways it would be zoological cool of I could get all my friends to join! ;)

    But anyways it would be zoological cool of I could get all my friends to join! ;)
  5. BlobbyPlatapi

    * @TheAssasinRiolu *

    * @TheAssasinRiolu *
  6. BlobbyPlatapi

    @TheAssassinRiolu @alotheprimarina @Leaping_Lucario @Special Kumo @Pixilate hi everyone I just...

    @TheAssassinRiolu @alotheprimarina @Leaping_Lucario @Special Kumo @Pixilate hi everyone I just started a new journey through alola role play
  7. BlobbyPlatapi

    Oh, sorry. I am very sorry I had no idea! Thanks for letting me know.

    Oh, sorry. I am very sorry I had no idea! Thanks for letting me know.
  8. BlobbyPlatapi

    Anyone who would like to draw a character for my pokemon table top adventures character plz tag...

    Anyone who would like to draw a character for my pokemon table top adventures character plz tag me in a comment :)
  9. BlobbyPlatapi

    Oh ok. :(

    Oh ok. :(
  10. BlobbyPlatapi

    @Ry_Burst can I join??? Plz???

    @Ry_Burst can I join??? Plz???
  11. BlobbyPlatapi

    Darkness Approaches in New Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Story Trailer

    OK... so maybe it isn't a "NEW" trailer but who is like Freakin' hyped for the new games?!? i know i am!:love::o>_<
  12. BlobbyPlatapi

    Sceptile is my personal favorite but lucario is like 3rd on my list. Gardevoir is 2nd.

    Sceptile is my personal favorite but lucario is like 3rd on my list. Gardevoir is 2nd.
  13. BlobbyPlatapi

    Lol it would appear so... mine is and ALWAYS will be Sceptile! (But if we're talking about...

    Lol it would appear so... mine is and ALWAYS will be Sceptile! (But if we're talking about shinies it is Gardevoir!)
  14. BlobbyPlatapi

    @Lucario65 could you do Gardevoir and lunala? I think that one would be sooooooooooooo cool! ;)

    @Lucario65 could you do Gardevoir and lunala? I think that one would be sooooooooooooo cool! ;)
  15. BlobbyPlatapi

    Yea we are girl friends

    Yea we are girl friends
  16. BlobbyPlatapi

    My favourite pokemon are Sceptile, Gardevoir, and Typhlosion

    My favourite pokemon are Sceptile, Gardevoir, and Typhlosion
  17. BlobbyPlatapi

    I am very sorry to announce that due to unexpected events I will not be able to produce my comic...

    I am very sorry to announce that due to unexpected events I will not be able to produce my comic :( but if there is anything reasonable I can do to make it up to you like maybe draw and post your character and pokemon please let me know
  18. BlobbyPlatapi

    @Pixilate @alotheprimarina @Lucario65 @Ignorer @Shipper Dracoss X Quill

    @Pixilate @alotheprimarina @Lucario65 @Ignorer @Shipper Dracoss X Quill
  19. BlobbyPlatapi

    Sounds good:)

    Sounds good:)
  20. BlobbyPlatapi

    Ok tell me the name of your trainer and his six pokemon. You are not allowed legendaries and...

    Ok tell me the name of your trainer and his six pokemon. You are not allowed legendaries and only one shiny plz;)