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  1. D34N.U5R

    I decided to make a joke about wanting to delete Deepseek to Deepseek after it told me the...

    I decided to make a joke about wanting to delete Deepseek to Deepseek after it told me the server was busy and then it told me the server was busy again. Goddammit Deepseek lmao
  2. D34N.U5R

    Ask to Join Karma High (REBOOT)- Romantic Superpower High School RP (Open to new characters!)

    Good idea @MarcelGalliard790 I will pocket this idea of yours for later when you least expect it- /hj I had no idea what I was doing about 40% of the time (a new personal best) so please don't judge
  3. D34N.U5R

    Happens a lot to plenty of people (like me, except I'm used to it lmao-)

    Happens a lot to plenty of people (like me, except I'm used to it lmao-)
  4. D34N.U5R

    IMPORTANT: Trainer Card Maker, News, Guides and PokéDex to go offline on 30th January

    No creative corner? Damn. I understand. Take your time, Oak. You'll need it.
  5. D34N.U5R

    Open MHA: New Horizons

    Leigh Jones And of course someone showed up out of nowhere. As always happens. Damn. Lucky she was adorable. "I'm Leigh," she immediately said, "Nice to meet you, Anastasia-" And then a car flew above them out of nowhere. Leigh laughed sheepishly, staring at the sky, then looked at Ezra for...
  6. D34N.U5R

    Ask to Join Karma High (REBOOT)- Romantic Superpower High School RP (Open to new characters!)

    She is cute I want to hug her she is so fucking cute- I shouldn't say more lest other people get pissed off, and I say that as someone who pisses people off by accident at least every week for some reason irl lmao (/hj, I am a massive introvert XD)
  7. D34N.U5R

    Ask to Join Karma High (REBOOT)- Romantic Superpower High School RP (Open to new characters!)

    [insert character directly based on me] is kind, no doubt. As far as battle cries go I'd probably just settle on "jackpot" (I'm obsessed with dmc at the moment lmao). Braedyn is airheaded. Battle cry? Fuck. Miles is either laid-back or cool, and as far as battle cries go, I'd probably go with...
  8. D34N.U5R

    Ask to Join Karma High (REBOOT)- Romantic Superpower High School RP (Open to new characters!)

    I'm sorry, I just found this misspelling hilarious and infuriating, I don't know whether I want you to correct it or keep it as is. My feelings about this are mixed beyond being mixed lmao-
  9. D34N.U5R

    Ask to Join Karma High Reboot: Superpower High School Roleplay (Main Thread)

    Ultimate Einstein and Bread in French Braedyn listened to everything The Man More Comically Serious Than Gina's Brother had to say and he was tempted to ask if they had any precautions against villain attacks. This wasn't exactly like him, but he knew that. Besides, Dean was already writing down...
  10. D34N.U5R

    Ask to Join Karma High (REBOOT)- Romantic Superpower High School RP (Open to new characters!)

    I "think" we're forgetting that there is a character based on me sitting directly next to Braedyn? Also I never really clarified Miles' seating so just put him anywhere lmfao Also no more Pomelo :(
  11. D34N.U5R

    Ask to Join Karma High Reboot: Superpower High School Roleplay (Main Thread)

    Crackhouse Braedyn was relieved that Gina didn't mind that he wasn't as observant as he looked. Then she asked if Dean was okay. Braedyn nudged Dean on the shoulder, only for him to stare at him with a completely blank face. Then, after a few seconds, both of them burst into laughter. "Don't...
  12. D34N.U5R

    Ask to Join Karma High (REBOOT)- Romantic Superpower High School RP (Open to new characters!)

    Poor, poor Orion... I'm sorry... not really, it was just too perfect to pass up- [BANNED]
  13. D34N.U5R

    Ask to Join Karma High Reboot: Superpower High School Roleplay (Main Thread)

    Come On, We All Know What My Crazy Ass Is Planning So Orion had introduced himself. Unnecessarily dramatic. Miles had an idea. He pulled out his phone and started texting Dean something. He was holding in his laughter the whole time. Finally, Dean received the message. It said: "robot spider to...
  14. D34N.U5R

    There is no such thing as a bad student, only a bad teacher [ISPOILER] I mean what

    There is no such thing as a bad student, only a bad teacher I mean what
  15. D34N.U5R

    Ask to Join Karma High Reboot: Superpower High School Roleplay (Main Thread)

    Dean and Braedyn, the worst possible duo to plan something As Gina sat down next to him, Braedyn noticed that he got a very specific look from Dean. A sort of confused and amused look. Oh dear god. Back to the point, Braedyn smiled brightly at Gina's compliment. "Thanks, Gina," he said quietly...
  16. D34N.U5R

    Ask to Join Karma High Reboot: Superpower High School Roleplay (Main Thread)

    Our Favourite Smartass Dean stretched as he stood up. Next introduction. Can't be too hard. "こんにちは!ディーンです!この後、きっとあなたのお気に入りのオタクになるでしょう!Why am I speaking Japanese? That's not my first language. Anyway, I'm Dean! I'm ridiculously smart, I can control electricity to a very certain extent which I'm...
  17. D34N.U5R

    Open MHA: New Horizons

    Leigh Jones Leigh had finally managed to get to the train station. Her first day at a new school and she was already nervous. To be fair, this was a nerve-wracking experience. She made extra sure not to hurt anyone on her way here, even if she did accidentally send a gun flying into the side...
  18. D34N.U5R

    Open MHA: New Horizons (Discussion Thread)

    I'd say Leigh is about 5'7". Very tall for a British girl. My source: Wikipedia('s sources).
  19. D34N.U5R

    Open MHA: New Horizons (Discussion Thread)

    Seems interesting. I think I'll make a character bio at some point, especially since this is my last full week of school and after next week I have 6 weeks off school and I can do a lot in 6 weeks aaaaaand I'm talking too much again. Edit: typo