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  1. T

    Open Pokemon World.

    Nix bumps into the same trainer from the labs and he fell over "Sorry about that" Nix said to the trainer.
  2. T

    Open Pokemon World.

    Nix was walking back to New Bark Town and when he got there he noticed someone in the lab picking up a Cyndaquil "Well Cyndaquil you sure are a popular starter." He said to his Cyndaquil.
  3. T

    Open Pokemon World.

    Nix walks out of Ilex forest and looks around with his cyndaquil on his shoulder and his riolu by his side and he sighs "Is it only me or is this region getting boring." He says.
  4. T

    Open Pokemon World.

    Name: Nix Age: 14 Personality: Funny, Laidback Appearance: Looks like Gold from Gen 2 with a red hat and scarf on. Team: Riolu and Cyndaquil Region: Johto Previous Regions: None