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  1. Z

    What's the Last NEW Game You Played?

    John Elways Quarterback, Super Mario Bros and Dragon Warrior. (On my classic kick again).
  2. Z

    The good days of classic gaming

    Where to start with this well first off I've made my return to the internet. But theres been a real problem among gaming nowadays. It seems game stores are phasing out anything to do with classic gaming each day. Heck Gamestop has a very small section of used N64 and Playstation Games and have...
  3. Z

    Your World A'Splode

    haha enjoyed the picture :-P. But what if it really did a'splode . mwhahaha
  4. Z

    Happy 21st to teh Almighty Linkachu! ^_^

    Happy birthday miss Katie. wow 21 where has the years gone last I remember you were 19 . Then again time really has flown by.
  5. Z

    The "Help Linkachu Find Great RPGs" Thread

    SRPG's. Let me see Tactics Ogre would be the best SRPG to this date. (very rare also and no fan translation for the SNES so it'd be close to 200 dollars to buy which isn't really worth it). (But it's the cream of the crop. Then comes the GBA sequel to Tactics Ogre). Then I'd say download Fire...
  6. Z

    Have the urge to play and some reflections

    I have been having the urge to play a Pokemon game again lately. Now I'm not really sure what to play. I really enjoyed Red and Blue and Gold and Silver. Sapphire and Ruby left a sour taste in my mouth which I haven't forgot. But I've been thinking of picking up Green and Red. I was wondering...
  7. Z

    The "Help Linkachu Find Great RPGs" Thread

    Yea DQVIII is a long haul but you'll probably enjoy it. I mean it's pretty much 60-80 hours of story. It was my addictionj until I finished it a few days ago. You really don't have to worry about leveling up as much in DQVIII, I honestly don't think I leveled up out of the story at all. I...
  8. Z

    The "Help Linkachu Find Great RPGs" Thread

    I hope you have atleast 70 hours set aside for DQVIII. Now if you try to judge Dragon Quest by any other RPG you maybe disappointed. It is pretty unchanged in the play mechanics since Dragon Quest IV. (which is a good thing if it's not broke why fix it.) They however heavily americanized...
  9. Z

    The "Help Linkachu Find Great RPGs" Thread

    Well I'll suggest the cream of the crop for this year Dragon Quest VIII. Yes it is in my opinion the ebst RPG of this generation. Star Ocean 2 I have seen recently for 32.99 at gamestop. Also I recomend Dragon Warrior VII (just ordered myself but after playing through VIII I figured I'd play...
  10. Z

    Fire Emblem

    Hmm with Nintendo finally releasing two Fire Emblem games stateside and a third on it's way for the Gamecube I'm curious if we'll ever get the high points of the series namely Fire Emblem: Geneaology of the Holy War and Fire Emblem: Thracia 776. I mean Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 advanced the...
  11. Z

    DS vs PSP

    hmmm PSP is tantilizing but the 299.99 price tag scares me from it. Also with the problems in the first few isuues of PSP's it once again proves that sony sucks with hardware. Sure it can play UMD videos but GBA had video first. Also PSP has about 4 hours of battery life with a heavily graphic...
  12. Z

    Zelda advice wanted

    I disagree with the comment that the second Zelda was the worst hardest maybe but in my humble opinion it was the funnest to play. INfact it's my new christmas hobby to play all the way through the game (usually takes the whole holiday to get through). So play Zelda 2 it maybe different and...
  13. Z

    A Legend as been fortold

    ToD2 was good because it's the only tales game thats a real sequel I mean people debate that ToS and ToP are related but there's no proof. Also if I remember ToD2 had a revamped battle system but really I've only played it a few times so I can't quite remember. Also ToD2 was the first next gen...
  14. Z

    A Legend as been fortold

    So Katie do you own may I quote this Tales of Eternia (the Tales of Destiny II released in America) or Tales of Destiny II the Japanese version. Namely ToD2 from Japan was an excellent game. Also I can't wait for the release of ToP remake for GBA to be released here. ToP in my oppinion might...