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  1. Ozo

    Open Pokemon: The Infinite Forest.

    "Yeah, that certainly could be him or any other pokémon really... but it looked as he knew something about how to get out of this, so I don't really want to miss any chance for that to happen." Jack said doubtfully, "Anyways, should we go? I think it might be a good idea, besides, if another...
  2. Ozo

    Open Pokemon: The Infinite Forest.

    "I think Cobble may have a point there," Jack said, "I mean... if we all try our moves at the same time it could be very... loud and attracting another hostile pokémon is the last thing I want today," he added while walking back to the group, he had wandered off moments ago to find something to...
  3. Ozo

    Open Pokemon: The Infinite Forest.

    "Yeah, that's exactly the same thing that happenned to me," Jack said, "it's so weird... I mean... why now? And why so many people are affected?" Jack asked himself. Everything happenned so fast, even though many hours had passed, Jack still couldn't believe the situation he was currently on...
  4. Ozo

    Open Pokemon: The Infinite Forest.

    "Well... I saw that Pikachu rushing into the forest, I don't really know where he is now though, but we should go look for him anyways, right? I saw him going that way," Said Jack, pointing to the direction where the Pikachu had gone moments before. "Oh, I'm Jack, by the way, nice to meet you...
  5. Ozo

    Open Pokemon: The Infinite Forest.

    Jack felt kind of relieved by the fact that the pokemon weren't agressive at all, also, the way the Roggenrola explained the situation really calmed him down; however, this peace he had just found didn't last long. As the Druddigon suddenly appeared, he already started to tremble in fear. His...
  6. Ozo

    Open Pokemon: The Infinite Forest.

    Name: Jack Gender: Male Personality: Wimpy, clumsy, can sometimes be a coward, quick tempered, but very friendly once you get to know him. Species: Riolu Appearance: A red scarf he always wears, a gift from a very close friend. Code: Pizza Jack woke up to the sound of some person's shouting. He...