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Search results

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    Fallout: Chicago (Be warned, violence is imminent!)

    Four BANGS! that is all that was needed. Four of the raiders fell, and the ones who still clinging to life had fear in their eyes. As the strange person dashed for the remaining enemies and drew his knife. In one fell swoop, they where all dead. "Hey kid, what is wrong with you? You realize...
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    DPPt/HGSS Goemon's Trades

    im looking for a porygon, togepi and i am willing to trade anything i got, just PM me and ill tell you if i got that or if i can get that.
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    DPPt/HGSS EV Training Help

    i need help with my EV training, i'm trying to create a beast of a Gallade Grandevoir combo and to back em up a Garchomp Hippodawn combo. Any and all advice is well received.
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    DPPt/HGSS Competition Ideas?

    i like hikaru's idea. It would be like a march madness or something like that
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    DPPt/HGSS Eggs I Can Trade You Guys!!

    i got a elekid if you wanna trade the scyther if you don't mind...
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    DPPt/HGSS Trade good stuff for lv 1 shiny charmanders (reallly good stuff)

    wait, you can get something at target? What is it?
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    DPPt/HGSS battle me!!!

    if your gonna break the rules, do it right. You gotta put in your friend code
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    DPPt/HGSS Fang's Pokemon Breeding Center! (100% Legit Pokemon!)

    I am desperate enough to get any johto starter. I trade you anything within reason.
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    DPPt/HGSS double battle

    send me a PM at around 4 o'clock then we will talk
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    DPPt/HGSS BTK's Trade Topic

    i got a charmander for you, however i cant give you my ditto because i use it for breeding purposes, but if i can get another one i would be more than happy to trade it for any of the johto starters.
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    DPPt/HGSS Mattie's Trades: Looking for Non-Sinnoh's!

    I got a hoppip if you want that, just trade me a cubone (dont care if its shiny) if your cool with that ill trade
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    DPPt/HGSS Competition Ideas?

    How bout this. People go at each other with their prized pokemon and see who wins. Sure there will be level differences, but hey, after you get the national dex, your free to send over your favorate pokemon. So there. But we also need a way to keep track. I see someone creating a program...
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    DPPt/HGSS Chikorita Trade

    hey, can i jump in on this too...i got a freshly caught hoppip if you want it
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    DPPt/HGSS Democratic Vote

    Ok i have a great idea. Instead of putting up random trade ideas. Why dont we organize it a little and put one topic for trading where anyone can put up a trade option in one place, that way we dont clutter the forum with "PLEAZE TRADE WITH ME!" Because they are annoying.
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    DPPt/HGSS Pokemon Battle Tournament

    oh god!!! Sorry dude!!! I feel so bad!!! Ok, you fight Rinok, and the winner of that battle gets to fight the winner of my battle...omg, sorry!!! Just be sure to talk to that guy. :'( Again dude, i aplogize
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    DPPt/HGSS Free Rare-Ish Pokemon!

    Hey, if you got any johto starters to hatch, that would be cool. If you want sumthin and i have it i would be more than happy. (Hey, can you catch more than one spiritomb?)
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    DPPt/HGSS Pokemon Battle Tournament

    ok, the moment you have been waiting for, the BRACKET!! Rinok, you get the bye. And here is the main rule. Talk to your opponent to set up a time and place, you can do it on this thread i do not care. Remember, the first round is 3 on 3, so bring your best. Battle 1 Oizen VS. Gameshark...
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    if its okay, i would like to take care of your rosarade please?
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    DPPt/HGSS Competition Ideas?

    you guys are forgetting another option...what about a one or two pokemon team? Battles are short and only the players big and baddest pokemon would get involed. Another option. In a league idea why not have a tier system? C,B,A,S classes, that way the worst can move themselves up and the...