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  1. The Hot Ice Queen

    Open Tales in a World of Steam

    (This one died quickly, so i thought no one was interested. Feel free to open a new one with the same idea, i would do it myself, but i'm kind of busy lately.)
  2. The Hot Ice Queen

    Open Tales in a World of Steam

    "Find something for dinner, good idea, Trying to steal the princess, horrible idea" She said pointing to the guards around her"Wait a second" She said, moving forward the soldier's body, looking for something "Checkpoint!" She said, while taking several silver coins and a golden necklace from...
  3. The Hot Ice Queen

    Open Tales in a World of Steam

    Kayenne?? She was surprised, she met the girl a couple years ago, in the streets. Is she trying to help me? Elisa decided that the reason didn't matter, what's was truly important was the fact of the soldier, now wielding a energy blade, was walking forward Kayenne. He was looking distracted. So...
  4. The Hot Ice Queen

    Open Tales in a World of Steam

    Easy as alw...! Her thought was interrupted by a hot pain in her back. A energy rifle? From where...? She lost her balance and fell in the groud, face down. You kinda deserve that, ya know? For being so arrogant. She thought. Since the first time she stood up she was stealing. She was a...
  5. The Hot Ice Queen

    Open The Heart of a Wild Pokemon

    Meria was flying, trying to put the maximun distance possible from the Houndoom "Now there's two of them!" she said to herself. When she flied high enough she looked down. She couldn't see the Liepard, but she saw a Crawdaunt, a Banette and a Pyroar pack, there was also a Combusken, dangerously...
  6. The Hot Ice Queen

    Open The Heart of a Wild Pokemon

    When Meria woke up she was felling dizzy, and she was wrapped with a pokémon tail. She raised her head and saw the Houndoom glowing Red. "Ugh!" She used her wing to defend herself...But nothing happened. Anyway, she decided to keep her wing raised.
  7. The Hot Ice Queen

    Open The Heart of a Wild Pokemon

    Meria felt her wing being pushed before she realize what happened, She tried to evade flying up, but the attack had a good range, the only thing she did was increase the distance between her and the ground. Meria felt the pain in half of her body when she fell from the sky, but that was nothing...
  8. The Hot Ice Queen

    Open The Heart of a Wild Pokemon

    "Hick!!"she gasped, she didn't even saw him walking throug the woods. Meria was his target. She didn't even knew the Liepard a few seconds ago, but, seeing her stand against the houdoom to preotect her...she couldn't leave her fighting by her own. "You want me?"She said "come get me!" and then...
  9. The Hot Ice Queen

    Open Tales in a World of Steam

    (Thief Claimed) Name: Elisa Redwolf Age: 17 Gender:Female Appearence: 5'7 feet tall.White skin, black hair, blue eyes. Usually dressed in black. Hobbies: Chilling and parkour. Prosthestics: None Abilities: Fighting, stealing, talking her way out of situations, acrobatics. Weapons: Energy gun...
  10. The Hot Ice Queen

    Open Tales in a World of Steam

    Welcome to Blazia, the world made in steam, iron and blood. In the middle of the Steam Era the Humans learned how to use the sun energy, putting it in highly concetrate energy capsules. That clean and endless energy source was responsible for creating a mixed technology, using both steampunk and...
  11. The Hot Ice Queen

    Open The Heart of a Wild Pokemon

    "Just looking for company" said the bird "this forest can get quite boring sometimes, ya know?" The Liepard was bigger than she thought, of course, she was looking from up in the sky, the hole time. "I'm Meria, Meria the Taillow. And you're Talia, the Liepard. Quite a show that pursuing thing...
  12. The Hot Ice Queen

    Open The Heart of a Wild Pokemon

    Species: Taillow Name: Meria Age: 14 Level: 10 Items: None Clothes: None Gender: Female (To late to join?) This forest is getting creepier, that's what Meria, a little and fast Taillow thougt. The recent events in the forest were quite troubeling: a Houndoom hunting, a stolen flower, childs...