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  1. blake the deowott

    Open A Different World

    he laughs i knew never that commom pokemon would be rised a god that kinda scarey
  2. blake the deowott

    Open A Different World

    i mean giratina lol
  3. blake the deowott

    Open A Different World

    i heard giratins was some sorta fat bug thing im i correct
  4. blake the deowott

    Open A Different World

    u know i can fight to i took down a charzaird just by use water gun,razor shell and ice beam
  5. blake the deowott

    Open A Different World

    well i was sleeping until someone wanted to growl he sighs glareing at hydri
  6. blake the deowott

    Open A Different World

    wakes up hearing the growl what going on he says quietly as he yawns
  7. blake the deowott

    Open A Different World

    he curls up in a ball not knowing hydri was in pain
  8. blake the deowott

    Open A Different World

    he hops on to hydri's shoulder y would someone keep u in a dark room thats just mean he yawns accidently falling asleep
  9. blake the deowott

    Open A Different World

    hmmm sometimes i wish i could bring my mother but everything has a price to it. his smile slowly faded away he shakes his head trying not to think about it
  10. blake the deowott

    Open A Different World

    he yawns feeling slighly tired. who is this adrian you speak of he seem evil. he thought about his family he sighs shaking his head
  11. blake the deowott

    Open A Different World

    i may not know yall but sure ill tag along
  12. blake the deowott

    Open A Different World

    :: he blushed as he was being hugged :: im...blake...
  13. blake the deowott

    Open A Different World

    ::the wild dewott poked kyu::
  14. blake the deowott

    Open A Different World

    *the young dewott sat down watching them*