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  1. Gpig5

    Open (Sign Ups) The Kanto Pokemon Trainer Graduate Intake (Pokemon Journey Anime Style) 2.0

    Yh post a bio and I’ll accept it then I would move on since I was stuck and the other person is yet to post since
  2. Gpig5

    Ask to Join The Kanto Pokemon Trainer Graduate Intake (Pokemon Journey Anime Style) 2.0

    Fraser eventually finished his hopefully final bowl of noodles for the day and prepared to head out. "I'll meet you at the Route 2 gate if you're going to join us," Fraser said to Monroe. Fraser walked straight to the route 2 gate and arrived before the anyone else. He decided to take this...
  3. Gpig5

    Ask to Join The Kanto Pokemon Trainer Graduate Intake (Pokemon Journey Anime Style) 2.0

    Ikue’s Pokeball opened and a light Launched out the Pokeball. The beam crashed in the ground the Pokemon’a body started to form. A quadruped body stood with short stubby legs and a large round head. Thought it’s body are small openings in its armor. There are six openings in its head, with the...
  4. Gpig5

    Ask to Join The Kanto Pokemon Trainer Graduate Intake (Pokemon Journey Anime Style) 2.0

    Fraser didn’t clock that Oddish released a Poison Powder. When Lucky got hit by the attack, Frasers heart dropped. When Isabelle returned Fraser also sighed. “I’m really sorry Isabelle, that was all my fault,” Fraser apologised. Fraser pondered with all the stuff that happened within only a...
  5. Gpig5

    Ask to Join The Kanto Pokemon Trainer Graduate Intake (Pokemon Journey Anime Style) 2.0

    Fraser’s jaw slightly opened in awe of Isabelle nonchalantly saying she caught a Pokemon in the first route. “You caught a Pokemon already?” Fraser whispered to himself. “These trainers are a bunch of talented naturals,” Fraser thought. Isabelle suggested going together through Viridian Forest...
  6. Gpig5

    Ask to Join The Kanto Pokemon Trainer Graduate Intake (Pokemon Journey Anime Style) 2.0

    Fraser stood up to go the canteen. "Um yeah we came here becau-" Fraser glanced down at Tyrogue and noticed him glaring up at him with a poisonous glare. "because we were hungry and decided to take a pit stop," Fraser gulped. Blake is clearly not that impressed of Fraser goes around telling...
  7. Gpig5

    Open (Sign Ups) The Kanto Pokemon Trainer Graduate Intake (Pokemon Journey Anime Style) 2.0

    accepted. what we can do is either. I reveal your starter in the rp when you do the post of the ceremony of you getting your starter from professor oak up until you get the Pokeball and I'll reveal it then, or I just tell your starter now and you can start from whichever point you'd like
  8. Gpig5

    Open (Sign Ups) The Kanto Pokemon Trainer Graduate Intake (Pokemon Journey Anime Style) 2.0

    Nah legit nothing happened really, other than moving on to route 1 and viridian since people were inactive
  9. Gpig5

    Ask to Join The Kanto Pokemon Trainer Graduate Intake (Pokemon Journey Anime Style) 2.0

    Fraser was approached by a trainer that recognised him from the trainer ceremony. “Oh, not right now,” Fraser said as he glanced up at the television. “It seems to be the wise decision though. I’m not sure what I’ll do if Blake gets taken,” Fraser added. Fraser then fiddled with his thumbs as he...
  10. Gpig5

    Ask to Join The Kanto Pokemon Trainer Graduate Intake (Pokemon Journey Anime Style) 2.0

    The calming jingle went off before an announcement was made through the tannoy system. "Please can Fraser come to the front desk. Your Pokemon are fully healed and are ready to be picked up," Fraser lifted himself off the comfortable seats and went to the front desk where a tray of one Pokeball...
  11. Gpig5

    Yep you can join .First read the rules on the discussion thread and then post your bio there

    Yep you can join .First read the rules on the discussion thread and then post your bio there
  12. Gpig5

    Ask to Join The Kanto Pokemon Trainer Graduate Intake (Pokemon Journey Anime Style) 2.0

    Fraser pondered as he continued through route 1, reflecting on the failed battle against the Pidgey. "As much as Blake is as confident and cocky. It seems that right now it's only a facade and when he actually faces a Pokemon that has the type advantage." Fraser tried thinking of what he may...
  13. Gpig5

    Ask to Join The Kanto Pokemon Trainer Graduate Intake (Pokemon Journey Anime Style) 2.0

    Fraser and Tyrogue went back to finish their appropriately sized bowls of noodles. "Hey Tyrogue, what do you think of the name Blake. It's a cool name I think to match you," Fraser suggested but Tyrogue being mostly preoccupied with the small bowl of noodles. Blake glanced up and nodded in...
  14. Gpig5

    Open The Dyrocyrstal Tree - Action Adventure Pokemon RP Sign ups/Discission

    @SproutGang mknferno is in an orange jumpsuit because that’s the prisoner uniform. It’s not a fashion choice lol
  15. Gpig5

    Ask to Join The Dyrocyrstal Tree - Action Adventure Pokemon RP

    Ichiro raised an eyebrow as the dark and fairy type approached and introduced himself. Ichiro looked at the extended hand and glanced over at the bunk bed in which he didn’t realise was a bunk. If the struggle of being dragged into the cell wasn’t enough of a disturbance for him the kick of the...
  16. Gpig5

    Open (Sign Ups) The Kanto Pokemon Trainer Graduate Intake (Pokemon Journey Anime Style) 2.0

    @Your-Friday-Filet im gonna move on to route 1 now. It’s been a wee while since you last posted