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  1. Jamie York

    Open Pokemon Trainers Camp

    (Maybe later but I wanna do my rp so please could you stop asking )
  2. Jamie York

    Open Pokemon Trainers Camp

    Your gonna have find one yourself (Diamond looked up a little puzzles why the trainer asked her to get them a sparing partner)
  3. Jamie York

    Open Pokemon Trainers Camp

    Well, a good technique is to know who you are battling and knowing your opponents strengths and weakness. It will help you in the long run. (Even though I was short I stood up tall to stand my ground)
  4. Jamie York

    Open Pokemon Trainers Camp

    I generally don't battle trainers unless they misbehave and need to be taught a lesson. So I'm gonna decline.
  5. Jamie York

    Open Pokemon Trainers Camp

    Yes, I'm the Pokemon Battling mentor, I teach you how to battle more efficiently (I beam in joy)
  6. Jamie York

    Open Pokemon Trainers Camp

    (I am so sorry, I just got here, thos is a pokemon trainer camp for a reason and I'm gonna say please no legendarys pls. I am a mentor, I have more experience in pokemon battling then the trainers at the camp.)
  7. Jamie York

    Open Pokemon Trainers Camp

    Okay, anyway.. (She clears her throat trying to compose herself) We'd better get to the baby room, the other campers are waiting!
  8. Jamie York

    Open Pokemon Trainers Camp

    After all camp introductions are done. (Diamond seams puzzled why this camper would want to do anything with her after what just happened)
  9. Jamie York

    Open Pokemon Trainers Camp

    Why you little! (Diamond jump kicks Jay in the head) To think I was actually helping you! Plus you have to go to the baby room with the other campers right now.
  10. Jamie York

    Open Pokemon Trainers Camp

    I may get a temper at times but, I will always help a trainer. (Diamond stops in her tracks and look up at Jay and meet his eyes) I will always help a trainer in need, as my duty as a Mentor, I am gonna do my best to help ,kay! (I smile cutely and sincerely) (Gonna go kay, talk to you tomorrow!)
  11. Jamie York

    Open Pokemon Trainers Camp

    (Dragonair glares at you, Diamond says) Uh that probably be best.. Return Dragonair! (Before gets sent to her pokeball she gives a very sassy "hmph"and returned to her pokeball) I wish she'd give less attitude. (She takes Jay's hand and continues walking back to the camp)
  12. Jamie York

    Open Pokemon Trainers Camp

    The lake is part of the forest, so yes you need a Mentor. We made this rule so we can keep the Trainers at the camp safe, and don't worry, we're gonna meet more Pokemon soon (Diamond says with a misgevious grin)
  13. Jamie York

    Open Pokemon Trainers Camp

    GRR!! (I grab a fancy looking pokeball) Lets go! Dragonair! (Out came a Dragonair whit an everstone neckless) use rap bit don't hurt him. (Dragonair curls around you and begins to drag you back to the camp) I win! (I do a little happy dance) I did it, I did it, not gonna lose my job!
  14. Jamie York

    Open Pokemon Trainers Camp

    Aye wait you have to stay! (Diamond stands in front of Jay even though she far shorter than him) Didn't you read the rules, no trainers are permitted into going into the forest without a Mentor at there side! (She had her cheeks puffed)
  15. Jamie York

    Open Pokemon Trainers Camp

    Gotcha right were I want yah, Togakiss do the final blow and use Moonblast! (Togakiss serves the final blow, random ref says) With Dragonite unable to battle Mentor Diamond and Togakiss win.
  16. Jamie York

    Open Pokemon Trainers Camp

    Togakiss, use Moonblast (it hits and does a critical hit, Diamond grins)
  17. Jamie York

    Open Pokemon Trainers Camp

    Well very interesting, Togakiss! Use Blizzard! (With that it began snowing harshly in the battle field) I try all kinds of moves with my Pokemon so never under estimate me trainer! (The snow made it hard to see)
  18. Jamie York

    Open Pokemon Trainers Camp

    Nice choice, going for a pokemon with a type advantage is always a good move, but I guess you under estimate me and Togakiss' power (Diamond delightfully and misleadingly at her opponent) Seeing that I dragged you to battle me, you may go first.
  19. Jamie York

    Open Pokemon Trainers Camp

    Because, I guess everyone knows how to battle already, I think this should be easy to anyone (I walk to the battle area next to me and take out my Togakiss) She is my best pokemon, come on, it'll be fun!
  20. Jamie York

    Open Pokemon Trainers Camp

    (looking at her campers disbelief. She calls on a trainer, Jay, to show the kids she wasn't gonna mess around all summer) Hey you there, kid. To start things of this summer, me and you are gonna battle!