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Search results

  1. P

    Pokemon Explorers of Darkness: A New Adventure

    "Yup. I can't explain it, but your name rings a bell." Peachy smiled, swallowing her water. She limped back over to her bed and layed down. "So, you guys a rescue team? Team Eclipse says I can join them when my leg gets better. I've been thinking about it, but, I'm also willing to join a team in...
  2. P

    Pokemon Explorers of Darkness: A New Adventure

    "Cool name, Sora. It sounds familiar..." Peachy mumbled. "Oh yeah. I don't really remember much about where I came from, jut that my name's Peachy... and... well, that's pretty much all." She said in answer to Eli's question. After a while, Peachy stood up and limped around the base to get a...
  3. P

    Pokemon Explorers of Darkness: A New Adventure

    "An earthquake??!!" Harmony exclaimed, jumping up. "Curious just went outside!" she ran out. "Hi!" Peachy squeaked. "You're an Eevee, like me! I'm Peachy! What's your name??" ---Outside--- Harmony raced and found Curious collapsed infront of Ettiyo's home. "Curious! Are you okay?" She...
  4. P

    I return!

    ... Well, I'm not sure I know you, but I really like cake.. so I guess I'll stick around. ;D Hi, I'm Shroomish-chan. I guess I joined after you left. Welcome back. :) (If it means anything coming from me) *Flyingtacklewhomps the cake and gets a slice*
  5. P

    Pokemon Explorers of Darkness: A New Adventure

    While Harmony was taking care of Peachy, Curious went out for a walk. When he crossed the bridge into town, he gasped. There were no pokemon in sight, the ground had been split many diffrent ways, leaving gaping holes where the Kecleon shop, and bank used to be. Moans of pokemon came from the...
  6. P

    Government Utilization of Super Powered Forces

    (Thanks for letting me join) "Next!" The inquisitor asked, flipping his clipboard to the next page. A small red-headed girl looked up from a People magizine she was reading, and stood up. She was wearing a black tank-top, and a plaid skirt, with a white sweater. It looked like a school...
  7. P

    What art? I have none!

    Sorry, I don't have a scanner... I'm trying to get one. I'll try my best to do your picture. :)
  8. P

    What art? I have none!

    Thanks, I'll try that sometime. :)
  9. P

    What art? I have none!

    I lied. I have art. ;D Here it is. I don't have a scanner, so, I took pictures. They're fuzzy, but, I think you can see them clearly enough. Please give me some tips... I think i need them. :P If you kind of like my art, you can request, and I'll try my best to make it. I think she looks...
  10. P

    Pokemon Sinnoh Journeys: Hideki, Satomi and Raiga (open thread. every1 welcome)

    Sashi landed in Oreburg just in time to see the end of a battle. She sat on a bench, and watched the end. A girl with blonde hair proclaimed a boy with a growlithe the winner of the battle. Sashi smiled. "Great battle, huh Rika?" She asked the Lucario, who was excitedly watching. "Luc!" Rika...
  11. P

    Mainstream PRP Character Bios

    name: Sashi Sparroton Gender: Female Hometown: Littleroot town Age: 15 Height: 5'7 Weight: 112 lbs. Hair: Black Eyes: Light Blue Clothes: A dress version of a sailor's outfit, with a sailor's hat and white boots. Identifying marks: Her right eye is a tad bit darker than her left...
  12. P

    Pokemon Sinnoh Journeys: Hideki, Satomi and Raiga (open thread. every1 welcome)

    (Mind if I join ya'll?) "Phew. That was a long ride, wasn't it Rika? But, we made it." A 15-year-old girl, with midnight black hair and sparkling blue eyes said, getting off a ship, and walking on to Sunnyshore's beach. "Luc! Lucario!" Rika exclaimed, falling on to the beach. The girl...
  13. P

    The Pokemon Fanbar Project - Show your colors!

    Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh! I love it! Thanks!
  14. P

    Your First Pokemon

    Pikachu. I was watching T.V. one day, and It came on screen, and I was like, "Ohmygosh! That is the cutest thing I've ever seen!" (Keep in mind, I was 7) So, I pretty much started watching pokemon because I though Pikachu looked cute. (And it still does!)
  15. P

    Where in the Pokemon World would you want to live?

    Probably Pacifidlog Town, because I love the little logs you use to get around on. Random, right? :P
  16. P

    The most annoying things

    1. Slow surfing- Well, I guess that's a major one... 2. Mespirit- I can't find the friggin' Pokemon Tracker, so I'm totally unprepared when I find Mespirit. 3. Victory road- Okay, yes, it's built to be challenging. But every new generation, it gets harder! 4. Fog- WHY? I hate the stupid stuff.
  17. P

    Virgil's MS Paintings and iScribbles

    I love the grass starter. Is it some Kangaroo/Possum/Coyote mix? It looks really cute. You're doing great on the drawings. Much better than I am XD.
  18. P

    Pokemon Explorers of Darkness: A New Adventure

    ---At Team Eclipse's base--- Peachy was laying on Harmony's bed, holding out her leg for Chansey to inspect. "Hmm.. Yes, yes... oh... I see.." Chansey muttered, rubbing the leg up and down. "Her leg's broken." The Chansey reported once she was done. "What should we do?" Curious asked. "Keep...
  19. P

    Favorite pokemon for competitive battling

    Probably either my Darkrai or Venusaur. My Darkrai comes in handy when I'm in a corner, because the Dark void/nightmare/bad dreams combo always works. My Venusaur because of its powerful moves like Frenzy Plant and Energy ball.
  20. P

    Pika's Sprites

    That looks really great! Thaks so much! *Puts in sig*