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  1. C

    Your favourite Pokemon

    Re: Your favourite Pokemon Trubbish. I thnik it's really cute, and the best poison type ever. o3o My other favorites are Rattata, Lanturn, Furret and Raichu.
  2. C

    Cupcake's Sprites c:

    Thank you. :3 Some old sprites: Wailotic. 8D Girafurrer aka Furretina, my first sprite ever. :3 Loplusle, a Plusle Lopunny. :3 The hardest was removing the eyebrows. DX
  3. C

    Cupcake's Sprites c:

    Thank you! C: I'll practice my shading. ^^ Heh, I really like the Ukulele Typholosion too. Cx I made ot because of a random PR: GS talk I had with my friend. -- More sprites o3o Celebi and Jirachi chao. Jirachi's hat looks a bit weird but I like Celebi. My first Revamps and Devamps. I like...
  4. C

    Cupcake's Sprites c:

    Hi, I'm new here and this is my first post. ^^; I started spriting some months ago, when I joined another Pokemon site. Some of them are jpg. Because I saved them as bmp, that gets converted in jpg when uploaded... Here are some of my sprites~ A Moogle Swoobat Piplup Dawn(From an anime...