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Search results

  1. XCreator2400

    Private/Closed Kanto: The New Gym Leaders

    He walked, walked and walked until Professor Oak came. "Who are you" Nathan asked. "Im Professor Oak" Oak Answered. "Why Are you here?" Nathan said. "To give you a pokemon!" Oak Responded. "Here! Choose a Pokemon.I know you are from Alola, so here's Pokemon from Alola!" Nathan looked at three...
  2. XCreator2400

    Private/Closed Kanto: The New Gym Leaders

    Nathan was running to Cerulean City when he stumbled on a stick. "WAAAH!!!! Does it really need to take forever just to get my second badge?" Well, it didn't take forever, but 2 hours. "Finally. Im in Cerulean City!" he said. "Why are you here?" a girl voice said. "Who are you?" Nathan weirdly...
  3. XCreator2400

    Private/Closed Kanto: The New Gym Leaders

    "Go!" said Nathan "Let's Go, Onix!" Mimikyu used Wood Hammer and blocked the opposing Onix Earthquake with Shadow Sneak. The Onix easily fainted from the hits. "Return, Onix!;_;" said Brock, a little bit sad. "I'll give ya this badge as help, good luck!" said Brock, still with that sad tone.
  4. XCreator2400

    Private/Closed Kanto: The New Gym Leaders

    "Are you sure you want to battle? Im stronger than you think!" said Brock and sounded more angry than before. "Your request is accepted" said Brock.
  5. XCreator2400

    Private/Closed Kanto: The New Gym Leaders

    He got into the gym and walked in front of the gym leader, Brock. "Are ya ready for a battle, Brock?, Because i am ready!" Nathan Said.
  6. XCreator2400

    Private/Closed Kanto: The New Gym Leaders

    Nathan walked through Pewter City and tried to find a place where he could do something. "I Heard of this pokemon gym in this city, that sounds cool, doesn't it? Mimikyu?" He said. The Mimikyu nodded again to say that she was ready for a battle (Nathan's Mimikyu is a girl).
  7. XCreator2400

    Private/Closed Kanto: The New Gym Leaders

    Nathan walked into Pewter City with his Mimikyu behind. "Wasn't that easy?" The Mimikyu slowly nodded in response to his question. "Well, now we're ready for an amazing journey." And Nathan walked in front of the Pokemon Center and his journey started.
  8. XCreator2400

    Im XCreator2400 (Im Called XCreator) and.. uhh.. this is my profile!

    Im XCreator2400 (Im Called XCreator) and.. uhh.. this is my profile!