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  1. Winged Echo

    Where do you live?

    As someone who lives within half an hour of Dublin in Ireland and visits every odd weekend for retail-related purposes, I can promise you, you aren't missing anything. Oh hey look, I answered the topic within my response :D For more detail, I live in Kildare, a county obsessed with horses and...
  2. Winged Echo

    What are you listening to - Right Now

    Hnnnghh And then this: These are all that's keeping me from going insane while shiny hunting.
  3. Winged Echo

    Pokémon Origins Now Downloadable Through iTunes!

    Apparently Ireland doesn't count as part of the world anymore, tisnae available here :c
  4. Winged Echo

    Hello, children :D

    Hello, children :D
  5. Winged Echo

    3DS/2DS Friend Codes

    Mii: Callum 5129-1167-3084 I'ma add everyone, so feel free to add mine, I'll have added you already :D
  6. Winged Echo

    Pokécharms Day Raffle Results and More!

    Grats to Sho :D
  7. Winged Echo

    Pictures, please ~

    I really need to be more active... Anyway Not noticing camera: Notices camera: And yes, my hair is awful, I know
  8. Winged Echo

    who nicknames their pokemon?

    I nickname most of mine. Sometimes I go through a phase where I want to nickname every single thing I catch differently but it doesn't really last. Most things I nickname though, purely because as a friend said to me once, calling your Pikachu "Pikachu" is like calling your dog "Dog".
  9. Winged Echo

    XBL Gamertags

    Winged_Echo To be honest, the only games I play are Guitar Hero 4 & 6 and Halo 3 every now and then.
  10. Winged Echo

    IRL Names

    Callum Patrick Leo Harrison. I picked Leo for my confirmation name. I'm not religious, I made my confirmation because I was short on cash and Leo is a damn sexy name.
  11. Winged Echo

    What Pets Do You Own?

    Obi - Golden Retriever Jasper - Jack Russell Terrier Miniature Trixie - Three Legged Cat And then there's about 4 white rabbits which seem to have taken a shining to our garden so Ill throw them in there.
  12. Winged Echo

    DPPt/HGSS Elite 4

    Hi i am stuck on the elite 4 and want to know how to get the best out of my infernape, dialga, empoleon, steelix, medicham, chatot, and machamp. Thanks.