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  1. GlitteringGreninja

    Open Pokemon Trainer RP

    Nathan walked up to what seemed like a battlefield. On the other side, Falkner was waiting. "Come to challenge my gym I suppose?" Falkner asked calmly. "Yes I am, Bird Keeper." Nathan said with a smirk. "Is that an insult? Or are saying you know the type of my gym?" Nathan's smirk got bigger...
  2. GlitteringGreninja

    Open Pokemon Trainer RP

    "Okay then. I'll go first." Nathan had a small smirk when he entered the gym. He looked back to Hunter and said, "You do know I know his Pokemon's moves right?"
  3. GlitteringGreninja

    Open Pokemon Trainer RP

    "Totally dude!" Nathan had a big grin. "My Pokemon are ready for action!" Nathan dashed to the gym, ready to battle! "You go first Hunter. Remember, he has a Pidgey and Pidgeotto."
  4. GlitteringGreninja

    Open Pokemon Trainer RP

    Nathan went off to sleep. He woke up early in the morning, earlier than Hunter. He used this spare time to train with Breloom and Greninja. He trained his Breloom to extend his arms longer than usual, And Greninja to use his tongue to swing on things and to jump higher.
  5. GlitteringGreninja

    Open Pokemon Trainer RP

    "Wait... Don't Pokemon Centers have places where trainers can sleep?" Nathan found a place in the Pokemon Center where him and Hunter could sleep.
  6. GlitteringGreninja

    Open Pokemon Trainer RP

    The sun set when they finally found the Pokemon Center. "Now my legs are burning from all this walking." Nathan had a very serious voice. "Hopefully we can get some nice sleep before our battle with Falkner." Nathan healed his Pokemon, and tried to find a place to sleep for the night.
  7. GlitteringGreninja

    Open Pokemon Trainer RP

    "Well first of all, we need to find the Pokemon Center, find a place to stay for the night, and then we can challenge the gym." It was already the afternoon. "Do you know where the Pokemon Center is? Since you literally ran around town."
  8. GlitteringGreninja

    Open Pokemon Trainer RP

    Soon Nathan found Hunter running up to the gym. "Where were you?" Nathan asked. "I couldn't find you anywhere!"
  9. GlitteringGreninja

    Open Pokemon Trainer RP

    "Calm down Hunter!" Nathan yelled with a grin, dashing to try and keep up. Nathan was still behind Hunter when he entered. He stopped and looked at everything. The first thing he saw was the gym. "Guess this is the gym." Nathan thought. "Wait, Where's Hunter?" He looked around, not seeing him...
  10. GlitteringGreninja

    Open Pokemon Trainer RP

    "Thanks. But lets hurry and get out of this cave!" Nathan dashed out the cave and felt the cool breeze of the outside world. He looked to the left, and saw Violet City! "Apparently Route 31 is short." Nathan thought.
  11. GlitteringGreninja

    Open Pokemon Trainer RP

    Nathan took out a pokeball. "You know I want too! Go Breloom!" Breloom came out of its pokeball as fast as lightning! "Mach Punch!" Breloom stretched its arm at a high speed, hitting the Crobat before it could dodge it. It also seemed to make the Crobat flinch. "Hurry! Use a move on it!"
  12. GlitteringGreninja

    Open Pokemon Trainer RP

    Nathan grabbed Hunter's hand, then getting up. "I don't know what happened. First thing I'm feeling intense winds on my back, The next I'm falling down." Then Nathan saw a bat like creature behind Hunter. It had four wings, purple skin, and glaring eyes. Nathan pointed at the creature and...
  13. GlitteringGreninja

    Open Pokemon Trainer RP

    "Hopefully your right." Nathan kept running along with Hunter. Then he heard Golbat screeches. "Now Golbats!?" Nathan seemed pretty annoyed, considering how many of those screeches he's heard in his life. Then he heard a screech he's never heard before. He was about to ask Hunter what kind of...
  14. GlitteringGreninja

    Open Pokemon Trainer RP

    "Hopefully I can keep up!" Nathan yelled, running into the cave with Hunter. The cave didn't seem too dark. There were holes on the top of the cave, letting in sunlight. Nathan kept on hearing Zubat cries everywhere. Nathan had a worried expression.
  15. GlitteringGreninja

    Open Pokemon Trainer RP

    Nathan then snapped out of the flashback. "I guess so." Nathan kept walking, and soon saw the cave. "Dude! We're at the cave!" Nathan yelled excitingly. He couldn't wait to battle Falkner.
  16. GlitteringGreninja

    Open Pokemon Trainer RP

    "You okay?" Nathan asked worryingly. "That Furret seemed to hit you hard." Then Nathan had another flashback. Nathan was sitting in a tree, feeling the cool breeze. Then, a Bunnelby climbed up the tree and sat next to him. "Well hello there little guy." Nathan said, petting the Bunnelby. It felt...
  17. GlitteringGreninja

    Open Pokemon Trainer RP

    Nathan then snapped out of his flashback. "Oh.. Yes I am!" Then he noticed some Sentret and a Furret circle around him, with empty stomachs. Nathan then crouched down. "You guys need some food?" The Pokemon nodded yes. Nathan then opened his satchel and took out some Oran and Durin berries...
  18. GlitteringGreninja

    Open Pokemon Trainer RP

    Nathan followed Hunter into Route 30, seeing many Sentret and Ledyba. To Nathan, this Route had similar things to the forest in Kalos, Santalune Forest. He was now having flashbacks of him and his brother entering Santalune Forest. Where his brother caught his first Pokemon, Pikachu.
  19. GlitteringGreninja

    Open Pokemon Trainer RP

    Nathan had a big grin as well. "Well. He sure knows how to do it! If his Pidgeotto is to fast for you, then just hit it with a Rock Tomb and lower it's speed!" Nathan got to Route 30, with a grin. "The cave shouldn't be too far now!"
  20. GlitteringGreninja

    Open Pokemon Trainer RP

    Then Nathan remembered something. "Wait... Sceptile can learn Rock Tomb!" Nathan then gave Hunter TM39. "This should teach Sceptile Rock Tomb."