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:P I had that as well :P I put a lvl 7Aron in it, and when I finally came back, it was at lvl 50.
Dragon types are great too. That's one of my favorites as well
Why don't you put them in daycare? I did that with my Marill from Saphirre as well, and in a few days, it was more powerfull.
:p I don't like fighting types as well. I like water types more.
I think you should catch a Wingull, that will help. A Marril will help as well ;)
I'm currently trying to beat Norman, but my pokèmon are to weak to even beat the trainer before him -,-
Alpha Sapphire? I think that's a really nice game! I don't have a 3ds, so i can't play it. But I think it's nice. Good luck with beating Flannery, though ;) Do you have any water types?
Yes, I have. Almost a month ago, I completed Firered and Leafgreen, and now, i'm playing Emerald for the 10nth time or something :P
And you? Which game have you played recently?
Hello there!
There are many mega evolutions: Mega Pidgeot, Mega Glalie, Mega Venusaur..... But are there some Mega evolutions that you miss?
Please tell me! Which pokèmon would you like to see having a mega evolution?
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