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  1. Nebula-Newt

    Private/Closed Pokemon Heartgold/Soulsilver Reinvented

    "I think we'll call you Banzai. Sound good?" Flint asked the Cyndaquil, a warm smile on his face. Banzai responded with a simple nod, clearly quite happy with the nickname as after confirming it he waddled closer to his trainer and began nuzzling his knee. An endearing sight to say the least...
  2. Nebula-Newt

    Private/Closed Pokémon Hero Tournament

    Yeah I'd say keep it up, each trainer needs something to set them apart after all.
  3. Nebula-Newt

    Ask to Join Outcasts: Reinvented

    How many people were you planning to get for this?
  4. Nebula-Newt

    Private/Closed Alolan Pokemon Hero Tournament

    The final member of Jodi’s team to battle was actually the first one she had revealed. Garby, the Garbodor. The hulking mass of garbage and toxic waste shambled out from behind his highly trainer who, despite the defeat of another member of her team, was beaming a dazzling smile that was visible...
  5. Nebula-Newt

    Private/Closed Pokémon Hero Tournament

    I'm pretty sure Golurk should be K.O at this point. And Mamoswine doesn't have a trunk?
  6. Nebula-Newt

    Private/Closed Pokémon Hero Tournament

    That battle between the Golurk and Mamoswine has dragged on far too long, somebody needs to just admit defeat.
  7. Nebula-Newt

    Ask to Join Outcasts: Reinvented

    I'll try to improve it later, hopefully you can get the main points from it XD
  8. Nebula-Newt

    Ask to Join Outcasts: Reinvented

    Name: Niko Alasire Age: 19 Gender: Male Physical Appearance: About 5ft 8 with neat dark brown hair, the fringe always brushed over to one side. He has a fairly muscular frame, he doesn’t work out or anything but thanks to his lifestyle he is relatively fit. He has a relatively small nose...
  9. Nebula-Newt

    Private/Closed Alolan Pokemon Hero Tournament

    Slime based Pokémon were always tricky foes, practically immune to physical attacks and very resistant to everything else. It was all due to the fact they could just ride out the momentum of a blow thanks to the stretching properties of their bodies. There was one easy enough way to knock them...
  10. Nebula-Newt

    Ask to Join Outcasts: Reinvented

    Ry making Outcasts less messy? Count me in! I will have a character soon my boy.
  11. Nebula-Newt

    Private/Closed Pokémon Hero Tournament

    Nice one, I'm looking forward to it.
  12. Nebula-Newt

    Private/Closed Pokémon Hero Tournament

    Anybody else gonna post? I would but I dont want to make it a double post is all...
  13. Nebula-Newt

    Private/Closed Alolan Pokemon Hero Tournament

    It was time to bring this battle around. Now thanks to Filk’s noble efforts Knox had the Ariados’ technique all figured out and had a plan to counter it. He whistled sharply to which Vitus responded with a powerful fire lash attack, his flame imbued tongue lashing out at the spider Pokemon like...
  14. Nebula-Newt

    Private/Closed Pokémon Hero Tournament

    He basically said he won't be using the mega, his character just already had a mega as it's been used in multiple RP's. Nobody needs a mega, they kinda make things boring anyway.
  15. Nebula-Newt

    Private/Closed Pokémon Hero Tournament

    I think he just really didn't want them in it honestly.
  16. Nebula-Newt

    Private/Closed Pokémon Hero Tournament

    I thought we were avoiding them in this rp anyway?
  17. Nebula-Newt

    Private/Closed Alolan Pokemon Hero Tournament

    Filk endured several more lighting fast shadow sneak attacks as he tried frantically to land an iron head attack on his foe, unable to catch the illusive Ariados. Usually the Durant relied on his raw power and speed to land heavy blows on his opponents but Jodi seemed to have caught on to that...
  18. Nebula-Newt

    Private/Closed Pokémon Hero Tournament

    Yeah man that just isn't how ghost types work. I mean why make dragon immune to fairy? It doesn't actually make any sense, its just how Pokémon works and you have to roll with it. Ghost types have an immunity to normal and fighting moves because it goes through them which kinda makes sense until...
  19. Nebula-Newt

    Private/Closed Alolan Pokemon Hero Tournament

    Knox didn’t recognise the name of the trainer he was due to battle but this didn’t put him off, the boy welcomed the idea of a fresh face to battle. Besides his Pokémon deserved a real chance to stretch after the long journey here, Sirius in particular got restless if stuck in his Pokeball for...
  20. Nebula-Newt

    Private/Closed Pokémon Hero Tournament

    I can't make the final decision here but I'll offer my probably unwanted opinion. Yes Gengar did have levitate taken away from it (Tragic really) in the games but it still has the ability to float in the anime. Therefore surely it can avoid a ground based attack? Although I also understand that...