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Search results

  1. Lost Wolf

    Your Pokémon's Shining Moments.

    *sits in loner corner* I don't have any shining moments, or i can't remember ;-;
  2. Lost Wolf

    Who was the hardest gym leader for you to beat?

    Oh god. Not this. Please. Everybody is going to laugh at me but...Cilan from Black And White. He was freaking annoying and it took me many tries just to beat that-that. Broccoli on a stick. UGHHHHH
  3. Lost Wolf

    Your Most Difficult/Easiest Legendary Capture

    The easiest? Lugia in Alpha Sapphire. That was extremely easy XD All i had to do was throw a dive ball at it without doing nothing and poof! It was mine XD The hardest? Oh god. Terrakion in Alpha Sapphire. I was so angry that, when i caught it, i just named it Pwe.
  4. Lost Wolf

    What is your -least- favorite region and why?

    I have got to say, it's Johto. It was just very confusing, and i just....it's hard to explain. I just dislike it.
  5. Lost Wolf

    I have autism too.

    I have autism too.
  6. Lost Wolf

    I got somebody to apologise for me and he forgave me :D

    I got somebody to apologise for me and he forgave me :D
  7. Lost Wolf

    I just said it wasn't nice to have autism and somebody says: Go fuck yourself, i have autism and...

    I just said it wasn't nice to have autism and somebody says: Go fuck yourself, i have autism and im fine!
  8. Lost Wolf

    I'm sad now...i didn't know...that people on minecraft servers...especially staff...could be so...

    I'm sad now...i didn't know...that people on minecraft servers...especially staff...could be so rude.
  9. Lost Wolf

    Lampent is a pretty good shiny! Also a good pokemon ^^ I don't see many people with Skitty or...

    Lampent is a pretty good shiny! Also a good pokemon ^^ I don't see many people with Skitty or Delcatty as their favorite. Interesting.
  10. Lost Wolf

    Well good XD

    Well good XD
  11. Lost Wolf

    That's okay. The Masuda Method is very easy. Just get a pokemon with flame body, a foreign...

    That's okay. The Masuda Method is very easy. Just get a pokemon with flame body, a foreign pokemon and a ditto. ^^
  12. Lost Wolf

    Good ^^

    Good ^^
  13. Lost Wolf

    The second i got was also from shiny breeding and it was a lopunny. I don't know which egg i got...

    The second i got was also from shiny breeding and it was a lopunny. I don't know which egg i got it on XD
  14. Lost Wolf

    Wanna know about my shinies? Alrighty! The first one i got from shiny breeding was a snivy on...

    Wanna know about my shinies? Alrighty! The first one i got from shiny breeding was a snivy on the 33 egg. I used the famous Masuda Method.
  15. Lost Wolf


  16. Lost Wolf

    Shiny Breeding Goal: Zorua! How many eggs hatched: Dunno, many XD

    Shiny Breeding Goal: Zorua! How many eggs hatched: Dunno, many XD
  17. Lost Wolf

    New Member Introductions

    Well, hello! I am very new, so please bear with me. I don't know why i came to pokecharms. It just brought me in. I am Lost, it's not my real name but that i won't tell. I live in Norway, which most people on here don't come from. I aboslutely adore pokemon! My first game was pokemon white. I...
  18. Lost Wolf

    Tell me your favorite pokemon in the comments and why! I'm just interested ♥

    Tell me your favorite pokemon in the comments and why! I'm just interested ♥
  19. Lost Wolf

    Merry Christmas!

    Really? I got some Lego Minecraft too!
  20. Lost Wolf

    Merry Christmas!

    Cool! Ya know, i got a plusle plushie.