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Search results

  1. Zozma


    Re: Websites -My RP sites are the first thing I look at. -A resource board called RPG-D is usually my next stop. -My Gmail account. Those are the only sites I must visit daily, but I also usually check: -Facebook about once a day -DeviantART I don't do much on those last two, but I do usually...
  2. Zozma


    I have a blog, but it's mostly about writing and roleplaying... I started that 30 days of Pokemon challenge but I haven't kept up with it. Whoops. Should probably get back to that... Anyway: AWN.
  3. Zozma

    What Pets Do You Own?

    1. Belle the cat is black and white. She's 3 years old and fat, stupid, and lazy, but I love her anyway. I found her in the front yard. Spent a week trying to find her owner. Turns out they moved away and left her behind purposely. She was pregnant at the time, which I didn't find out until...
  4. Zozma

    What is Love?

    Re: The Question of Love To me, love means sacrifice. Even the tiniest things, like purchasing food that you don't like because the other person does or watching a movie you think looks dumb because the other wants to see it. Parents sacrifice a lot for their kids in the name of love, for...
  5. Zozma


    I usually listen to music, and the music I listen to usually reflects my mood. Anger lends itself to hard rock and metal. Sadness leads to sad songs (usually acoustic for the best effect). I've also learned to stay far away from caffeine when stressed as it really exacerbates the problem.
  6. Zozma

    What's your favorite pokeball?

    Re: What's your favorite pokeball? Ultra ball looks the coolest. Dusk ball has the coolest sounding name. But I really liked the Quick ball's application and usefulness.
  7. Zozma

    If you were a Pokemon

    Probably a Cyndaquil. I say this because they call it the timid pokemon and IRL, I'm pretty timid.
  8. Zozma

    Your favourite Pokemon

    Re: Your favourite Pokemon Abra has been my favorite since the start and I can't say it's changed even in recent games. Then again, that's not too hard when I look at the disappointing choices presented in the latest installment...