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Search results

  1. MercuryNeptune

    If you were a gym leader or elite four member what would you choose for your monotype? Mine...

    If you were a gym leader or elite four member what would you choose for your monotype? Mine would be water, Gyrados, Poliwhirl,& Relicanth
  2. MercuryNeptune

    Eevee is one of the best gen 1 pokemon and pokemon overall. Especially how with each new game...

    Eevee is one of the best gen 1 pokemon and pokemon overall. Especially how with each new game generation they introduce another form it can evolve into. I wonder if they will ever have it evolve into a bug, ground, rock, ghost, flying, dragon, poison, fighting, or steel type...
  3. MercuryNeptune

    So busy...anyone have a favorite pokemon they are willing to gush about?

    So busy...anyone have a favorite pokemon they are willing to gush about?