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  1. Natsymir

    Open Pokemon:Eternal Island

    (Np, have a good day)
  2. Natsymir

    Open Pokemon:Eternal Island

    Nox was very impressed if not a bit jealous, this lucario was very wise. " You must of had a great master to teach you all those things." He said, the zoroark picked up a smooth stone from the earth. Nox held it in his hand and closed his eyes while he concentrated, the stone was enveloped...
  3. Natsymir

    Open Pokemon:Eternal Island

    " That was very beautiful, did you just come up with that?" Nox replied, yawning once more. He would be lying if he said he wasn't impressed by the Lucario. Nox was almost completely dry, he brushed his hand through his fur and returned his arm back behind his head.
  4. Natsymir

    Open Pokemon:Eternal Island

    Nox sighed as he took a seat next to Sato, he put his arms behind his back and let out a slight yawn. "Thank you." He managed, Nox looked out to the horizon and watched the clouds swirl about. " I don't know what it is but, storms like this just soothe me." He said as he relaxed further.
  5. Natsymir

    Open Pokemon:Eternal Island

    "Well, Sato, it's nice to meet you." the Zoroark said, letting out a yawn. " You mind if I take a seat? " He asked, currently he was kneeling down on his knee and it was getting slightly uncomfortable.
  6. Natsymir

    Open Pokemon:Eternal Island

    "Oh I see, this does seem like a nice place to take a load off." The Zoroark said smiling, Nox looked at the rain clouds swirling around, they reminded him of a school of fish. He was almost hypnotized by the clouds when the Lucario's voice snapped him out of it. " Oh my name? You can call me...
  7. Natsymir

    Open Pokemon:Eternal Island

    On his way back to his den Nox spotted a Lucario taking shelter from the rain. "I wonder if this is the same Lucario the galvantula spoke about." He thought, Nox was now soaking wet and cold. He knelt next to the Lucario and rung out his crimson locks. " Hey, you need a place to stay? My den...
  8. Natsymir

    Two of my posts were ignored

    Two of my posts were ignored
  9. Natsymir

    Open Pokemon:Eternal Island

    As Nox traveled through the forest he began hearing voices. The Zoroark crouched down in the bushes as he followed the voices in the direction they were coming from. As he grew closer he finally found the Pokemon the voices belonged to. Shrouded in the brush and bushes he observed them. An...
  10. Natsymir

    Open Pokemon:Eternal Island

    Nox climbed down from his perch, he let out a sigh as he headed deeper into the forest. He began humming a tune as he slowly walked through the underbrush.
  11. Natsymir

    Open Pokemon:Eternal Island

    Nox the Zoroark found a comfy spot In a berry tree. He laid down on a branch, picked a handful of berries and began poping them in his mouth one by one. After his meal, Nox tucked his arms behind his head.
  12. Natsymir

    Open Pokemon:Eternal Island

    Nox wiped a single tear from his eye. " Ah, okay thanks for the warning. I'll just leave it be." He replied, Nox followed the galvantula's gaze into the forest were this lucario must lurk. "And thanks for the info I'll keep that in mind." Nox replied, the Zoroark headed for the trees, nodding...
  13. Natsymir

    Open Pokemon:Eternal Island

    Nox bursted into laughter, he was thrown to the forest floor by his laughing fit. He looked at his hands as his illusion faded and he returned to his usual Zoroark form. " I'm sorry, I just can't keep a straight face when I do that." He said, letting out a giggle. "Are you mad?" Nox asked...
  14. Natsymir

    Open Pokemon:Eternal Island

    Nox forced down a giggle, he was afraid he would get busted if he couldn't control himself. " Curiosity, mostly." Nox said. "Just wanted to go for a little explore is all." He continued.
  15. Natsymir

    Open Pokemon:Eternal Island

    Nox slowly walked through the forest, wandering aimlessly keeping to the shadows. He spotted a galvantula and quickly changed forms, making himself appear as one. Nox approached the Pokemon trying to hold in a chuckle. "Hey" He managed.
  16. Natsymir

    Open Pokemon:Eternal Island

    Nox the Zoroark emerged from his den located deep within a system of caves. He took a moment to stretch and yawn. "Let's see what goes bump in the night" The Zoroark said to himself with a chuckle.
  17. Natsymir

    Open Pokemon:Eternal Island

    Name: Nox PKMN: Zoroark Gender: Male Age:15