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  1. NDB

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Through Hoenn

    Val headed back to the room where she dropped her food on the bed and popped the frozen food into the microwave. As the food cooked, she packed the rest of her snacks away. Since she planned on getting a head start in the morning, Val packed the rest of her things away except for her change of...
  2. NDB

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Through Hoenn

    "Oh hey," Val said to Kai. She watched him set his bag down and claim the couch bed. "Filip and I are heading down to get some food. You're more than welcome to tag along." With that said, Val left the room and into the hallway. It was only a few minutes to get to the little lobby store. There...
  3. NDB

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Through Hoenn Discussion

    @Salted_Apples should be relatively quick. Another post or two. But I have another class in an hour or so @Vaporeonn When you said this "Kai put his bag on the couch, which was already opened." were you talking about the bag or couch being open?
  4. NDB

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Through Hoenn

    "I don't have any food on me," Val told Filip as she swung her legs out of the bed. "But I did see small shop in the lobby. We can grab something from there and come back to cook it if we need to. I am a bit hungry now that you mention food." Val stood up from her bed and grabbed the room key...
  5. NDB

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Through Hoenn

    Luckily for Filip, Val couldn't fall asleep quickly. Her mind races a lot, especially when she's relaxing, as she constantly thinks about . She rolled over and sat up, rubbing her eyes. "What's wrong Filip?" (OOC: sorry this is short. Just not much to work with. :?)
  6. NDB

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Through Hoenn

    “That’s nice of your parents to give you some Pokémon,” Val said. She typed a few more things on her laptop before putting it away. “I befriended both of my Pokémon while exploring Alola. This was before working for the professor. I’d show you them but their asleep right now. The boar ride here...
  7. NDB

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Through Hoenn

    "Yeah," Val said, answering Filip's question about the challenges in Alola. "They're called Trials and trainers get Z-crystals instead of badges. Z-crystals power up a Pokemon's move, unleashing its full potential in one attack. They require a lot of energy so they aren't able to be used in...
  8. NDB

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Through Hoenn

    "Its room 15," Val said as she walked with Filip to the room. "My life's very busy helping Professor Burnet. Her research is a big deal in the Alola region." When they got to the room, Val stopped in front of the door, turning to Filip. "You're going to have to wait out here for a minute. I need...
  9. NDB

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Through Hoenn

    When Val finally arrived at the hotel, she regrouped with the rest of the group. She received one of the keys and spun it on one of her fingers, listening to Ernest's splitting up of the group. She looked at the room number on her key: 15. At least the group would be somewhat close together...
  10. NDB

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Through Hoenn

    “Going around in a group sounds like fun,” Val said after thinking for a moment. “However, I feel like I’ll just slow you guys down with my research. I don’t know how long I’ll be where I need to be and I might just be dead weight at certain times.” Seeing the commotion and everyone leaving...
  11. NDB

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Through Hoenn Discussion

    @Pjnm13 Couple things I want to say: 1. My character is researching Ultra Wormholes (the things from Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon), not creating a wormhole machine. (Not sure where you came up with that idea.) 2. This part of your intro post: "she bumped into some travelers and some of them...
  12. NDB

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Through Hoenn

    “Alola is a lot more sunny and tropical,” Val stared off as she watched the battle unfold. “There’s four different main islands that make up the region, each with different geography and weather. We don’t have gyms in Alola. Rather, we have trials that test trainers’ strength and growth. Instead...
  13. NDB

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Through Hoenn

    Val moved to the side, getting out of the way of the impending battle. She put her Nav back on her hip. “Well, my research isn’t time sensitive so I can take my time.” She looked over at Filip, spotting the Torchic with him. It dawned on her that this was the same Torchic that was at Birch’s...
  14. NDB

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Through Hoenn

    "Nice to meet you, Filip," she responded. "I'm Val." She felt a tap on her shoulder and turned around, spotting another trainer who introduced himself as Ernest. "Can't say I know exactly what is going on here. I just got here myself." She was a little thrown off by his sudden outburst but...
  15. NDB

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Through Hoenn

    As Val left Birch's lab, she opened up the package she was given and found the items Birch had mentioned. She put the Pokedex in her right short pocket, clipped the PokeNav on her left belt loop and the Pokeballs on her right, next to her Drax's and Trix's. After tossing the empty box away, she...
  16. NDB

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Through Hoenn

    Val stepped off the ship onto route 104, the sea breeze making her hair dance in the wind. She tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear and readjusted her bag before heading to the Petalburg City Pokecenter. She needed to stop by Littleroot Town to talk to Professor Birch, but didn't know...
  17. NDB

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Through Hoenn Discussion

    I’m writing my intro post. Almost done
  18. NDB

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Through Hoenn Discussion

    Name: Valentina Bianchi (goes by Val) Gender: Female Age: 15 Ethnicity: Italian Appearance: Straight, long black hair tied in a ponytail, ocean green eyes, olive tanned skin. Her clothing consists of white sneakers, black leggings, blue-jean short shorts, and white t-shirt. Personality: Val is...
  19. NDB

    Ask to Join Overwatch: The Talons of a Reaper

    As she was being tended to by Mercy, Annabeth watched the battle rage on. She watched as Heel and Blitz clashed against one another, neither one backing down. When she heard Heel scream out, she instantly activated her shield, trying to protect herself and Mercy from what ever was about to...
  20. NDB

    Open Overwatch: The Talons of a Reaper

    I'll reply but i was gonna give the others the chance to reply.