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  1. S


    OK so i got the idea from the front page of the website were it says "cryptomon" So i've made some some cryptomon :D Vassie This ledgendary beast is Reported to be seen in lake Valor, Pokésquatch This ape like pokemon is rarly seen in eterna forest, it is said to be the missing link...
  2. S

    Fakemon and fusions

    Storkit Normal/ flying dex info: It is said that this pokemon delivers pokemon eggs. Magetry Grass/electric Dex info: This mutant pokemon is often seen around power plants. Rumor says it was created By humans. Steeleon Steel Dex info: When this pokemon is threatend it send out a...
  3. S

    Need help :(

    Hey guys, im trying to do some pokémon evolutions But i've kinda hit a brick wall with my first attempt i've gotten so far but i need a little help :( so if someone could give me pointers or post in their own version it would be great thanks.