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Search results

  1. Toru

    Back from the grave once more!

    Back from the grave once more!
  2. Toru

    Ask to Join Fractured Realm - A Fantasy RP

    OoC: Just so you know, I was quoting Hayden there with that last bit of dialogue, but this should make for some fun regardless! Relaxed, entertained, and watching the events unfold in front of him, Farth was suddenly dragged out of his comfort zone as the black-haired boy slowly turned his head...
  3. Toru

    Ask to Join Fractured Realm - A Fantasy RP

    "Oh - oh come on, 'yer fuckin'-" The tobacco neatly arranged in some paper that Farth had put down on his lap blew off, scattering off into the wind as the airship began its ascent towards Skyworld . He bit his lip in frustration. As he scrunched up his paper, his brow scrunched up too. He...
  4. Toru

    Private/Closed Fantasy RP - Fractured Realm [No Longer Accepting Members!]

    Hey-ho, Reserve No.2 makes his appearance! Name: Farth Enkle Age: 20 Gender: Male Birthplace: A city on the surface. Build: At 5’00’’, Farth’s pale-skinned body is very small. However, due to his profession, he is very muscular. Hair: His black, matted hair is starting to become quite long, so...
  5. Toru

    Why did you join?

    So uh, I joined the site a veeeery long time ago. Around 9 years ago, in 2008. I was initially dragged in by the trainer card generator - I became really interested in the forums after lurking for a while, and really liked the idea of becoming part of a community. I stopped visiting charms...
  6. Toru

    It was a pretty good nap, not gonna lie.

    It was a pretty good nap, not gonna lie.
  7. Toru

    Remember me?

    Remember me?
  8. Toru

    Happy 'Charms Day (from the members of Pokecharms!)

    It was an absolute pleasure to be a part of this video, and even today it still an absolute pleasure to be a small part of such a big community. Although the legendary fro may have vanished 3 aeons ago, the guy behind it hasn't! I'll be on later on tonight to spend some time with you all and...
  9. Toru

    Private/Closed Gunpla Battle [1v1]

    Toru waited for the familiar sound of a humming GN Drive patiently, as he scanned the empty expanses that were his surroundings. Noticing the remains of a simulated worn out carrier ship in the center of the combat field, Toru decided to make his way down to it, the large crimson wings on the...
  10. Toru

    Private/Closed Sparks & Lead (RWBY)

    ‘I’m going to head for the highway. They wouldn’t dare to follow us into busy city streets!’ "I wouldn't be so sure about that, Archie. These guys aren't going to drop a target like Peck anytime soon." Salvo's assumption was correct - four cars carrying even more of the agents screeched down...
  11. Toru

    Private/Closed Gunpla Battle [1v1]

    Toru struggled for breath as he quickly descended the flight of stairs to The Scythe's mysterious basement, knowing that he was quite late. He had spent most of the day applying the finishing touches to his new Gunpla model, an RG Destiny Gundam, and being the forgetful self he normally was...
  12. Toru

    Private/Closed Sparks & Lead (RWBY)

    Salvo cleared his throat from smoke, tar, and other deliciously disgusting additives from his cigar, and adjusted his trilby. "Nope, but I do know one important thing." Salvo began to briskly walk past Archie and Peck, who was still trying to comprehend what exactly was going on in his pantry...
  13. Toru

    Private/Closed Sparks & Lead (RWBY)

    "I had so many questions to ask you," Salvo said, the smallest giveaway of a shrug as his shoulders rose slightly underneath his trenchcoat, acting almost completely aware of the oncoming danger of eight - no, seven armed men. Why exactly they were here, nobody knew. Except the men diving and...
  14. Toru

    Private/Closed Sparks & Lead (RWBY)

    The titan of a man, Salvo, stared back silently at the hired security member. Bringing his arms up to stretch out a little, he accidentally banged them onto the wall he was leaning on, creating a rather audacious clunking sound from his sleeves that only the couple of people in the proximity...
  15. Toru

    Pokecharms Chat Role Play ( #CharmsRP )

    A quick RP to help introduce Mr.RMA's character into Alistair's canon ends up turning into a crazy bromance saga between Alistair and Zachary. Go figure. Participants: Toru as Alistair Aurelio Mr.RMA as Clarence and Pyralis Kyubeon as Lyni Zacky as Zachary
  16. Toru

    Pokecharms Chat Role Play ( #CharmsRP )

    I'm up for this too.
  17. Toru

    Pokecharms Chat Role Play ( #CharmsRP )

    --- Alistair slowly crept into the small, quaint looking cafe with optimism. He'd been very uptight recently due to the recent going-ons, and now was a perfect time for him to kick back with some old and new allies. Wiping the moody look on his face away and replacing it with his usual carefree...
  18. Toru

    Pokémon Omega Ruby & Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Revealed!

    I am really exited - Sapphire was the first Pokemon game I really got into, and Gen 3 is my all-time favourite, no doubt. Also, not sure if anyone else noticed this, but: Groundon and Kyogre's new designs (possibly Mega Evolutions?) Carry the same Omega and Alpha symbols on their bodies...
  19. Toru

    Pictures, please ~

    Just thought I'd let you guys know I'm still alive - got a new super ultra special mature haircut so I thought I'd compliment it with a toy gun. How edgy! So cool! So - OH JESUS FUCK MY FUCKING AHUFJBFVNJFFVN (also yes no fro, deal wit it yo diggedy dawg)
  20. Toru

    Pokecharms Chat Role Play ( #CharmsRP )

    I'm so for this too - might be a good time to introduce some minor character changes too. Weekends is best for me too - around 8 - 10PM GMT on a weekend is best for me.