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Sitting on a bench near the battlefield sat a boy named Ace with his Pidove. “I wish you were strong enough to fight those starters Joseph.”. “Pidove!” It said in frustration. “Hmm?” Ace wondered. He then turned to see Joseph glaring at him. “Sorry bud, your just too weak to fight them.” He...
*Squirty dodges the bite just barely* "Yeah!" said Zane. "Alright,now use Rapid Spin!" *Squirty roles into his shell and comes barreling toward Zig* "WARRRRR!" It screamed as it attacked. *It looked through is shell with haunting eyes right at Zig*
*People continued to yell and cheer at both of...
*Squirty was hit hard by the quick attack* “Ok lets take this up a notch Squirty!” He exclaimed. “Use Aqua Tail!” *Squirty jumped high in the air and attempted to hurt Zig but he missed!* “War?” *Squirty hit the ground hard* “Well..” Zane said anxiously. “This isn’t going to turn out good...” He...
*Squirty was bitten by Zig* “Wartortle!” It roared. “Use Water Pulse!” Zane yelled. *Squirty charged up his water beam ready to hit Zig. Then he fired it*
“I’d love to have a pokemon battle!” *He’d pet Zig*. “He’s a cute pokemon!” He said.
“I suppose I’ll let you go with the first move if that’s ok with you.” He said. *Squirty got into a battle stance*
“I would love to be friends!” He replied. “Also,Yes I would like to be dorm mates.” He said. *Squirty was laughing about Zig getting so excited* “War!” It roared. “Quiet!” Zane said. *Squirty bit Zane’s hand* “Hey!” He said. “Calm down!” *Squirty was now starting to calm*
“Oh hi! My name is Zane!” Zane replied. “My friend here is Squirty.” He said. *Squirty stares at Zig confused* “War?” It said. “Oh yeah we immigrated from Kanto about a week ago.” Zane said. “We moved
because by dad got a new job at Galar.”
*Zane ventured into the classroom*
”Hmm...” he said “What do you think about this place Squirty?”. “Wartortle!” Squirty replied. “Welcome Zane! You’re the first one here!” Said the teacher.
*Zane sat at a chair. He felt uncomfortable while sitting.*
“This place gives me the creeps...” he...
Name: Zane Zeckna
Gender: Male
Hometown: Cerulean City
Age: 13
Height: 5’4
Weight: 100 lbs.
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
Clothing: Jacket,Top hat or Beanie,Sweat Pants
Identifying Marks: Scar on ankle
Musculature: Very Skinny
Personality: Annoying,Ignorant
Skills: Martial Arts
Past: When he was around...
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