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  1. MihajloJedi

    Franchise Discussions

    50% Galaxy in Future 28.6% Superhero World 14.3% Post-Apocalypse World 7.1% Medieval Age This is how poll looks right now
  2. MihajloJedi

    Franchise Discussions

    No reason, I tagged like 30 people, just so I have more votes
  3. MihajloJedi

    Franchise Discussions

    Wow I am amazed. Story is pretty dope, but you still need to work on governments. I need to know more about them. And one more thing, name for Brigade sounds really cool, but its too common. Poll is active for 4 more days,if you want RP to start as soon as Poll finishes I am OK with that. But I...
  4. MihajloJedi

    Franchise Discussions

    @Jagson, cool, if you want we can collaborate and make RP together
  5. MihajloJedi

    Franchise Discussions

    I dunno which RP you are talking about, but yes, I want it to last long
  6. MihajloJedi

    Franchise Discussions

    @Shadow_Pup @Fraseandchico @Red Akai @Rohan Kishibe @*that* gay guy @RyTheRPPlyr @Pokéboy098 @NerdySquirtle @Jagson (Can you explain me your Chronicles a bit) @GalacticDeg @Jodie.xox @Comic @Iced_Tae @Eeveechu151 @StormingCobra55 @Vaporeonn @Captain Cardboard @Gallaer @ThatOnePerson...
  7. MihajloJedi

    Franchise Discussions

    Yesterday, I got an idea. I want to make RP that will have more parts. It should be at least trilogy, but if we make whole franchise that'd be awesome. I was thinking about making something as @Jagson Chronicles of Necros, but I could not make decisions where would plot be. Now I want you to...
  8. MihajloJedi

    Ask to Join Fantasy World, Wars between Good and Evil (Sign Ups)

    @RyTheRPPlyr It is kind of full here, and your tipping is kind of weird, but I will call you if we make sequel
  9. MihajloJedi

    *1 hour later* And good bye!

    *1 hour later* And good bye!
  10. MihajloJedi

    Cool idea

    Cool idea
  11. MihajloJedi

    R.I.P Stan the Man You'll be missed.

    R.I.P Stan the Man You'll be missed.
  12. MihajloJedi

    So, you are back now?

    So, you are back now?
  13. MihajloJedi

    Ask to Join Fantasy World, Wars between Good and Evil (Sign Ups)

    Come on please respond someone, I don't want this rp to die
  14. MihajloJedi

    Ask to Join Fantasy World, Wars between Good and Evil (Sign Ups)

    It will split for sure, but I just want story to be complete
  15. MihajloJedi

    Ask to Join Fantasy World, Wars between Good and Evil (Sign Ups)

    BTW guys, I have said in rules that you shall respond at least once a day, but once in two days is okay too, just please respond
  16. MihajloJedi

    Ask to Join Fantasy World, Wars between Good and Evil (Sign Ups)

    Name, father's name and surname: Lane, Stan, Lawerics Age: 60 Gender: Male Sexuality: Straight Race: Lake Elf Weapon: Bow and a lot kinds of arrows Stone: Grey Personality: He is brave, smart, good tactician and everything what his father is Appearance: He looks like regular elf,even he has...
  17. MihajloJedi

    Ask to Join Fantasy World, Wars between Good and Evil (Sign Ups)

    @Barefoot_Kittens I just realized you never put stone on your second character @*that* gay guy If you wont make more bios I will make another one so we can finnaly start
  18. MihajloJedi

    Ask to Join Fantasy World, War between Good and Evil (RP)

    "Well, my plan is based on legend. But that is probably our last hope Satan will be back soon. If we don't gather all rocks we are done." Michael said and stoped. He started to count people. He was counting over and over again but there always were problem. One more man was needed. "Oh shoot...
  19. MihajloJedi

    Ask to Join Fantasy World, Wars between Good and Evil (Sign Ups)

    @Barefoot_Kittens @Iced_Tae Someone of you two should respond now BTW, @*that* gay guy I saw now that we need one more stone so I would greatly be appreciative if you make second bio