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  1. Curvykitten

    The Dark Tournament

    Finally got a post up, sorry for the wait and the shortness of it. I shall get a nightmare post for up for Lily as soon as I decide how evil I want to be. LOL
  2. Curvykitten

    Ask to Join The Dark Tournament

    Name:Lily Matherson Location: Woods, Tagging: Dynami, Floyd, Amara, Delilha, Dr, Navashi, Damian Lily could feel herself growing weaker with each passing moment. The blood loss alone was havoc on her system. But the impending infection, and pain on top of it was all but doing her in. It was a...
  3. Curvykitten

    The Dark Tournament

    Hey all, I'm sorry I haven't been able to get a post up. I have been having the worst case of broken muse I've had in a while. But I am going to try and give it a good try after some sleep. Hopefully something productive and readable will get posted.
  4. Curvykitten

    The Dark Tournament

    Who is being dramatic hun? I literally have a computer that is having trouble typing at this point. Ignoring the fact that it is missing keys to begin with. I was stating that because I'd rather walk away and try and get something that works for me, before I put up sub par work just to not get...
  5. Curvykitten

    The Dark Tournament

    Mrr, the computer I am currently on is REALLY glitchy and slow. It tends to fall behind in my typing. If its to hard to read I'll just go take it down. Granted I may have to just slip away than cause I'm not sure if this computer will be up to what is required here for posting.
  6. Curvykitten

    Ask to Join The Dark Tournament

    Name:Lily Matherson Location: Woods, Tagging: Dynami, Floyd, Amara, Delilha, Dr, Navashi, Damian Lily kept her breathing as calm and steady as possible, her chest aching and protesting against each heavy breath. She could feel sweat rolling down her spine, and her lips still felt so parched that...
  7. Curvykitten

    Ask to Join The Dark Tournament

    Name:Lily Matherson Location: Woods, Tagging: Dynami, Floyd, Lily could feel the hairs on her arms stand on end as the familiar feeling of danger washed over her senses once more. It flashed quickly over her nerve endings, and set her on edge. Amara's over analytical analyses of the situation...
  8. Curvykitten

    Ask to Join The Dark Tournament

    Name:Lily Matherson Location: Woods, Tagging: Dynami, Floyd? Lily could feel her strength waning, like a slow syphon on the very life line as she was struggling to hold onto. She knew that it would only be a matter of time before her wounds took their toll on her. No matter the amount of first...
  9. Curvykitten

    Ask to Join The Dark Tournament

    Name:Lily Matherson Location: Woods, Tagging: Dynami, Floyd, Crystal Lily knew she should have been resting, even more so she should be having her wounds looked at. But at the moment that was not a possibility, so she held onto what strength was left inside of her with an iron grip. She helped...
  10. Curvykitten

    The Dark Tournament

    Kind of sort of, bit bumpy but it could have been worse. At least I had some help, that is always nice when moving.
  11. Curvykitten

    The Dark Tournament

    Soy for the short post, but I HAS POSTED! hehe sorry for the wait, moving totally stole me away.
  12. Curvykitten

    Ask to Join The Dark Tournament

    Name:Lily Matherson Location: Woods, Tagging: Dynami, Floyd? Lily could feel her body shaking like a leaf, but she did her best to focus on the world around her. Her heart still seemed to race wildly despite the chaotic moment having passed. He eyes scanning the two new arrivals before her. It...
  13. Curvykitten

    The Dark Tournament

    I am finally moved and back to having access to a computer. I am sorry for the wait, but I will get a post up as soon as possible!
  14. Curvykitten

    Ask to Join The Dark Tournament

    Name:Lily Matherson Location: Woods, Tagging: Dynami, Floyd? Lily struggled to hold back the incoming attack, venom glistening of the long dagger like fangs that threatened to tear into her chest. She could feel its warm breath washing over her skin as it pressed ever closer. The bark on the...
  15. Curvykitten

    The Dark Tournament

    yeah I'm happy I've got what edit skills I got. Now if I could just get better at hair that would be great.
  16. Curvykitten

    The Dark Tournament

    That's how I've been learning html and bb coding. I got tired of not being able to do my own editing on some sites. Still got a lot to learn. But goggle fu has helped find some good guides lol Photoshop is a bit hard, with being partly color blind I sometimes utterly miss what I really trying...
  17. Curvykitten

    The Dark Tournament

    You may get pestered with future photoshop questions Ny. I've simply been playing and figuring things out as I go lol. "Oh what's this do....oh nope not what I wanted..."
  18. Curvykitten

    The Dark Tournament

    SHOW OFF!!! Lol see now I want to share the pretty ones I thought were to much :p
  19. Curvykitten

    The Dark Tournament

    I really didn't know why I was being nudge, so I'm not faking it lol And yeah, unwanted something bigger due to dynami being pretty big himself. No worries though they so got this. <<....>>... Yup totally under control lolz
  20. Curvykitten

    The Dark Tournament

    Why you nudging me :p Also I can edit eyes a bit if someone needs it. I did Lily's, from blue to one grey and one a warm hazel or golden color.