Welcome back to Pokécharms! We've recently launched a new site and upgraded forums, so there may be a few teething issues as everything settles in. Please see our Relaunch FAQs for more information.
As a result of one of our hosts ending support for the technology used by our Trainer Card Maker, News and Guides frontends on the 31st of January, we will be temporarily suspending all parts of the website other than these forums on Thursday the 30th of January for an indefinite amount of time...
I've had a look into it and can't find any record of you ever being sent any emails at all. This may be an issue with the forum software specifically but I'd recommend using the Authenticator App option regardless if you want to set up 2FA.
I'll see if I can find what might be the issue on...
No exact dates yet. The Corner is just one part of a massive site-wide upgrade that's still very much a work in progress but hopefully everything will start rolling out before the end of the year at the latest.
There's not really any way to tie the old Trainer Cards to the new Trainer Card Maker backend so I'm afraid that one is definitely out. Short of uploading the PNGs to your own page manually, of course. But saving Trainer Cards will also mean being able to reload and edit them directly, so that's...
Happy (20th!) Pokécharms Day everyone!
Make sure you check out all the posts for it on the homepage today - we've got announcements, heartwarming messages, fantastic fan art and plenty of nostalgia to boot - but I wanted to make sure no-one on the forums missed this particular piece of news...
We're turning 20! If you want to help us celebrate, check out this topic:
Hey everyone!
This Pokécharms Day, the 17th of March, marks our official 20th Birthday, and we're busy prepping the celebrations for it right now.
On the day, we're looking to do a big home page takeover with multiple posts showcasing stories, comments, photos, fanart - basically everything -...
When they were releasing the official artwork for the new Pokémon throughout the year, they started releasing them only with a white outline, and then started releasing them without. We had no choice but to leave this inconsistency until release because it's all we had, but now we have the...
In case you've missed it from today's news on the home page - Pokémon Scarlet & Violet are out now! And even more than that, so is a huge update to the Trainer Card Maker AND a brand new PokéDex!
Make sure to check out the full details...
We'll be continuing to add more Trainers and other artwork from now until, basically, we somehow run out of everything we can use. For the moment we're effectively working backwards by focusing on the new Masters and Pokémon Scarlet & Violet content - and anything we're still missing from...
All of the content from before the updates in March is available on our Creative Corner Archive. Which is effectively a read-only version of the website exactly as it was on the 16th March.
You can find your previously saved trainer cards by logging in on that site and accessing your profile...
The archive is still available - the server just seems to be having some trouble this week and there's seemingly no quick and easy solution to it. We'll try and get it fixed for next week but in the meantime it should still work - just slowly: https://archive.pokecharms.com/
Your previous trainer cards can be found by signing into your account on our archive: https://archive.pokecharms.com/ - unfortunately the server it's hosted on seems to be having some troubles this week so it may take a while to load right now. We'll hopefully have it fixed by next week.
If you sign in to your account on our Creative Corner archive you should see your old Trainer Cards: https://archive.pokecharms.com/ (Creative Corner | Pokécharms)
https://www.pokecharms.com/news/new-pokemon-and-new-characters-from-pokemon-scarlet-violet-are-now-available-in-the-trainer-card-maker/ (New Pokémon and new characters from Pokémon Scarlet & Violet are now available in the Trainer Card Maker! - Pokecharms.com)
Submissions for both the Legacy cards and the Modern cards will be re-opening later this year but we've got a few technical and organisational things to take care of before we start opening them up. Apologies for the wait, but once we start taking the submissions we should be doing fairly steady...
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