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Search results

  1. Lirya

    Ask to Join Knight Academy

    After the ceremony finished, Zannia decided to walk around a little bit before heading for her barracks. The place was big, almost as big as the crowd of people walking around and chatting. Hundreds and hundreds of people as her rivals... "Blue card...Blue barracks..." she kept repeating it...
  2. Lirya

    Open The Knight Academy disscussion.

    Name: Zannia Valken. Age: 16. Sex: Female. Species: Valkaryn. Appearance: White pale skin, long light brown hair, brown eyes, some tattoos and markings over her back and left arm.
  3. Lirya

    Open The Walking Dead S1

    Name: Julia Brown Gender: Female Sexuality: Bisexual Appearance: -5'8 -115 lbs -Long black hair. -White skin. -Blue eyes. Age: 19 Occupation: Works at Grocery Store/Student Personality: Calm and cold. Strengths & Weaknesses: Smart and athletic. Trust issues. Alignment: Neutral Good Backstory...
  4. Lirya

    Open Legend of Korra! Discussion

    Name: Laraya Gender: Female Age: 17 Bending Power: Water Probending team: N Pet: N Appearance: Brown wavy hair, light skin, blue eyes and a silver necklace. Personality: Intelligent, ambicious, arrogant and hot-headed. Interesting facts: She used to be very rich. Backstory: Born in a rich...
  5. Lirya

    Open Legend of Korra! Discussion

    I loved this RP idea, since i'm a big fan of Avatar and Legend of Korra, and i really recommend you to put here the bio model, as well as your bio. Put in the RP thread only the RP part. Oh, and by the way, Blood bendind is not a part of airbending, it's a part of waterbending. As for air...
  6. Lirya

    Ask to Join Real life

    "So, i think i'm going home, gotta get some sleep" she said to Morgana while she was showing Drew the way. "See you tomorrow, Ana." Maia took her things from her locker and was in her way out of the GYM when some guy said "Hey, looks like someone forgot some stuff in here." "What is it?" She...
  7. Lirya

    Ask to Join Real life

    "Ouch!"Maia said when Morgana hit her."That hurt! And by the way... i'm totally not drooling. And..." She had to agree she was staring Marcus for too long. She decided to change subjects. "Ana, you were always that short?" That was the best she could do before turning her look back to Marcus.
  8. Lirya

    Open Real life RP disscussion.

    Is ok to romance in this rp? And what time it is in the rp?
  9. Lirya

    Ask to Join Real life

    "Hi." she said casually when she saw Drew, since Morgana was the GYM owner, Maia decided to not say things on her on, so she waited to Morgana give the answer. She sat on the chair next to Morgana on the balcony and decided to rest for a while. She saw some girls taking photos at the mirror...
  10. Lirya

    Ask to Join Real life

    "...and Three!" She screamed before landing a last hit on the side of the training dummy. Several other voices followed her lead, punching theirs perspectives training dummies. "O.K. guys! That's it, until next class." She said dispersing the class. She lead something about a dozen of studants...
  11. Lirya

    Open Real life RP disscussion.

    Character Bio Name: Maia Allen Age: 27 Sex: Female Sexuality: Heterosexual Appearance: Morgana stands at 6'0 feet with long blonde hair and blue eyes. She have lots of tattoos and a fitness body. Occupation: Teacher, she teach self-defense. Hobbies: Muay Thai.
  12. Lirya

    Open Tales in a World of Steam

    The Duke told him to leave before, they couldn't be seem together. Chris was freaking out, what he just heard... changing the world... He returned to the market, the sun was setting, soon the it would be nigh. He tried to calm down...Well, it didn't exactly helped the view of a crowd harassing a...
  13. Lirya

    Open Tales in a World of Steam

    When Chris woke up his head was spinning, the pain in his head was the same than before. He stood up to look around. What the...? He didn't recognize that place. Iron bars in front in front of him, strong walls and a high window with bars behind him, a toilet seat and a single bad. Is this in...
  14. Lirya

    Open Tales in a World of Steam

    The rock hit his neck, chills traveling his body as he shouted in pain. He felt dizzy, everything was spinning, he tried to hold Kayenne, but his foot was stucked in something. Shit. That was his thought while falling. How that happened? It was at a such good day so far, first day as a...
  15. Lirya

    Open Tales in a World of Steam

    One day, one less criminal in the streets. Chris thought, proud of himself capturing a Thief at his first day wearing the uniform, that probably was a signal. He was pretty confident, that last for a incredible short time. When he saw the arrow flying over his shoulder his instintcs told him to...
  16. Lirya

    Open The Heart of a Wild Pokemon

    "Bye little orange thing"he said to the combusken before leaving, this one was in a better state than Kaz and the Liepard. "By the way, how to fix a broken paw?"he asked and Kaz confirmed"Just hit it in a tree, multiple times, maybe it get back in it's place."Ivar laughed." you seems to be...
  17. Lirya

    Open The Heart of a Wild Pokemon

    "Well...anyway i just came to pick by that useles mount of meat"he walked towards Ka with a smile "So, you know that predator meat doesn't taste that well, right?" He looked over his shoulders to the Pyroar bodies in the ground "Well, i'm gonna carry that, an you... Try to carry yourself until...
  18. Lirya

    Open The Heart of a Wild Pokemon

    "Beta" he said "And i was talking about the little Taillow that just felt when you stood up"he little bird was now in the floor. "And as much as i would like that, i will have to regret, my only reason to be here right now is that big and broken guy over there. He said pointing to Kaz. "And i...
  19. Lirya

    Open The Heart of a Wild Pokemon

    "Yes, he pack got pretty worried" said a voice in the shadows "you look terrible" said Ivar, a Houndoom from the same pack as Kaz, stepping out of the shadows. "Seriously, look's like you were stepped by a Rhyperior pack, over and over again" He looked around just to see a bunch of Pyroar...
  20. Lirya

    Open Tales in a World of Steam

    (Soldier claimed, at least! A Steampunk like RP) Name: Christopher"Chris" Vallak Age: 20 Gender: Male Appearence: 5'10 feet tall. Tan skin, black curly hair, dark green eyes. Hobbies: Chilling and parkour. Prosthestics: Right arm. Abilities: Strong Body, Shooting, Martial Arts. Weapons: Energy...