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  1. GlitteringGreninja

    Open Pokemon Trainer RP

    "Koffing! Sludge!" Koffing spit out some sludge, almost hitting Greninja. "Night Slash." Greninja pulled out a dark saber-like weapon, swiftly chopping forward, making Koffing faint. "Darn.. Kids!!" The man yelled. He was about to tell Raticate what to do, but then... A Chesnaught broke through...
  2. GlitteringGreninja

    Open Pokemon Trainer RP

    Nathan looked back, seeing Olivia. "Thank goodness your here Olivia. I could use some help." Nathan took out a pokeball, sending out Greninja. "Think your little friend can save you?" The strange man said, sending out a Zubat and Raticate, while Koffing was still out of its pokeball. "You take...
  3. GlitteringGreninja

    Open Pokemon Trainer RP

    Nathan entered the third floor, seeing tons of cages filled with Pokemon! In the middle of the room, there was a strange man with blue hair. Nathan started running up to him. Then a Koffing appeared in front of Nathan and let out some smog. Nathan coughed multiple times. When the smog cleared...
  4. GlitteringGreninja

    Open Pokemon Trainer RP

    Nathan got to the second floor, seeing tons of Grunts operating the radio tower. "Wrap 'em!!" Breloom wrapped its stretchy arm around all the grunts. "You stay Breloom! Keep them secured." Nathan then took the elevator to the third floor, to stop this take over.
  5. GlitteringGreninja

    Open Pokemon Trainer RP

    When Nathan entered the radio tower, he saw a Scyther battling against three Ekans and three Koffings. The Scyther seemed to be losing the battle, that's when Heracross came in and used Arm Thrust on the Ekans, catching the grunts off guard. the Scyther finished off the Koffings with Fury...
  6. GlitteringGreninja

    Open Pokemon Trainer RP

    Without saying a word, Nathan dashed out the Pokemon Center, pokeball in hand. He was heading to the radio tower. There were two Team Rocket Grunts guarding the entrance to the radio tower. Two police officers were trying to get rid of them, but failed to do so. It seemed like the other person...
  7. GlitteringGreninja

    Open Pokemon Trainer RP

    Nathan was still panicking. "Then how would Team Rocket even be able to control the radio tower in the first place!? I hear it is pretty much impossible to break into without being spotted!! And there are tons of night guards!!" Then, through the window, he saw a black silhouette and what seemed...
  8. GlitteringGreninja

    Open Pokemon Trainer RP

    "Guys!" Nathan was breathing quickly. "A gang called "Team Rocket" just took over the radio tower!" Nathan then started breathing faster and faster. Nathan couldn't even think properly because of the situation.
  9. GlitteringGreninja

    Open Pokemon Trainer RP

    Nathan woke up at reasonable time, hearing something outside. Nathan slowly walked outside, hearing nothing when he got outside. Nathan overheard a conversation around a corner. Nathan noticed that this was tragic and went inside to tell Olivia and Hunter.
  10. GlitteringGreninja

    Open Pokemon Trainer RP

    "I'm fine. Lets just give him some time. He'll get out of that forest eventually." Nathan walked into the Pokemon Center, walking pretty tiredly. He found a room and walked in. Before Nathan could say goodnight he instantly fell asleep on the bed.
  11. GlitteringGreninja

    Open Pokemon Trainer RP

    Nathan walked out of the gym along with Hunter. "I guess we could stay for the night." Nathan yawned, feeling tired after the intense battle. "Maybe in the morning we can check out that huge radio tower." Nathan pointed to the huge steel tower by the coastline.
  12. GlitteringGreninja

    Open Pokemon Trainer RP

    (OOC: I'm going to bed right now. See you tomorrow?)
  13. GlitteringGreninja

    Open Pokemon Trainer RP

    Whitney gained her serious face again. "Stomp!!" Miltank ran down the arena. "Get up close Breloom!" Breloom also started running up the arena. Miltank was about to Stomp Breloom. "Force Palm!!" Breloom pushed its palm up to Miltanks foot, stopping it from attacking, while also pushing it back...
  14. GlitteringGreninja

    Open Pokemon Trainer RP

    "Miltank Rollout!" Miltank rolled into a ball, gaining a rocky surface and rolling towards Heracross. "Block it with Fury Attack!" Heracross waited for Miltank to get close, ready to attack with its shining horn. Miltank got up towards Heracross, about to hit him. "Now!!!" Heracross put its horn...
  15. GlitteringGreninja

    Open Pokemon Trainer RP

    Nathan clapped and walked down to Olivia. "Nice battle! But let me take it from here!" Whitney healed her Pokemon relatively quickly. Nathan seemed ready for this battle, but so did Whitney. "Hopefully this will be a memorable battle Whitney." Nathan started to grin. "Don't worry. This will be...
  16. GlitteringGreninja

    Open Pokemon Trainer RP

    Nathan saw Olivia walk past him, shivering a little. "Hey, don't push yourself to hard on this. Plus, you have some good pokemon on your side!"
  17. GlitteringGreninja

    Open Pokemon Trainer RP

    (OOC: I'm back!!) Nathan watched Hunter beat Whitney. "Hmm.. Seems like Hunter isn't very predictable when chosing moves to use. First his Sceptile faking that it was fainted, using Rock Tomb the second Falkner wasn't serious. Then his Totodile seemed to use its environment, making a muddy...
  18. GlitteringGreninja

    Open Pokemon Trainer RP

    (OOC: Got to go guys. Be back in a few hours.) Nathan opened the doors to the gym, looking around to see Whitney on the other side of a battlefield. Nathan waited for Olivia and Hunter to come.
  19. GlitteringGreninja

    Open Pokemon Trainer RP

    "Yeah! Just over here!" Nathan got to the gym relatively quickly. "How did you guys not remember!?" Nathan yelled back, "I literally came in the gym an hour ago!!"
  20. GlitteringGreninja

    Open Pokemon Trainer RP

    "No thanks. I'm pretty sure my brother will catch up soon." Nathan seemed to be cheering up. "But right now, we've got a gym to beat!"