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  1. Jappio

    Jappio's Supposedly Awesome Sprites

    New Fakemon! This guys name is Cannonleaf, he is a Steel/Plant type. Also, with this joke post, I think it's time I said goodbye. The spriting scene here seems pretty dead. Goodbye everyone, it was fun.
  2. Jappio

    Jappio's Supposedly Awesome Sprites

    Sorry for the lack of updates. I have been working on something, and that's another battle sprite for that RPG I'm working on. This time, it's my character, Raizou. This is just a little update to show off how it's coming along. I had a few of the different steps copied to the side, so I...
  3. Jappio

    Jappio's Supposedly Awesome Sprites

    Another update. Three new Pokemon join: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQkgXVbdwcc
  4. Jappio

    Jappio's Supposedly Awesome Sprites

    Well, finally done for the most part with it. Frames have been added, little details I was missing. Thankfully I realized the other sprites might not be as bad, since they won't involve a dual wielder, and I won't have to do as many frames for everyone.
  5. Jappio

    Jappio's Supposedly Awesome Sprites

    Well, I've finally got some work done. Not fully complete yet, however I wanted to get another gauge of how I was doing. Below, I have a comparison of all the different frames I have. I plan to probably add frame 2 back in. However for the rest... I'm not sure. I've gotten a mix of...
  6. Jappio

    Jappio's Supposedly Awesome Sprites

    Ok, so moving on: For the RPG I'm helping make, I figured I'd use my next step of practice on it. Battle sprites of course need to be made, so I decided to take the protagonist and make him an attack animation. So obviously, I'm not done. However I'm at a crucial stage right now. Obviously I...
  7. Jappio

    Jappio's Supposedly Awesome Sprites

    Ok, still practicing things like animation. After a tutorial in animating, I'm starting with the very basics now: I know it' super simple, but basics are important from what I hear.
  8. Jappio

    Jappio's Supposedly Awesome Sprites

    I have some more Fakemon sprites. Look, I finally made an evolution to the mechanical turtle.
  9. Jappio

    Jappio's Supposedly Awesome Sprites

    Here is some more of that PokeWolrd stuff. http://youtu.be/sQFcbket9ZY
  10. Jappio

    Jappio's Supposedly Awesome Sprites

    Well, I decided I wanted to practice poses, animations, and stuff, so I did some practice. Ugg, this is a nightmare. I'm usually against posting stuff I know is bad, but this is a case of me not being sure where I went wrong, and I spent too many hours on this otherwise. Not sure if it's the...
  11. Jappio

    Jappio's Supposedly Awesome Sprites

    Some more Fakemon work. I took the bush dragon concept and extended it an extra evolution since I'm dropping the pine-tree Fakemon I made. I also again figured I'd start up my recording software while I was making the last form for those of you who like seeing the creation process...
  12. Jappio

    Jappio's Supposedly Awesome Sprites

    So, some of you might remember that there was a little rabbit Fakemon I did that had a hat that was on fire. Well I ditched the idea for a poison rabbit instead. Ironically, after deciding on that, I ended up having a good reason to give it a similar hat. No evolution anymore, but this little...
  13. Jappio

    Jappio's Supposedly Awesome Sprites

    Here's just a little something I ended up making by mistake. Sometimes I'll open paint, draw a few lines, make some dumb pattern, and close it off without saving. This time I ended up drawing something that looked like an upper torso, then I drew some lines to make the dress shape, and then I...
  14. Jappio

    Jappio's Supposedly Awesome Sprites

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awXWsXkUUx8 I have no words to add to this beyond these.
  15. Jappio

    Jappio's Supposedly Awesome Sprites

    I know it's been awhile since I've posted anything along these lines. These were all made for a contest, and since it's over, time to gather them together and post them. Here are a set of some Fakemon. Some you may have seen already, but I have done a bit of tuning up and made a new one. One...
  16. Jappio

    Jappio's Supposedly Awesome Sprites

    The last of Team Rocket: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3N6__TqXZQ
  17. Jappio

    Jappio's Supposedly Awesome Sprites

  18. Jappio

    Jappio's Supposedly Awesome Sprites

    The following is nothing serious. Just a set of stuff that I end up making when I'm bored and sitting around with an open MS Paint window. I really need to learn to better use my time. Some of these are I think a couple of years old too, but figured I'd grab whatever has been saved and drop it...
  19. Jappio

    Jappio's Supposedly Awesome Sprites

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFVo_MhJxiU I didn't show it here, but I did make a video showing previous work on Arbok. It was really bad though and I uploaded it more as a "I suck" type deal, and didn't feel that it was something I had to go showing off. Yet I've made some improvements I like...
  20. Jappio

    Jappio's Supposedly Awesome Sprites

    I know I've been like super slow with updates lately. Not sure why, I just haven't been spriting very often. I've done a little poking around, but no results to show yet. I was working with Poke World, but editing the Koopalings has thus far been obnoxious. I'd link to a video of the work I did...