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  1. Gavmaster17

    OK tiff. the wild pokemon adventures 1: the journy is ready on pokemonroleplay1

    OK tiff. the wild pokemon adventures 1: the journy is ready on pokemonroleplay1
  2. Gavmaster17

    Hi Tiffany! ;)

    Hi Tiffany! ;)
  3. Gavmaster17

    you click genral disscusion and then the RP you want and then click reply.

    you click genral disscusion and then the RP you want and then click reply.
  4. Gavmaster17

    it got banned but i created my own pokemon roleplay website called...

    it got banned but i created my own pokemon roleplay website called pokemonroleplay1.freeforums.net which wild pokemon adventures is on
  5. Gavmaster17

    Open Eeveelution DayCare Remake!

    "yawn..." claire stumbled out of bed. the past day was a complete blur. she didn't remember anything. as she crawled out of bed she felt like she was forgetting something. she ran outside ready to play, but only to find no one out there. "Hello?" she called. suddenly she saw an umbreon run past...
  6. Gavmaster17

    Open Pokemon day care

    "Let's play in the backyard!" Yelled Gavin. The friends ran outside.
  7. Gavmaster17

    Open A adventure in the hologon region

    Suddenly a giant robot jumped into the street. " WE HAVE COME TO TAKE YOUR CITY" it said in a robotic voice. "Someone help!" Yelled a townsperson.
  8. Gavmaster17

    Open Pokemon day care

    " Hey kids!" Claire said. " this place is built a bit close to the team flare base, but we'll probably be fine! So go play now!"
  9. Gavmaster17

    Open Pokemon day care

    "Want to play?" Said Gavin
  10. Gavmaster17

    Open Pokemon day care

    " Hi!" Said Gavin. "This place seems cool! There's everything here!"
  11. Gavmaster17

    Open Pokemon day care

    Hi! I'm gavmaster17! This is the pokemon daycare! It is a daycare for pokemon, run by Pokémon! This is the character form: Name Gender Role ( Caretaker, or child) Pokémon Species Moves(optional) Home region My characters: Gavin Male Child Squirtle Moves: water gun, water pulse, tackle Kanto...
  12. Gavmaster17

    Open A life's journey RP

    Gavin Male Pokemon: squirtle(lvl 10 water pulse, bubble, tackle, withdraw) Torchic (lvl 8 ember, peck, tackle) Home region: Kanto Favorite Pokémon: squirtle Personality: peppy, doesn't like to lose. Story: Ever since Gavin got his first pokemon, he vowed to be stronger than team rocket who...
  13. Gavmaster17

    Open A adventure in the hologon region

    Claire Female Pokemon: eevee ( lvl 10 quick attack, swift, tackle) sylveon (lvl 12, dazzling gleam, swift, baby doll eyes) alolan vulpix ( lvl 8 ice beam, baby doll eyes, tackle Home region: Alola Favorite Pokémon: Eevee Other: an Eeveeloution trainer Gavin was running down the street when he...
  14. Gavmaster17

    Open Eeveelution DayCare Remake!

    " wait... Claire.. what you did back there... was sorta weird." King said. "Are you calling me WEIRD!!" The symbol on her tail started to glow. She rose into thaw air. Her eyes turned red. "WEIRD!?!?" She blasted fire out of her paw. It hit a table and turned it into ashes. "YAHHHHHH!!" King...
  15. Gavmaster17

    Open Eeveelution DayCare Remake!

    "Family reunion!" Claire said
  16. Gavmaster17

    Open Eeveelution DayCare Remake!

    "Should we tell anyone about our little adventure?" Said Claire
  17. Gavmaster17

    Open Eeveelution DayCare Remake!

    "Phew! Nice adventure! Stella! Fluffy! Want to be friends?" Claire exclaimed.
  18. Gavmaster17

    Open Eeveelution DayCare Remake!

    "Hooray!" Yelled Claire. "Now let's go back! You'll love the daycare king!"
  19. Gavmaster17

    Open Eeveelution DayCare Remake!

    Name:King Gender:Male Species: umbreon Role: child Parents: don't know Moves: dark pulse, tackle Personality: rough but nice Likes: Claire Dislikes: team skull Other: nothing
  20. Gavmaster17

    Open Eeveelution DayCare Remake!

    " puns! Uhh! I should have stayed asleep!" "Help!" They heard from the highest point of the mansion. King was being hung out of the window by a man. " give me Claire or he dies!!" The man yelled