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Search results

  1. E1isha

    Private/Closed Life in the Wilds

    "I won't burn myself out, that's definitely not going to be a problem. And, for your information, I do have somewhere to be. It's called exploring the wilderness and whatever the heck we come across and then mapping it or whatever. That's where I need to be, what about you?" She wasn't very...
  2. E1isha

    Ask to Join Life in the Wilds

    Alright, the post has been made. Join whenever you can
  3. E1isha

    Private/Closed Life in the Wilds

    Two trainers; Rey and Ingrid, from Kalos and Hoenn respectively. They were the two picked for the journey to an undiscovered mainland far away from the known regions. They aren't expert trainers or destined prodigies by any means, and were simply picked from a random batch of newbie trainers...
  4. E1isha

    Ask to Join Life in the Wilds

    ((Okay, sorry for not getting it out today. I had to deal with thanksgiving, so it'll probably be tomorrow.))
  5. E1isha

    Ask to Join Life in the Wilds

    Name: Ingrid Blake Gender: Female Hometown: Dewford Town, Hoenn Age: 16 Height: 5'10 Weight: 135 Ibs. Hair: Long, brown, and pretty typical. Eyes: A dull greenish-grey. Clothing: She tends to wear clothes that have her favorite things on them or things that relate to her favorite things. As her...
  6. E1isha

    Ask to Join Life in the Wilds

    Did you even read the post?
  7. E1isha

    Ask to Join Life in the Wilds

    You and one other newbie trainer (that's my character) have been chosen to be sent off to an oddity of regions that was newly discovered. So newly discovered, that nobody has been to it and it doesn't even have an official name. Nor has it been released to the public that it was found. Think of...
  8. E1isha

    Private/Closed Ahnoah: Pokemon Contest

    "Oh jeez, Lumiose City is way big," Tormey said, comparing it to his hometown of Snowbelle City in his mind. "I didn't think it would be this big. Did you, Melissa?" He looked at his PokéDex, and a Porygon was sitting inside it. "No, I did not. I knew the exact size in many different...
  9. E1isha

    Private/Closed Ahnoah:Pokemon Contest

    Alright, finally gonna reply then :P
  10. E1isha

    Private/Closed Ahnoah:Pokemon Contest

    Name: Tormey Jobs Basic Descriprion: Tormey is a small boy, with pale skin, a smaller-than-average build, bright blue eyes, short brown hair, and a generally sickly-looking appearance. He's about 4'11, he weighs 87 pounds, and is shy around new people, but he can overcome it. Age: 12 Gender...
  11. E1isha

    Ask to Join Explore the Bloka region! (Anime style)

    "Why's that thing look so teary-eyed? Is it scared or something? Yeesh, that must suck. I used to be that scared when I was little. Then I grew up, got more mature, and realized there was nothing to fear. Hint hint, nudge nudge." He said, as he looked down at Asura. "Grioru City? That's a weird...
  12. E1isha

    Ask to Join Explore the Bloka region! (Anime style)

    "Uh, no thanks, I've already got a dex. But, I will take these Poké Balls," Tormey said, picking them up and stuffing them into his backpack. "Hey Melissa, why did I come here again?" He looked at the screen on his PokéDex, which was displaying text. "Oh, yeah, I forgot about the whole exploring...
  13. E1isha

    Ask to Join Explore the Bloka region! (Anime style)

    Hot off the cruise ship was Tormey Jobs, fresh off the boat from the frozen wasteland known as southeastern Kalos. With Melissa in his watch and Voltergeist in the hands of his electrical maintenance thermal gloves, they were all set! Of course, he had one stop to make that he came here for. He...
  14. E1isha

    Ask to Join Explore the Bloka Region (Anime style) Discussion

    Sorry for the lackluster profile, but I'm so much better at actual writing than I am with making profiles :P Name: Tormey Jobs Age: 12 Gender: Male Height: 4'8 Personality: A bit shy, defiant, knowledgable, optimistic, really happy, daring to try new things, non-argumentative...
  15. E1isha

    Ask to Join Unova RP

    I can't start tomorrow qq I'll just not do it so you guys can go on
  16. E1isha

    Open Not a normal adventure discussion

    Human: Name: Tormey Jobs Age: 12 Gender: Male Appearance: Short stature, pale skin, dark brown hair that's relatively short, really lanky, light blue eyes, and wears warm clothes almost all the time. Personality: He's not an introvert, but he struggles to maintain conversation for very long...
  17. E1isha

    Ask to Join Unova RP

    Character Name: John Lockhart Age: 20 (though physically 13 for reasons that will come up eventually) Gender: Male Appearance: John’s a typically-sized boy who looks like the human equivalent of a well-worn but high-quality set of tools. He’s got a lot of skills and purposes, he’s clearly had...
  18. E1isha

    Ask to Join A Strange Type of Evolution

    This RP is going to be centered around the concept of BREAK Evolution, which is pulled from the Trading Card Game. A quick rundown of how this type of evolution will work will be provided below, but the rules must be presented first. Rule #1: You must have proper grammar and writing skills to be...
  19. E1isha

    Private/Closed A Kalos Adventure That Could Go Really Anywhere

    "Good luck to you, since you asked for it!" He exclaimed, heading off towards the boutique in the town. He entered, and was picking out his clothes. Of course, he stayed true to his favorite color, orange, but he went with an orange and grey color combo for his outfits. He picked out a...
  20. E1isha

    Private/Closed A Kalos Adventure That Could Go Really Anywhere

    "Oh, no you won't!" He said, grabbing onto Angel and running with it in his arms. However, once he got to the top of the hill, he could feel his legs start to give out. He paused for a minute and spoke in between panting, "Jeez, I must be worn out from chasing you- I guess you won. I can't run...