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Search results

  1. P

    Private/Closed The Arena (Redo)

    Melissa's cloak hid her face. "I'm Melissa..." She said. All she wanted was to go back home to her family. "But why are they making us do this survival thing, and how do they even know who we are?" She asked.
  2. P

    Private/Closed The Arena (Redo)

    She looked over to Lucy "Hello..." She said and then looked around the room for a exit. "Hmm....." She tried to remember how she got here but all she could remember was going to sleep at her home in pallet town.
  3. P

    Private/Closed The Arena (Redo)

    Full name: Melissa Villegas Gender: Female City you were last in: Pallet town Your six pokemon: Charizard, espeon, lucario, pikachu, dragonite, buneary Appearance (not really important, and optional): A girl in a dark purple cloak covering her face and the rest of her body. Age (um, try to keep...
  4. P

    Open Pokemon School

    Both accepted
  5. P

    Ask to Join Zachary's Kanto adventure ( 2.0 )

    " Alright then your my last hope Charizard I chose you." Charizard bursts out of its pokeball and roars " Charrrriiiizard" " Ok charizard ready to win this." she said "Char" Alright then use blast burn go!" Charizard obeyed and used it slamming raichu into a tree weakning it. " Now finish this...
  6. P

    Ask to Join Zachary's Kanto adventure ( 2.0 )

    " Piplup return you deserve a long rest." " Hydreigon come back out." She threw the pokeball into the air and out come hydreigon. " use Tri attack." A thunderbolt, flamethrower and darkpulse were fired at raichu throwing it at a tree. " Hydreigon" Hydreigon said proud at the damage it had done.
  7. P

    Ask to Join Zachary's Kanto adventure ( 2.0 )

    " Hmm...." she mumbled she decided to switch out hydreigon with piplup so she would have the type advantage. She returned hydreigon and threw piplups pokeball in the air. " Piplup bubble beam go!" Piplup fired the bubbles at sandslash increasing the damage since it was a water type move.
  8. P

    Ask to Join Zachary's Kanto adventure ( 2.0 )

    " Ok then let the battle begin!" " Hydreigon use tri attack." A thunderbolt, Flamethrower and darkpulse were shot at the Sandslash at hydreigons full power. " Good job hydreigon." " Hydreigon hy" Hydreigon said proudly. She waited for Zachary to attack with his sandslash and smiled at him.
  9. P

    Ask to Join Zachary's Kanto adventure ( 2.0 )

    " Great and don't underestimate me." She said as she returned her pokemon. She then took out hydreigons pokeball. " Do your best hydreigon i chose you." Hydreigon burst out of the pokeball ready to battle. "And your pokemon?" She smiled and waited to see who Zachary would chose to battle her...
  10. P

    Open Pokemon School

  11. P

    Ask to Join Zachary's Kanto adventure ( 2.0 )

    " Huh? Oh piplup its the Sinnoh region water starter." " And i have 67." She smiled as she continued to watch the pokemon then looked back at Zachary. " I want to see how strong you are. Lets have a 3 on 3 pokemon battle" " Do you accept the challenge or are you scared." She teased and looked...
  12. P

    Ask to Join Zachary's Kanto adventure ( 2.0 )

    She sent out her pokemon to play Piplup, dragonite, hydreigon .Finally charizard left to play with the other pokemon but now and then watched the two trainers. " I'm Melissa." She reached out her hand to shake his. " And you are?" she said and then looked back at the pokemon playing together.
  13. P

    Ask to Join Zachary's Kanto adventure ( 2.0 )

    She brushed off some dirt from sitting on the ground. She saw a boy approaching her. "Hello" She said and waved. Her charizard eyed the boy to make sure he didnt make any sudden movements and stepped infront of me and roared loudly. " Charizard stop." Charizard did not listen to her and breathed...
  14. P

    Ask to Join Zachary's Kanto adventure ( 2.0 )

    Melissa was sitting in the forest spending time with her pokemon. Enjoying the beautiful day watching some of her pokemon play with wild pokemon. She smiled and laughed happy about her pokemon's happiness rather then her own. " Guys its time to go." She said a little disappointed and got up...
  15. P

    Zachary's Kanto adventure Sign- Ups

    sorry its taking so long im slow on my computer
  16. P

    Ask to Join Zachary's Kanto adventure ( 2.0 )

    (are we starting now?)
  17. P

    Zachary's Kanto adventure Sign- Ups

    Name: Melissa Age: 14 Gender: female Appearance: she wears a purple T shirt and purple shorts Trainer class: Pokemon trainer Pokemon on hand: Charizard ( lvl 70) Hydreigon ( lvl 60) Dragonite ( lvl 75) piplup ( lvl 35) Pokemon in PC: Pikachu ( lvl 20)