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Search results

  1. Mobutt

    Ask to Join Alola Trainer's Academy

    She did not feel like pressing on this matter, at least now anyways, and nodded her head in a simple manner, her face showing that she'd want to talk about this later. Shadow sensing the tension, he quickly flew back to his master, bowing a little bit at the two Pokemon and Ashley. He cooed in a...
  2. Mobutt

    OC Drawing Requests!

    Take your time. I'd be surprised if you got it done that fast, anyways.
  3. Mobutt

    OC Drawing Requests!

    Name: Laura Jackson (You might know this name.) Gender: Female Age: 15-16 Hairstyle: She has long, dark, luxurious flowing hair that reaches her ankles and a set of pony/pig tails that are shorter by a few inches. Hair Colour: Light Brown. Eye Colour: Light orange, black pupils. Eye Shape...
  4. Mobutt

    Ask to Join Alola Trainer's Academy

    "Nah, don't worry about. I'm not exactly the most formal trainer and as you might have guessed,I may have rubbed off Shadow a bit." The Rowlet, upon being tackled by the Eevee, decided to do the same to it with the same intention of greeting it. "Hey, he seems to be getting into it! Of course...
  5. Mobutt

    Ask to Join Alola Trainer's Academy

    ( Uh, excuse me if I get some things wrong...haven't played SuMo yet-Nigeria. I know what I need to know though. ) Laura was a bit confused and was going to ask about why she was so rude to the Aether Foundation Grunt but upon seeing Ashley's Pokemon, all interest was lost. "Nice Litten and...
  6. Mobutt

    Ask to Join Alola Trainer's Academy

    Laura smiled and then shrugged. "Sure! I mean, it can't hurt and Shadow needs a little bit more interaction. Never been this paranoid before." While she couldn't guess that Ash was afraid of the dark-it didn't seem like something to jump to-Laura could deduce it wasn't solely on just seeing...
  7. Mobutt

    Ask to Join Alola Trainer's Academy

    "Ash, huh? Well, nice to meet you! I'm Laura Jackson, but everyone calls me Laura. A Litten and an Eevee, huh? That's a cool set. All Iprefer is good ol' Shadow." Her Rowlet stopped circling overhead and landed on her outstretched arm, still giving a somewhat suspicious look at Ashley. "He's not...
  8. Mobutt

    Ask to Join Alola Trainer's Academy

    Laura noticed Ash trying to compliment her and had no ability to do the same. For one, she wasn't trying to flirt with her...probably. For two, the tone of her voice seemed to imply she was shy. Finally, Laura did feel a little bit guilty about shutting the gardener down like that. Now he...
  9. Mobutt

    Ask to Join Alola Trainer's Academy

    It seemed that nothing was going to happen, and that Laura were to return to her premises. Besides, it was getting late anyways and she definitely had no business in missing class during her first day of school. With a somewhat heavy heart, she retreated from her secluded form in the forest and...
  10. Mobutt

    Ask to Join Alola Trainer's Academy

    Laura could do nothing but sigh hopelessly as she arrived at the doors of the school. She would much rather be doing anything else worthwhile-like riding on a river or better yet, rock climbing!-but nope. She was here, at a school...again. Yes, again. Laura couldn't help but cringe as she...
  11. Mobutt

    Open Trainers Academy - Sign Ups and Discussion

    If I'm not bothering ya ;-; here's my bio! Name: Laura Jackson. Age: 15. Gender: Female. Appearance: Laura bears long, flowing hair with two very long ponytails-going to her ankles-that were all a dark, luxurious brown. She has long, striped gloves with a fleshy-pink and light-brown colors...
  12. Mobutt

    Are, alright. I don't find it as too much of a problem, anyways.

    Are, alright. I don't find it as too much of a problem, anyways.
  13. Mobutt

    Howdy Coliboom! Thanks for the welcome, by the way.

    Howdy Coliboom! Thanks for the welcome, by the way.
  14. Mobutt

    Trainer Card Maker 4 Trainer Sprite Submissions

    I mean it could be worse so... Name: Mobutt. Category: Other.