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  1. TempaDragon

    A Johto Journey :[Open]:

    Ace tilted his head confused a bit before turning to Lily and Ethan. "Say, didn't you guys say you had the reservations for some Alex or something?" He said cupping his chin in a bit of confusion. His Charizard noticed Ethan's Pokemon come out and rushed over to meet the fire types, he wagged...
  2. TempaDragon

    A Johto Journey :[Open]:

    (I'm ready as well, i'll just tag along.) Garchomp turned his head from the other annoying Pokemoon to face the Pikachu before rubbing his sharp hands together. "Oh i see, i'd love it if we could tag along. A park? I'd love to go. What's it about?" He said happily until the Charizard smacked him...
  3. TempaDragon

    A Johto Journey :[Open]:

    "Neither of those actually." Charizard said as he waved his tail happily. "Well our team at the moment is me and Garstupid over there, and the other few Pokemon we have are in the PC, taking a break i believe." He said clearly referring to Garchomp. Garchomp nodded towards the Pikachu. "I don't...
  4. TempaDragon

    A Johto Journey :[Open]:

    'I'm sure we will. Now what to do?" He said thinking with a large yawn, showing his large sharp teeth.
  5. TempaDragon

    A Johto Journey :[Open]:

    Chomper looked at the Pikachu before grabbing him and poking him with the non-sharp knob part, curiosity took him over. He then placed him back where he was before talking. "I see. I get it i guess! I wouldn't want my trainer to get upset either! Sure let's figure something out, what to do, what...
  6. TempaDragon

    A Johto Journey :[Open]:

    'Ah you can't worry her? I see i see..' The Garchomp said, thinking about a solution to their problem. 'I can't think of anything..' He said planting his face into his fin in confusion after a short while of thought.
  7. TempaDragon

    A Johto Journey :[Open]:

    The Charizard nodded towards the Pokemon talking about his trainer's types. "Well, yes i'm from Kanto. How about you? Johto i presume?' He said replying to the Typhlosion. He then gave a yawn before looking towards him. 'Who's on your team?' He asked eagerly, wanting to know what other Pokemon's...
  8. TempaDragon

    A Johto Journey :[Open]:

    The Garchomp stuck out the flat knob part of his sharp fins for a shake. 'Nice to meet you! I'm Chip!' He said giving a smile. The Garchomp was about 2 Meters as well, just a tad tinier than the Charizard. 'Say, you wanna do something? I'm kinda hungry and bored..' He said, his fin-like tail...
  9. TempaDragon

    A Johto Journey :[Open]:

    The Charizard was beyond average in height and noticing the Typhlosion trying to size him up he stood up tall, standing a bit more than 2 meters in height, however this wasn't a good idea, he hit his head on the door frame then bent over in a bit of pain. "That's what you get for trying to show...
  10. TempaDragon

    A Johto Journey :[Open]:

    Ace again facepalmed. "No, no kid i'm not teamrocket. Great imagination you've got." As he turned his back to the quarreling Pokemon. "They're not exactly battling is the thing." He said in a odd manner. "They just don't get well together in thinking." He put his fingers into his mouth and made...
  11. TempaDragon

    A Johto Journey :[Open]:

    Ace had quickly walked through the cafes first doors, they slid open as they were electronic. He came upon a group that were seeming to talk, he wasn't in too great of a mood. The trainer had just come back after a gym battle. "Oi oi move it if you would. Tired trainer from different regions...