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Okay. I just thought that it would be okay because one of the main reasons for not being allowed to have legendary Pokemon is because there is only one, and in the anime, there is a metric tonne of Phione.
Can I join?
Name: Damien Chevalier
Gender: Male
Image source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/562527809678264845/ (______-二次元里&……_来自旺旺厷宔的图片分享-堆糖网)
Personality: Damien is very shy and didn't have many friends when he moved from Kalos to Ginnoa, and he prefers to write...
There are two criteria I require of you to join.
Criterion 1: Please, please, PLEASE check your spelling.
Criterion 2: Put a little more detail in your form! I'll do so in mine.
Name: Àngel Vivas
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Appearance: (see profile...
Nice idea! Pretty original, from what I've seen on here in the past (I used to just read roleplays and think to myself 'Man, I wish my English was good enough to participate' Now, I have fluency and an account!
Name: Aleix
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Role: Child
Image source...
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